There was a sudden knock on the study door, rhythmically, like a code word.

"..." Mina's expression became serious in an instant, she exchanged a glance with Liu Feng, put down the novel in her hand, and left the study with brisk steps.


A few minutes later.


"Master, Darlene and the others have received a letter." As soon as Mina entered the study, Xiao Bao handed the letter to Liu Feng.

"Kah..." Liu Feng tore open the envelope curiously, spread out the letter paper, and read it from the beginning to the end. At the beginning, there was only a slight smile on the corner of his mouth, but he couldn't hold back the smile behind him.

"Hahahaha...Okay, that's great." Liu Feng smiled heartily.

"It seems that Darlene has succeeded." Mina's mouth was full of smiles. Knowing that Darlene and Iris were traveling far away, the young master was actually very worried. After all, it was too far away, and the accident could not be caught up.

"Look." Liu Feng handed the letter to Maoerniang.

Mina took the letter and muttered in a low voice, "This is Darlene, and now we have started to return..."

The letter said three things. One was that the iron ore business was negotiated, and the deal was made with linen and grain.

The second is that the dwarves have a princess who wants to come to Xiyang City.

Third, Darlene and the others are on their way back.

"That's great." Liu Feng is in a good mood, and now the steel problem in Xiyang City has been solved.

The development of Xiyang City is limited by steel resources. Without steel, many things cannot be carried out. For example, the city wall project has been stranded for a long time because of the lack of steel.

There is also a landmark building, which is the tallest building in Xiyang City. Now it has only three floors, and the steel used in the follow-up is not a small amount.

Then there is the construction of the new castle, plus the road leading to the city of Somalia, and the construction of those post stations and villages and towns. The steel used is huge, let alone the steam train.

But now it's all right, Darlene has negotiated the iron ore export business of the Aoli Dwarf Kingdom, so there is no need to worry about the iron and steel in Xiyang City in the future.

"But young master, they want so much linen? With the stock in our warehouses in Xiyang City, it doesn't seem to be enough." Mina frowned slightly, a little worried.

"For the linen, this is easy to solve. Didn't the city lords send letters saying that a lot of the linen they wove is piled up in the warehouse, and there is no way to sell it? Now this is a good opportunity." Liu Feng's black eyes flashed inward. With a semblance of wisdom.

"Master, do you mean to let them sell the linen to the Aoli Dwarf Kingdom?" Mina blinked her blue eyes and asked in amazement.

"Of course not... You will know when the time comes. Now inform the city masters and nobles who are cooperating with us to gather in Xiyang City in ten days. I have something to announce." Liu Feng ordered with a faint smile.

"Yes." Mina didn't ask much, picked up a pen and paper, and wrote a letter. This is the original manuscript. Later, I will arrange for people to print more than a dozen copies of the same content, and then send it out through a special channel.

"How about the wheat that was opened up now?" Liu Feng asked softly.


"The management is very good, and there will definitely be a bumper harvest this autumn." Mina said happily.

"That's good, send more people to watch, and don't let some people steal it." Liu Feng said calmly.

The land reclamation he was talking about was the land reclaimed while building roads, which was many times larger than the grain fields on the other side of the Youshui River. This batch was planted just in time for the harvest season in autumn.

It will take more than a month for Darlene and the others to come back, and it will already be autumn. First, a batch of wheat in stock will be traded. When the second batch of iron ore arrives, the wheat will be harvested. Are you afraid that there will be no food exports? !

Moreover, Xiyang City is still in the process of reclamation of wasteland. By that time, all the improved wheat and rice will be planted, and the output will be extremely amazing. It will be enough to export to the entire Aoli Dwarf Kingdom next time.

. . . . 0

"Yes." Mina replied earnestly. Not only wheat and polished rice are grown around Xiyang City, but also many other crops. Losing even a little bit will make people feel sad.

"When Darlene and the others come back, it will be autumn, and the harvest will not be far away." Liu Feng sighed, remembering that when he first arrived in Xiyang City, the people here could not have enough to eat.

It is not even warm enough to wear. Although there is some wheat and the like, but there is still worry about the plunder of horse thieves. Not only that, but also pay various taxes, life is extremely hard.

Now it's completely different. Every household can eat and sleep well, wear clothes when it's cold, and don't have to pay so many messy taxes, and live happily.

"Mina, remember to remind Anli to tell the people in the brewery to brew a large amount of Youhe Daqu as soon as possible." Liu Feng ordered to Mina.

"Yes." Mina nodded, knowing that the young master planned to sell a large amount of these wines to the Aoli dwarf kingdom. After all, dwarves are addicted to alcohol. After coming to Xiyang City, they will definitely buy a lot of wine.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . .

"Second watch, ( ̄▽ ̄). Please support."

Chapter 813 Fleur flying up.

The next day, the air force base not far from Xiyang City.

Today is the day of air force training. Many soldiers are already getting ready on the flying platform. At the same time, there are eight people lined up under the flying platform, looking up. These eight people are recruits who have just been recruited. Today They're about to start their first test flight.

And those soldiers on the stage are all veterans, they are already familiar with flying, today Niu Er arranged to demonstrate to these new recruits.

"Today is your first test flight. I hope you can learn from it when you demonstrate..." Niu Er looked at the eight recruits in front of him seriously, and said encouraging words.

Since they were able to go through layers of selection and finally enter the Air Force, it proved that their talent and understanding ability are better than ordinary people. After systematic training, they took the first test flight today. Niu Er really wants to know how far they can finally achieve . "Seven Forty"

"Yes." The eight recruits shouted immediately, their faces expressionless, but their eyes were filled with tension and excitement.

"Very good." Niu Er nodded in satisfaction, and then walked onto the flying platform.

"Get ready, No. 1 takes off, and No. 2 is ready." Niu Er shouted at the top of his voice, "Standard interval, five seconds."

Then, under the excited and nervous eyes of the eight recruits, these veterans rushed down the cliff one by one, and the last one who didn't hold back all jumped down.

Not long after, the veterans were gliding in the sky, making the recruits very jealous, even if they saw flying more than once.

"So handsome..." Some recruits muttered softly in their mouths. They have seen this scene many times, but they feel very excited every time they see it. Extremely nerve-wracking.

But this time it's different because it's their turn to jump next.

When these eight recruits were selected, they didn't know that they were going to join the Air Force because it was classified.

Although in the end they knew about it and gave them a chance to consider it, none of them chose to quit.

In their thinking, as long as they are not stupid, they will not choose to quit. After all, flying is something they dare not think about before, but now they have the opportunity to realize it.

Ten minutes later, all the veterans landed on the flying platform one by one, high-fived each other, and landed safely again.

"Now, get ready." Niu Er looked at the recruits and said in a serious voice.

"Yes." The eight recruits responded in unison, and then stood on the flying platform one by one, ready to fight.

"If you feel that you can't finish it, pull down the parachute immediately. At the same time, don't worry, there are bird orcs protecting you." Niu Er said in a deep voice, while looking at the sky ahead, there are already eight bird orcs waiting in line. .

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