Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 320 Glory Moment

The Soviet troops in the Siberian Military District who were once commanded by Zhukov and defeated the Japanese Kwantung Army were not soft persimmons.

The bleak snowstorm in the Moscow sky was a common occurrence for these Soviet troops who had been trained in the cold Siberian plains all year round. The brilliant results of defeating the Japanese Kwantung Army, which is regarded as the "Flower of the Imperial Army", have given it outstanding practical experience. When facing the German army, it will not be like the western Soviet army in the early days of the Great Patriotic War. They were beaten to a pulp.

Zhukov, who was extremely comfortable and familiar with the troops of the Siberian Military District, was like a fish in water. On the other hand, the combat effectiveness of the German army, which was extremely unadapted to the cold winter climate of the Soviet Union, was greatly reduced and plummeted. Under the strategic situation of one ebb and flow, these 250,000 people It is natural to imagine how great a role the Soviet troops in the Siberian Military District played.

Although Malashenko, who has long forgotten Sorge's legendary experience, has never thought of such a thing, the wheels of history that are not subject to human subjective will are still rolling forward and intertwining. Moscow, under frontline artillery fire and deadly German air raids, soon ushered in the day of November 6th.

Although many fighter units were temporarily transferred from the frontline troops and other military districts to defend Moscow's airspace, the German troops, like great white sharks smelling the smell of blood, seemed to have learned about the Soviet military parade arrangements and deployment, and strengthened their fighter jets. The number of sorties dispatched by the German bomber formations escorting the troops was more than three times that of the previous week.

In view of this, out of concern for the personal safety of Comrade Stalin, the Supreme Leader of the Soviet Union, the October Revolution commemoration celebrations that used to be held on the ground were moved underground this time. Mayakov is located in the Moscow subway transportation network. Ski Station became the main venue for this commemoration.

At a meeting to celebrate the 24th anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution, Stalin, standing on the podium, delivered a speech titled "The 24th Anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution" to the Moscow military and political leaders present in the audience.

"Comrades, the evil Nazi-Fascist Germany's ambition to capture Moscow will not succeed! Their reserve forces are about to be exhausted, while the reserve forces of our great Soviet Red Army have only just been mobilized to continue to fight on the front lines."

"The strength of these evil fascist lackeys serving Hitler has been greatly weakened by our heroic Red Army soldiers. This means that the so-called blitzkrieg offensive of German fascism against our Soviet Union has been completely bankrupt. Fascist imperialism and its lackey army They will surely encounter the most tragic defeat and destruction under the walls of Moscow!”

Stalin's speech, with a trembling beard and a big beard on his face, was so impassioned and inspiring that all the participants in the subway station and even the Red Army soldiers guarding the venue couldn't help but burst into thunderous cheers.

"Great Comrade Stalin Ulla!"

"The Soviets must win! Moscow must win!"

"Let those fascist lackeys see the iron fist of our Red Army!"

The crimson faith instantly ignited the entire venue like a prairie fire. The belief in victory and determination to resolutely defend Moscow were so strong that filled the hearts of every participant present. Perhaps the outcome of the war had already been decided at this moment. settled.

On the morning of November 7, the sky in Moscow was still filled with white snow, and the bleak cold wind carried the roaring roar of artillery from the distant horizon into people's ears, and sometimes the Soviet fighter jets roared past Moscow. The formation is always on guard against enemies that may appear at any time.

Looking at a formation of Lager 3 fighter jets whizzing past in the sky above his head, Malashenko, who was wearing a fireproof combat uniform and a black leather tank cap instead of an officer's uniform, had already been covered with white snow on his shoulders, and he led All the efforts made by the First Guards Heavy Tank Breakthrough Regiment under his command will face the final test in a few dozen minutes.

After retracting his protruding upper body into the turret, he immediately picked up the inter-car radio transmitter at hand. After pressing the call button, Malashenko forcibly suppressed the overflowing excitement in his heart. The slightly trembling words blurted out as his lips and teeth opened slightly.

"All train crews start the train, keep the engines running and do not stall. Follow my orders and be ready to set off towards Red Square Avenue at any time."

At the same time as Malashenko issued the order, Soviet Supreme Leader Stalin, standing on the Red Square parade platform in front of Lenin's tomb, was making his final speech before the military parade began.

"All great Red Army soldiers, all commanders and fighters, the war you are conducting is a war of liberation and a just war. Let the great Lenin's victory flag guide you and completely crush the German invaders! Destroy the German occupiers!"

"We, the Communist Party of the Soviet Union and the Soviet government, are confident of destroying the German fascist invaders. Hitler's evil empire will definitely collapse at the hands of our great Red Army because of the numerous crimes it has committed."

“This group of unscrupulous, dehumanized, bestial barbarians shamelessly declare that they want to destroy the great Soviet people, Plekhanov and Lenin, Belinsky and Chernyshevsky, Pushkin and Tol The nation of Stay, Gorky and Chekov, Suvorov and Kutuzov!”

"Hitler and his lackeys want to wage a war of annihilation against the people of all ethnic groups in the Soviet Union. Well, since the Germans want to fight a war of annihilation, then they will definitely get a war of annihilation! From now on, our tasks, the tasks of the people of all ethnic groups in the Soviet Union, we The mission of all Red Army soldiers, commanders, and political staff is to annihilate every German and occupier who dares to invade the territory of our sacred motherland!”

As Stalin's impassioned speech came to an end, all attendees of the solemn military parade in the severe cold and snow immediately stood up. High slogans such as Stalin's Comrade Ulla and the Soviets must win and Moscow must win immediately fell to the ground like thunder. The general echoed over Red Square, and the military parade on Red Square immediately began.

Horses dyed white by the snowstorm carried their knights through the broad parade avenue in high spirits. Gas trucks loaded with fully armed Red Army soldiers drove past Stalin and a group of Moscow military and political leaders one after another. .

Trucks pulling anti-tank guns and howitzers were loaded with ammunition across the snow. The T60 light reconnaissance tanks under the white snow roared across the Red Square under the tracks as the vanguard of the tank troops.

Commanding his newly painted No. 177 regiment command vehicle, he walked at the front of the entire tank team. He focused his attention on the steely and determined face on the parade stage, Malashenko, and immediately raised his Right arm.

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