Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 129 Flesh Grinder (Part 1)

Backman, who had just arrived in the Soviet Union to participate in the Barbarossa invasion, could not understand what the Russian meant, but there was no doubt that what these Soviet soldiers who had broken into the door and were about to launch a search said The content is definitely not a good word to invite him to come out and play together.

Creak - creak - creak -

The ear-numbing sound of the boot soles stepping on shards of glass was like piercing Buckman's eardrums, making his heart race and beat wildly. The approaching footsteps heralded the arrival of the unstoppable result. Buckman, who was holding the MP38 submachine gun tightly in his hands and already soaked with sweat from his palms, was about to step out and raise his gun to shoot. The man behind Buckman A store wall suddenly collapsed with the roar of artillery fire.


When the PAK38 50mm anti-tank gun fired at such a close range, the formation was astonishingly powerful. A Type 40 tungsten-core armor-piercing projectile, engulfed in muzzle flames, instantly passed through the wall at kilometers per second. The flying speed went straight towards the Soviet heavy tank only twenty meters away.

It has a penetration depth of up to 130 mm against 90-degree vertical homogeneous steel armor at a shooting distance of less than 100 meters. This 50 mm 40-type tungsten core armor-piercing projectile can still penetrate the wall even after the kinetic energy of the projectile is weakened. The power is impressive.

Immediately, with an almost completely straight flight trajectory, it rushed straight towards the KV1 heavy tank with the entire side of the body completely exposed.

The KV1 heavy tank, which does not have sloped armor on the sides of the body to enhance equivalent defense, adopts a completely 90-degree vertical body side armor protection design.

Although such a design method is conducive to the efficient use of the space inside the vehicle and the performance of the crew members for heavy tanks, it also corresponds to the fact that the Type 40 tungsten core armor-piercing bullets equipped by the German army do not have a positive effect by being capped, but are only effective against vertical armor. It is a characteristic that can exert its maximum power when needed.

The vertical homogeneous steel armor on the side of the car body with a thickness of only 75 mm was directly penetrated by the Type 40 tungsten core armor-piercing projectile without any suspense. After penetrating the side armor, the uncharged tungsten armor-piercing projectile immediately collided and shattered in the combat room of the car body. Come on.

The scattered tungsten core fragments cut the three crew members into a pile of bloody mud in just the blink of an eye. The seriously injured commander and gunner immediately began to abandon the vehicle and escape. The Soviet troops were awakened by the loud sound of the gunfire. The infantry immediately turned around and prepared to aim their guns in the direction of the cannon fire.

"Now! Do it!"

A crisp command in German from a three-story building on the street was like a spark that instantly lit the fuse of the entire battle.

The booby traps preset by the German combat engineer team on both sides of the street were immediately detonated manually after an order was given. The huge explosion and the wave of flames instantly submerged the entire column of Soviet infantry and tank coordination troops.

Street fighting, which is as cruel as a meat grinder grinding flesh and blood, is undoubtedly the last battle situation that any army in the world wants to face.

The black muzzle sticking out from nowhere and various booby trap devices may kill you at any time. Unpredictable attacks may strike from any angle and any place at any time.

Being attacked unpredictably has always been the most brutal disadvantage in street fighting for the attacking army. This has not changed even in the 21st century street fighting in later generations.

Anti-government armed forces and rebel organizations armed with various crude light weapons can rely on such geographical advantages to defeat even the ground forces of the world's top three powerful armies, causing them to flee and suffer heavy casualties. Compared with the Soviet army's comprehensive combat effectiveness, the German army can naturally imagine what kind of results it will have after occupying such a geographical advantage.

Still recovering from the detonation of booby traps on both sides of the street, the detonation smoke and dust that filled the air was like battlefield fog, blocking the view of the Soviet offensive troops and making it difficult to see where the enemy was.

But at this moment, the German troops deployed in the buildings on both sides of the street, already in ambush, did not have the constraints and taboos of so many unfavorable factors.

The Germans, who only knew the approximate location of the Soviet army, took advantage of the opportunity before the explosion smoke had completely dispersed and immediately began to add insult to injury. The barrage of 92mm bright green tracer machine guns splashed like water and immediately hit the Soviet infantry and tank coordination troops.


A considerable part of the barrage of various German light and heavy weapons that came towards our own side during the strafing fire hit the armor plates of the Soviet tanks in vain.

The Soviet infantry who had not yet fully recovered from the aftermath of the explosion suffered this catastrophe again. The German MG34 machine gun barrage could feel the hot temperature as it screamed past their scalp, just like a tower that could capture the enemy at any time. The Soviet infantry was unable to lift its head under the weight of a mountain of human life.

Listening to the clanging sound of small arms bullets outside his car, Malashenko, who was clearly aware of the cruelty of street fighting, immediately picked up the communicator at hand and spoke to the various crews under his command. Ordered.

"Follow the trajectory of the incoming tracer bullet to find out the approximate location of the Kraut machine gun position! Vehicles 101 and 102 immediately eliminated the Kraut machine gun bunker on the street in front! Don't care whether there are civilians in the building, just use the main gun to destroy the entire A small building!”

After finishing the sentence, before he could give any further orders, as if he was afraid that Malashenko would forget it, the German PAK38 50mm anti-tank gun once again launched another attack with the roar of the muzzle.

The whizzing Type 40 tungsten-core armor-piercing projectile lost considerable accuracy due to the obstruction of the explosion smoke. The only achievement of the tungsten-core armor-piercing projectile that passed by the rear of the Soviet KV1 heavy tank was to kill a man who could not dodge. The Soviet infantry blocked the middle and broke into two pieces.

The huge sound of artillery that suddenly rang out again at such a close range overshadowed the sound of small arms fire finally caught Malashenko's attention.

But before Malashenko, who was about to make a countermeasure, grabbed the communicator at hand and gave an order, a KV1 heavy tank numbered 214 suddenly turned around in the smoke and dust, and the roaring diesel engine drove the heavy tank. Like a mad beast, the 47-ton steel body crashed into a street store where the German anti-tank gun team was hiding.

Buckman felt the ground beneath his feet shaking more and more violently. Although he could not see the specific situation clearly because the smoke from the explosion had not dissipated, the roaring and roaring engine noise was not a good thing after all.

Driven by his sharp intuition, Buckman hurriedly dodged and hid in the corner of the room before the last moment came. The KV1 heavy tank that passed by almost slammed into Buckman's heels. inside the store.

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