Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 3190 If he doesn’t want to be decent, then we will help him be decent

"Kurbalov sent a message that the mission was completed and the main battle was over. The Japanese navy in the port was completely wiped out, and the two ships of gold, silver, jewelry, antiques, calligraphy and paintings were all recaptured. The specific quantities are being counted and should be available soon. The results."

"The remaining Japanese army units were huddled in the main city. They seemed to be shaken after seeing the fate of the navy. Kulbalov had already sent the captured Japanese navy to persuade them to surrender."

"What's interesting is the answer of these armies. They neither dared to kill the envoys nor insulted the naval prisoners who came to persuade them to surrender. They just said that they would consider it. Then they specially sent people to escort the naval prisoners back and hand them over to In the hands of Kulbalov."

"Send the navy to persuade the army to surrender?"

After listening to Comrade Political Commissar's report, Malashenko was stunned for a moment, then laughed dumbly and shook his head.

"Kurbalov is really good at playing. I'm surprised that those army pigheads didn't kill the navy who came to persuade him to surrender on the spot."

"However, this does illustrate a problem, which is interesting."

Looking at Malashenko's thoughtful and smiling face, the political commissar leaning at the desk immediately smiled and spoke.

"What's the question? It'll amuse you at this time."

Comrade Political Commissar obviously knew the answer. Malashenko knew it when he turned around and looked at Comrade Political Commissar's expression.

Come to think of it, I'm just curious at the moment and want to hear the answer from my own mouth.

Malashenko, who had no intention of selling out, replied with a smile.

"Of course, those army pigheads also understand that they are in danger. I kind of understand Kulbalov's intention of playing this way. There is a high probability that he also wants to use this to test the attitude of those army troops."

"If you really want to fight us to the end, just because of the conflict between the Japanese army and navy, the cowards who dare to surrender to the Russians should be dragged out immediately and destroyed. The reason is very good. But those army pigheads did not do that. Instead, he sent the prisoner back to give him a message, don’t you think it’s interesting?”

The political commissar who could guess what Malashenko would probably say nodded, and estimated that the small amount of remaining army troops in the city did not have much time left.

Given the current situation, it can almost be said that the countdown to surrender has begun.

The entire deep hinterland under the control of the Kwantung Army is now full of Red Army troops. The leader's army with the fastest offensive has arrived in Dalian. Anyone with some brains and not a pure fool can think of what this means.

Thinking of this, Comrade Political Commissar, who was also very concerned about the situation on his own side, spoke immediately.

"It seems that the problem on Kulbalov's side has been basically solved, and what's left is our side. Yamada Otozo has been surrounded by us for most of the day, and there are less than ten left before the last time limit you gave him. It’s almost an hour. If he doesn’t surrender by then, what are you going to do?”

After successively eliminating the two groups of Japanese troops stationed at the Dadong District Arsenal and the Hunhe District, Malashenko personally commanded the troops of the Varosha Division and continued to move towards the location of Yamada Otsuzo, who had only a few remaining soldiers on hand - located in Heping District. The Kwantung Army Headquarters marched.

Although I don’t know what the old devil Yamada Otsuzo thinks, we can tell something from his actual actions.

The southern urban area to the east adjacent to the Peace Zone was originally the last buffer zone and line of defense to defend Yamada Otosan's lair, and troops should be mobilized to defend it.

But the actual situation is that Yamada Otsuzo completely gave up this urban defense line that could have been used, and even withdrew all the small number of Japanese troops originally stationed here to maintain the blockade.

After learning about this situation from the intelligence passed by Chen Weiguo, Malashenko did not hesitate. In line with the principle of "the enemy retreats while we advance", he immediately sent troops forward to take over the southern part of the country left behind after the Japanese troops withdrew. urban area.

As a result, Malashenko is now only one zone away from Yamada Otozo.

Just cross the district boundary and walk a few kilometers further to the Kwantung Army headquarters where Yamada Otsuzo is located. This is also the moment when Malashenko is closest to Yamada Otsuzo in a straight line.

Malashenko, who could feel Yamada Otsuzo's inner turmoil becoming increasingly intense, immediately issued an ultimatum to the Kwantung Army headquarters in the form of a clear message.

They were given twenty-four hours to make a decision, whether to surrender or die. There was no third option.

Malashenko, who could no longer remember how many Nazi generals had died in his own hands, did not mind sending Yamada Otozo away as well, provided that the old devil really wanted to die on his own.

As Comrade Political Commissar said, more than half a day has passed since Malashenko's ultimatum was issued, leaving only less than ten hours for Yamada Otozo to hesitate and make a choice.

Malashenko really wanted Yamada Otozo, an old devil, to surrender and bring all the remaining Kwantung Army remnants to a relatively decent end, so that most of the battles on all fronts would be resolved.

With the strong pressure and heavy casualties given by the Red Army, coupled with the surrender order from the Kwantung Army headquarters, those Japanese soldiers who still want to survive and have hope will know what they should do.

The reason is very simple. In history, the Kwantung Army surrendered in 1945. It was no big deal. People follow the herd. As long as there is a leader, the rest will follow, at least most of them will. There are only a handful of Japanese soldiers who will fight to the end after receiving the surrender order.

And now, the key breakthrough to achieve this goal lies with Yamada Yizo.

Without the Emperor's "Tamaune Broadcasting", the surrender order could only be issued by Yamada Otsuzo, which would be the most effective and effective.

Malashenko knew that this matter could not be forced out by force, so he extended the ultimatum to 24 hours to let the old devil Yamada Otozo think carefully and recognize the reality.

Don't do all the shitty things in your fucking head, just make a wise choice that's good for everyone.

As for the question "What to do if you don't surrender by then" asked by Comrade Political Commissar, Malashenko, after thinking about it for a while, gave a straightforward answer without hesitation.

"The answer to this question is definitely to use coercive means. Since Yamada Otozo doesn't want to be dignified, then we will help him be dignified. Whether he dies decently or lives dignifiedly is not important to me. It doesn't matter."

"But even so, I still want to say that there is a high probability that Yamada Otozo will be decent on his own. It is a very, very high probability. I can almost be sure of this."

"Oh? Why? Why are you so sure?"

Facing the question from Comrade Political Commissar, Malashenko could not say, "That old devil was a proper surrenderer in the era before I traveled through time. Among the senior Japanese generals, he was the most active in surrendering." After thinking about it, After that, I could only smile and speak quietly to the political commissar comrades.

"I don't know, maybe it's intuition. Actually, I don't really believe in this thing, but this time, my intuition is very strong."

"Anyway, there isn't much time left. We have done what we need to do. The tanks and cannons have hit Yamada Otsuzo's nose. Next, we will see how this old devil chooses his own path."

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