Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 153 Done

As a senior commander of the Red Army who not long ago served as the Chief of General Staff of the Red Army, due to the outbreak of the war, Zhukov had to constantly deal with various strategic matters on the front line to coordinate the overall situation. Personally, Zhukov has really not thought too much about the minutiae of the military's future equipment development.

Although this was the first time he heard such speculation about the enemy's tank future development plan from others and he was unprepared, this did not prevent Zhukov, a quick-thinking and efficient God of War of the Red Army, from understanding what it contained. reason.

He sat upright on the seat with his right hand leaning on his knee and thought for a while. Zhukov, who increasingly felt that Malashenko's speculation was reasonable, then spoke slowly again with a solemn expression.

"Major Malashenko, I remember you just mentioned the speculation about the development plan of the new German tank. I am very interested in this aspect, just like just now, don't mind it, tell me your reasoning boldly Come out and discuss it.”

Seeing that Zhukov, who looked solemn and difficult to fathom, did not comment on the German tank improvement plan he just mentioned, but instead raised a new question, Malashenko, who was furious, simply continued without saying anything.

"Yes, Comrade Commander."

"As for the German army's future development plan for new tanks, I personally think that the German army may continue to proceed in two steps. The reason is very simple."

"Even if the German army's improvement plan for the Panzer III and IV tanks is implemented, it is ultimately just an emergency transitional work based on an outdated design to meet the current urgent actual combat needs."

"The design plans and concepts of the Panzer III and Panzer IV tanks have become seriously outdated in the face of our army's T34 tanks and KV series heavy tanks. The transitional design plan improved during the war in order to meet the needs of the front line only treats the symptoms but not the root cause. The Germans undoubtedly need A newly designed new tank will change this situation.”

Facing Malashenko's ongoing analysis, Zhukov, with his right hand on his knees, still sat upright and listened quietly without saying a word.

"After suffering the impact of our army's KV series heavy tanks, the Germans, as invaders, have no reason not to develop heavy tanks with strong offensive capabilities. At the same time, the old No. 3 and 4 medium tanks are also due to their relatively outdated design. If replacement is needed, the Germans should simultaneously launch plans for the development of new heavy tanks and medium tanks.”

Upon hearing this, Zhukov's eyes suddenly flashed, as if he had grasped the key point of what he wanted in his heart, and he suddenly raised his left hand to signal Malashenko to stop speaking.

"Wait a moment, Major Malashenko. You just said that the Germans may launch research and development plans for new medium tanks and new heavy tanks at the same time, right?"

Facing Zhukov's eyes waiting for an answer, Malashenko, who knew the direction of all German tank research and development projects throughout World War II, nodded slowly.

"Yes, Comrade Commander, this is actually not difficult to understand."

"Let's think about it for a moment. If we are the German army playing the role of invaders, when we find that the tanks and equipment in our hands are all obsolete in front of the enemy, those old tanks and equipment are taken advantage of by the enemy and we are at an absolute disadvantage. Equipment will inevitably need to be completely eliminated with new equipment.”

As his mind kept spinning, he carefully considered every word Malashenko had just said. With the current development of the war situation in mind, Zhukov, who was coordinating the overall situation as a senior commander of the Red Army, could not help but feel the lingering sound in his ears. nod.

"If you think carefully about every war the Germans have fought in the past, the swift blitzkrieg offensive has indeed ended the war before the Germans were slowed down by inferior equipment."

"This evil invasion war launched by the Germans against our motherland will surely evolve from the blitzkrieg hoped for by the Germans into a protracted tug-of-war with the support of the strong willpower of our Red Army."

"Our motherland is different from those small European countries. Its huge strategic depth is the nemesis of the German blitzkrieg. Even if the Germans are still immersed in the fantasy of occupying Moscow before winter, they will definitely be affected by the war situation in the near future. Develop and be aware of and forced to accept and adapt to this.”

"A long-term and protracted tug of war requires the support of a more sophisticated equipment system than the blitzkrieg. If the Germans want to win this war, there is no reason not to invest energy and funds in developing new powerful equipment that can catch up with our army. This is inevitable. the result of."

"Your analysis and reasoning is very correct, Major Malashenko! This is a detail issue that even I have never thought of before. Your talent in this area deserves recognition. I think it is necessary to make these relevant to future enemies and ourselves. The reasoning about the situation and the development of the war must be submitted to Moscow, and the Germans’ progress in the development of new tanks must be paid enough attention.”

Hearing Zhukov's words was almost equivalent to fully agreeing with what he had just said. Malashenko, who had always been worried about the near future when the Soviet tank superiority would be completely reversed by the German army, couldn't help but let out a long breath. .

"Fortunately, if you can convince Zhukov, the general who will have the most say in the Red Army in the future, you have already won half the battle. The remaining thing is to see whether Zhukov can convince his loving comrade. After all, the new tank research and development project is Zhukov alone cannot have the final say on such a major event. I just hope that the IS series heavy tanks and T3485 can be put into actual combat earlier than in 1944. "

Being able to drive newer and more powerful Stalin series heavy tanks is the basic guarantee for Malashenko to pursue his goal of survival. Otherwise, if he really drives the KV1 to go head-to-head with the Tiger and Panther, Malashenko will shake his head secretly in his heart. I really can't imagine how miserable my death will be.

The discussion, which lasted for more than half an hour, finally came to an end when Zhukov raised his hand to look at his watch and realized that time had run out.

Zhukov's inner evaluation of Malashenko has improved by more than one level after this conversation. He has silently memorized the name of this young tank major who performed exceptionally well. This kind of feeling made Zhukov feel instantly awakened. This feeling of enlightenment had not occurred in his military career for a long time.

"It seems necessary to mention his name in the report sent to Moscow. After the counter-revolutionary suppression incident, there is indeed a need to promote some young people with real abilities. It should be time to send him to a bigger stage."

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