Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 210 The trembling last red flower

On the Soviet-German battlefield in 1941, it was not the first time that division commanders and division-level political commissars went to the front line to lead the charge, but it was definitely not common and was indeed rare.

In the past battles, the battalion-level political commissar took the lead in launching Ula's Soviet charge, which was quite terrifying and left the German army with lingering fears. If the battalion-level political commissar was directly replaced by a division-level political commissar and accompanied by the division commander, what would be the effect? It is natural to imagine how terrifying the effect will be.

Led all the remaining staff members and non-combatants of the division, a total of more than 50 people, picked up their weapons and went to the front line. The division commander, Colonel Donskoi, who rushed to the front of the team, and his two political commissar partners beside him, took the lead in shouting. He rushed all the way with the slogan "Ula".

After seeing this situation, the remaining Soviet troops in the position that were originally fighting with the Germans were stunned at first. In the eyes of the Germans, the hell horns that looked like devils suddenly sounded over the position in an unprecedented formation.




The one after another hurrays and shouts were so high that they even overshadowed the sound of battlefield guns and the roar of German tank engines. More than a thousand Soviet troops launched a group charge, almost instantly overwhelming the young German soldiers who had never seen such a terrifying situation. The soldiers were so frightened that they were stunned.

Some German veterans who had personally experienced how terrifying the Soviet group's Ula charge in previous battles turned pale in an instant. After solving the battle at hand, they set up weapons in nearby bunkers and trenches without saying a word and were ready.

"Don't mess around! Shoot! Shoot quickly to stop them from getting closer!"

The MG34 general-purpose machine gun with a theoretical limit rate of fire of up to 1,200 rounds per minute red-hot one barrel after another and fired wildly. The German submachine gunner who had exhausted all the magazines he was carrying simply threw away the gun in his hand. , picked up the bloody Mosin-Nagant rifle that fell to the ground, pulled the bolt, and fired.

The German veterans, who were as anxious as ants on a hot pot, kept firing with all the launch weapons they could find at hand. The German recruits with slightly lower psychological quality were so frightened by the loud shouts that they could not even hold their guns steadily and directly Lost aim.

After all, the firepower of the German vanguard troops that invaded the Soviet position was not enough to stop the surging red wave and they collided directly.

The Soviet infantrymen grabbed whatever they could find and stabbed their bayonets into the chests of the intruders, smashed the helmets off the heads of German soldiers with iron clubs, and even threw their opponents to the ground and tore them apart with their mouths. throat and blood splattered everywhere.

The German tanks that invaded the Soviet position tried to move and use their steel tracks to crush the swarming Soviet soldiers. The Soviet soldiers, who were so crazy that they were not afraid of death, climbed up with bare hands like moths to a flame. The German tanks had not yet been fully accelerated.

The lives of their dead comrades who were crushed under the tracks could not extinguish the fire of anger boiling in the hearts of these Soviet soldiers. After climbing onto the German tank with their bare hands and forcefully prying off the top cover of the opponent's turret, the Soviet soldiers did not have time to do anything. What, the German commander who was already prepared in the turret shot him through the chest with a pistol and fell down.

The remaining Soviet soldiers clinging to the German tank were not deterred by this. Several grenades clenched in their hands were directly thrown into the fighting room along the pried-off turret roof with hissing smoke. among.

After a few muffled sounds, the German Type IV C tank stumbled into the crater like a killed bull and never moved again.

Needless to say, no crew member escaped. The Soviet infantrymen, who had destroyed an enemy tank in the most passionate way, had already begun to pick up their weapons and look for the next enemy.

Encountering the most terrifying type of infantry charge during World War II, the German vanguard were under tremendous pressure and could not stop the Soviet army's firepower advantage from rushing forward to close the distance. This was quickly offset by the Soviet army's numerical advantage that launched a desperate counterattack. Empty and precarious.

The German commander, who witnessed this scene with his telescope on the rear attack starting position, refused to give up, and blurted out a firm and iron-blooded order immediately afterwards.

"Immediately invest in the third wave of attack troops to expand the results and stabilize the front, and order the armored troops to rush up in a dense formation to crush those Ivans! No matter what, we must capture this position!"

The infantry of the third wave of the German attack force, which was dispatched immediately after receiving the order, rode a few SDKFZ251 half-track vehicles and tanks to form a mechanized force, forcibly increasing the attack speed.

It didn't take long for the third wave of German attacking troops, which greatly shortened the time on the charge, to rush into the Soviet position through the gap and join the leading troops. The German army, which had greatly increased its strength and had more tanks and half-track armored vehicles, immediately began to rely on its firepower superiority to counterattack and attack. The scale of victory had begun to tilt slowly in a direction more favorable to the German army.

Colonel Donskoy, who went to the front line and was leading the troops to launch the final counterattack, saw that the battlefield situation was becoming more and more unfavorable to his own side. After losing all important technical weapons, the last group of remaining troops relied only on flesh and blood, no matter how brave they were. It was really difficult to restore the situation of the battle. Colonel Donskoy, who gradually had a will to die in his heart, could not help but tighten the pistol in his hand.

"Maybe it's time, Comrade Commander, are you ready?"

Xun Sheng turned his head and looked at the political commissar beside him who had been his partner for many years. Colonel Donskoy, whose face was so dark and red that his original appearance was almost blurry, immediately grinned without hesitation.

"It's just like what we swore under the party banner, isn't it?"

From the firm eyes between each other, they both found the answer they were expecting. Commander Donskoi, who was holding the Tokarev TT33 pistol tightly in his hand, immediately raised his hand and wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth.

"This is the final charge, comrades. Get ready, follow me!"

Immediately following the division commander Donskoy, who held his pistol high, the political commissar, who was also holding the weapon in his hand, immediately gave a final shout in a slightly tragic tone.



Before the heroic division-level political commissar could finish his words, a loud boom of artillery suddenly came from a distance of up to a hundred meters behind him, immediately interrupting his mid-sentence slogan.

A German Panzer III tank a hundred meters away from the Donskoy Upper Campus was instantly struck by a rapidly approaching 76mm hooded armor-piercing grenade, which penetrated the body armor and blew off the entire turret.

The Independent First Heavy Tank Breakthrough Battalion, which arrived at full speed before the last moment, immediately launched a counterattack against the German armored forces.

"Kirill, reload armor-piercing ammunition! Iushkin, aim at the No. 3 tank leading at one o'clock and smash these fascist lackeys!"

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