Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 3237 The legendary tank

Looking at the torrent of armored Soviet troops rushing towards them, Jack raised his telescope in the dusty sky and clearly saw the model of the vehicle. Jack couldn't help but exclaimed.

"I've never seen that before, General. Is that your army's new tank?"

For the West, it is indeed the first time it has been made public. It is normal to be surprised or shocked. However, this is exactly Malashenko's original intention. He only pulled it out for people to see, and he did not get permission from his superiors. There is talk of a leak.

"Yes, that is the most powerful new main battle tank of the Leader's Army at present. Its firepower, protection, and mobility have been improved in all aspects. After seeing it, you can appreciate its power."

It seems to say everything, but it can also be understood as saying nothing, which is referred to as "nonsense literature".

Any serious soldier can see what Malashenko said. There is actually no difference between listening or not.

But you cannot use this to say that Malashenko did not explain and what he said was false. Every sentence is true and every word is true. How can there be any falsehood at all?

Being disturbed by Malashenko's words of "listening to your words is better than listening to them", Jack, who blinked and didn't expect his reply, could only smile and nod.

"Indeed, General, these tanks have obviously powerful performance."

Pulling it out for you to see does not mean that the detailed parameters will be told to you. Only by mixing strategic clarity and strategic ambiguity can the effectiveness be maximized. This is Malashenko's fundamental purpose.

In fact, the tank galloping on the exercise field at this moment is the most powerful main battle tank currently in service in the Soviet Army, which was born under the close cooperation between Malashenko and the rear military industry department, giving him a number of design ideas and technical guidance—— T-59 main battle tank.

There is another interesting fact worth mentioning. The official equipment number of this tank is not assigned directly by the Soviet Tank and Armored Corps Directorate, as is usually the case.

Instead, in a series of suggestions and reports submitted by Malashenko, Malashenko first proposed the name "T-59" in writing.

What is good at the top will be bad at the bottom.

Knowing that General Malashenko was well supported by Moscow at least in the military field, the Soviet General Directorate of Tanks and Armored Forces naturally followed the name of the equipment first proposed by Malashenko and officially awarded it to the latest model. main battle tank.

The new T-59 main battle tank can be called the master of the Soviet Union's latest tank technology. Once it was born, it directly aspired to the throne of the world's most powerful main battle tank.

This new type of tank pioneered the use of "quartz sand + ceramic" sandwich composite armor for the first time, completely abandoning the "rubber + laminated plywood" type composite armor that had been used on previous Soviet-made tanks with constantly modified configurations. The anti-penetration and anti-break protection effect has been further greatly improved.

In terms of firepower performance, the latest 125mm smoothbore tank gun was installed on the vehicle for the first time. It can fire many types of ammunition such as fin-stabilized discarding sabots, fin-stabilized armor-piercing projectiles, and fin-stabilized high-explosive grenades.

What pleased Khrushchev the most was that, with Malashenko's full support and full assistance, the new 125mm smoothbore tank gun also had the ability to fire cannon-launched missiles.

The Yankees next door are still deliberately studying how to use low-pressure, low-magnification crappy guns to launch missiles and constantly making technical compromises. As a result, the tank guns that are finally born have almost no capabilities that normal tank guns should have. Instead, they put the cart before the horse. "Missile Launcher" time.

The Soviet Army has been the first in the world to integrate radio command-guided missiles with tank guns without affecting the performance of the tank guns themselves, making the new tank guns both powerful and able to launch missiles. Precision strike.

The contrast between these two situations directly hit Khrushchev's point of ecstasy.

Missile enthusiasts were naturally delighted to read it, but now they are completely ahead of the enemy by a technological generation. The double happiness simply does not come too happily and suddenly.

The overjoyed Khrushchev not only issued a commendation order to all the project personnel of the Kharkiv Design Bureau, but also issued a military-wide commendation order to Malashenko, and awarded the Victory Medal at the same time to commend Marashenko. Comrade Shenke has made outstanding contributions in the field of national defense construction.

At first, Malashenko did not understand the meaning of this move. He thought that he did not lead the front-level troops to victory, so why did he pick up such a precious victory medal in vain?

Later, after Lavrinenko heard about this incident, he guessed that it was "a great victory for Comrade Khrushchev" and reminded him.

After a second thought, Malashenko seemed to realize something and immediately gave up. Since it was a meritorious award, he deserved it.

From a practical point of view, the US military on the opposite side is still using the M60 as a backbone. The British guys proudly think that "I am invincible in the world", and the West German guys are still trying hard to fight against the Leopard 1. Change, when the French think "your German Leopard 1 is not as good as my AMX30".

The effect of the T-59's emergence was completely shocking, at least it should be.

However, since its birth, Khrushchev, who regarded it as a treasure, personally interfered with the distribution and deployment of this new tank. In the following years, it was only deployed in the Moscow Garrison and the Western Military District. Due to confidentiality requirements, it was not immediately equipped to Malashenko's East German cluster.

Of course, the secrecy effect is also there. NATO, which "only hears its sounds but never sees its traces", has been able to only stay in the imagination stage for "the latest powerful tanks of the Russians" for a long time.

I only vaguely know that the Russians have such a thing in their hands, but I have no idea and no way of knowing what the thing looks like, what its performance is, and what its strengths and weaknesses are.

This situation lasted until the Soviet army's successor new tank project was officially finalized. It was also implemented under Malashenko's design ideas and technical guidance, and was about to be put into production on the last eve of the first batch.

Malashenko, who has been actively advocating that the East German cluster should also be equipped with newer equipment, only after waiting for several years, got the T-59 main battle tank, which is still the most powerful in the world, at least in the Soviet army's new tank fleet. It is still the case before.

Speaking of which, this happened just last year, less than a year ago.

But even in less than a year, NATO, which has never been closer to the T-59, still has not been able to learn more about the specific situation of this powerful tank.

Not even a close-up photo was taken. Instead, the Stasi took the opportunity to continue fishing and captured more than a dozen people to eat a German feast in the basement.

At the moment, whether it is written information or seeing it with his own eyes, it is the first time in Jack's history that he has seen the true face of this "legendary tank".

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