Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 3212 Two Commanders Under the same roof (Part 1)

In the barely tidy office that Zhukov himself had just tidied up, Marshal Sokolovsky, the Soviet chief of staff who had been summoned, was having a tense conversation with Zhukov. {What? You don’t know yet|Read COM, read the chapters without mistakes|Hurry up and Google them}

"Comrade Minister of Defense, I have to remind you again that it is extremely irrational and inappropriate to remove Comrade Malashenko from his post at this time."

"The U.S. military has just adjusted its deployment on the west side of Berlin. The latest rotation of troops has been identified as the U.S. Army's Fourth Armored Division. It is equipped with a large number of new weapons and some experimental equipment that we do not yet understand. By Army General Jack Morrison leads and takes over as commander. He and his troops are the master of the latest armored tactics of the U.S. Army and are extremely threatening. We still have far to understand them-"

"What do you want to say? Do you want to say that this is the reason for keeping Malashenko in prison? If he disobeys orders, there is nothing you can do about him, that's it?"

Marshal Sokolovsky, who could not be said to be speaking for Malashenko, was just speaking on the matter. Moreover, because such a discerning person could see the reason, he dismissed Malashenko.

Not to mention others, even Marshal Sokolovsky himself felt that he could not and should not do something so outrageous.

Thinking of this, Marshal Sokolovsky, determined to continue speaking in the way he originally planned, then faced Zhukov and continued to speak seriously.

"In any case, Comrade Defense Minister, the current situation in Berlin very much needs Comrade Malashenko and the leadership army."

"You know the strength and condition of the troops you dispatched to replace the leader's army. I don't need to say more. Let such troops confront the most elite ace troops of the imaginary enemy in the same city, whether it is deduced on the map or in reality. On a confrontational level, this will be a great disadvantage to us.”

"And we are not without countermeasures. Comrade Malashenko is the person who knows Jack Morrison best. He is even a student taught by Comrade Malashenko himself. If supported by a strong leadership army, we can hand it over to Malashenko. With Comrade Rashenko in charge, the situation in Berlin will be stabilized.”

"Is this your answer to letting a man who has repeatedly disobeyed military orders go against the most difficult opponent who is also very close to him? What on earth are you thinking about, Comrade Sokolovsky."

Marshal Sokolovsky, who was unable to make any sense, felt helpless. He had no choice but to go back to the topic he didn't want to talk about.

"Comrade Minister of Defense, Comrade Malashenko's disobedience is not without reason. I have previously suggested that you carefully consider moving the leadership army back to Moscow at this time, as well as a series of other related decisions, but -"


Before Marshal Sokolovsky finished speaking, Zhukov also looked displeased and was about to answer the conversation when a sudden knock on the door interrupted their conversation and forced them to pause.

"Come in!"

"Comrade Marshal, Marshal Vatutin is here and he wants to see you immediately."


The person who knocked on the door was the secretary on duty in the corridor outside the door. Upon hearing this, Zhukov frowned in an unexpected way.

Vatutin is now in Moscow, and Zhukov knows about it.

As the commander of the cluster in East Germany, Vatutin just came back to hold a meeting of the Supreme Command in the past two days and made a routine report at the meeting.

It was also because the position of the East German Cluster Commander was too important and it was necessary to attend the meeting, so I came.

But he didn't expect that Vatutin would come to him directly at this juncture without even saying hello. Zhukov didn't remember that he had a meeting with Vatutin in his schedule today.

As for the specific reason why he came, and it was an urgent matter to "see him immediately," Zhukov felt that he could probably guess it.

"Is he the only one?"

"Yes, Comrade Marshal. Apart from the accompanying guards, the only person who asked to see me was Marshal Vatutin."

Even Zhukov felt strange why he subconsciously asked such a question. Could it be that he was worried that Malashenko would not come with him?

After thinking about it, it shouldn't be so. Not long after I left here, I turned around and turned back. Could it be that I wanted to come back to redeem something?

Thinking about the attitude and content of Malashenko's words to him, he felt that it was not the case. Zhukov, without thinking any more, immediately raised his head and replied.

"I understand. Bring Comrade Vatutin over. I'll meet him in the office."

"Okay, Comrade Marshal, I'll do it right now."

Watching the secretary on duty leave and close the door, Zhukov once again turned his attention back to the current conversation and knew that there was not much time left. He quickly solved the matter and there were still other problems waiting for him. Handle it yourself.

"That's it for now, Comrade Sokolovsky."

"Immediately draft an order in the name of the General Staff Headquarters to formally notify the East German Cluster Command of the removal of all Malashenko's posts. The removed posts will be temporarily performed by the deputy commander, and new appointments will be made later. Notification is in place.”

"By the way, I took Malashenko's disobedience and lack of sense of military mission as negative teaching material, compiled a report, and sent it to me together with the draft order. This bad sign must not become a precedent. , once discovered, it must be completely eliminated.”

Seeing what Zhukov said, he was unwilling to call Malashenko even a "comrade" from beginning to end.

Just by hearing these words, he knew that Marshal Sokolovsky had made up his mind. He sighed secretly. He wanted to say something, but it was probably of no use. Besides, Vatutin was coming soon and there was no time. He simply saluted Zhukov and took the order and left.

But he didn't expect that Vatuking would come faster than he expected. As soon as he went out and didn't go far in the corridor, he met Vatuking who was walking quickly.

"Comrade Chief of Staff, what happened!? Why did I hear that Malashenko was dismissed? Is this true!?"

Sokolovsky didn't know what news channel Vatutin knew about this matter. He only knew that this matter would be known sooner or later, and it would be widely known. It made no sense to care about why Vatutin knew it so quickly.

As for now, all that is left for Vatutin is Sokolovsky's helpless shaking of his head.

"The order was given by Comrade Minister of Defense himself, and he had the right to do so. The reason was that Comrade Malashenko disobeyed the order."

"What did you say!? Disobeying orders? Are you kidding me? Don't you know what Comrade Malashenko is like? If he disobeyed orders, wouldn't the hundreds of thousands of Nazis and Japanese invaders he destroyed have violated the regulations? Was it destroyed by military order?"

At this point, he no longer knew what to say. Facing Vatutin who looked in disbelief and shock, the only thing Marshal Sokolovsky could do was to pat his shoulder and give a careful reminder.

"Comrade Minister of Defense has ordered the General Staff to draft a formal order to remove Comrade Malashenko from his post, as well as a report that uses Comrade Malashenko's disobedience as negative teaching material. I am here to accept this order face to face."

"You know I also - hey, be careful to control your emotions, old comrade, we will talk when we have time."

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