Start to live forever, live till the end of time

Chapter 645 The Central Hub of the Sky Orbit

Chen Xun frowned and cursed secretly: "After practicing this technique until now, why do I feel that it is similar to the Crane Spirit Tree? It is a cancer of living beings and a cancer of heaven and earth.

"Moo~" The big black cow rubbed against Chen Xun and laughed innocently. There are crane spirit trees everywhere in the Great World of Immortal Cultivation, and it won't affect anything at all. Without it, it would be difficult to preserve so many of their elixirs.

"I will ponder this matter further." Chen Xun patted the big black cow on the head and said in a deep voice, "Old cow, you go try the six-layer effect of the Water Spirit Art first and record the changes in a booklet."

The big black cow jumped up, showing an expression that said you can rest assured that I will do the work, and ran to the mezzanine of the boundary-breaking boat.

"Haha, this old cow." Chen Xun shook his head and smiled, and by some strange coincidence, he took out an ancient book from the storage ring, "Brother Ji, now that I have reached the realm of Mahayana, I should be able to understand this thing."

As soon as he finished speaking, he began to look through it. There were quite a lot of ancient characters in it. There were no special restrictions or spiritual characters. They were just words.

Chen Xun's eyes narrowed slightly. It was not a human language, so of course a specific translation tool would be needed at this time, which would cost ten mid-grade spiritual stones!

This object is something similar to a lens. As long as it is placed on an ancient text, it will translate the meaning of the text of a specific race. It can be translated into all ancient texts of all races. It is high quality and low price.

He also examined it carefully. After burning the incense, there was no fluctuation or any feedback on the instrument...

After another stick of incense, I felt very calm, and the white clouds floated leisurely...

Chen Xun's expression changed wonderfully, but he was still trying without faith. Half an hour later, he smiled...

"Damn it, you're selling fakes from this Daozu?!" Chen Xun chuckled, his scalp began to tingle, and he pointed at it with his magic power, "Lingbao Immortal Pavilion, that's impossible."


Finally, the lens magic weapon started to move, and even reflected a divine thought: the text of non-ten thousand creatures.

Chen Xun's face looked as uncomfortable as if he had eaten shit, and his face turned green and red. Of course, Senior Brother Ji would not lie to him, not to mention that he had said that this thing was incomplete.

He sighed softly and began to touch the ancient book. He did not dare to use magic power to explore and try. If it was damaged, he would feel uneasy, so he could only write down these characters.

"It's a bit like the patterns engraved on the sky and earth of Xuanwei Tongtian Tower. They are not words, but the characters in the ancient books are not engraved patterns. It is completely beyond my knowledge."

Chen Xun looked at the boundless sea of ​​clouds, with a meaningful smile on his lips, "It seems that in the future... I have to go to the legendary human race's Immortal Ancient Family, the Ji family, to explore the boundless world. It's a bit interesting."

He then carefully put away the ancient book, slowly closed his eyes and started practicing the Water Spirit Art again.

He likes this technique very much. Nowadays, it is the only thing that can change one's fate against the odds. It is worth taking some risks.

Buzz —

The patterns on the surface of the boundary-breaking boat flowed and accelerated suddenly, and the sea of ​​clouds was like smoke and mist. Under the impact of the boat's acceleration, it seemed to become more blue and vast, and the speed was so fast that it was heart-stopping.

It gradually turned into a small point of light and completely disappeared in the clouds.

The years are passing by, and three hundred years are getting farther and farther in front of their eyes. Chen Xun and the others go to major fairy cities and take space treasure boats to rush towards the edge of Xuanwei Heaven Realm, stopping and stopping along the way.

Xiaohe's smile finally gradually appeared on his face. They ate a lot of delicious food, watched many grand events, and got acquainted with many spiritual monks from all races.

But she no longer yearns for the mortal world, and cannot reach the current state of mind of Chen Xun and Da Hei Niu.

Xiao Chi, on the other hand, walked all the way to buy photo stones, with a shocked look on his face. If he hadn't been on his way, he would have wanted to go to Xuanweitian to see it... His knowledge and understanding were greatly enhanced.

Anyway, they were laughing and laughing along the way. The fairy city was in good order, and they never met any monks looking for trouble. The last stop was the place leading to the void where the three realms meet.

Another year later.

Xuanwei Tian, ​​Xingchen Tian, ​​Yuxiao Tian, ​​the place where the nothingness of the three heavens meet!

There is an invisible force permeating the boundless void, and the turbulent flow of space is intertwined, forming a strange and complex space vortex.

The light in the void is dim and desolate, and the bright brilliance of the stars is obscured by the distortion of space. Only the weak starlight shines through the gaps, projecting a hazy atmosphere into the void.

The breath in the void is very mixed, and the energy from different heavens collides with each other, forming an intricate chaotic fluctuation.

These chaotic fluctuations are sometimes turbulent and sometimes as calm as water, exuding infinite power and mystery.

In the center of the intersection of the three heavens, the central hub of the sky track stands in the void, like a huge disk, breaking through the sky and extending to the boundless nothingness.

The huge disk has an immeasurable diameter, as big as it can accommodate the entire world. It exudes pale light and has countless patterns engraved on its surface.

In the center of the hub is a deep vortex, in which countless star points of light are constantly rotating. They are shining with bright light and exuding mysterious and vast power of the formation!

Around it, the sky rails extend out, like an outstretched giant arm crossing the void, connecting the three major heavens.

These sky rails are criss-crossing, like a huge network. Each sky rail is extremely huge, its light shines, and it emits powerful formation fluctuations.

And beside such a magnificent central hub, there are countless monks from all races driving various huge space treasure boats, traveling between the sky and the rails.

These space treasure boats are huge and majestic, and their surfaces are covered with layers of dharma patterns, shining with all kinds of colorful lights.

The interior space of the treasure boat is vast, loaded with monks and various resources, like a mobile dojo.

There are even stations of major forces all around the vast land of nothingness. Even in the face of such terrifying space turbulence, the warships of these forces are flying past like giant beasts!

Densely packed monks of all races and major space treasure ships surround the central hub of the sky track, but they still seem insignificant against the backdrop of this magical weapon...

In the land of nothingness, a giant boat came from the sky with hundreds of magic formations entangled in it. In the dark and boundless nothingness, the turbulent flow of space could not harm it in the slightest.

In the distance, there are countless warships and treasure boats that seem to be sailing slowly. There are powerful momentum fluctuations in all directions. The scenes in all directions are magnificent and magnificent. It is like a gathering of powerful people from all races.

On the giant boat, four figures stood dumbfounded, standing on the head of a crane and looking up at the boundless behemoth at the intersection of the three heavens...

Someone said in a trembling voice: "This, this is the center of the sky's orbit, the central hub... He, damn... this is an immortal, an immortal weapon?!"


"...Big, big brother, can a weapon refiner do this...?"

"Brother Xun, my little brother, my legs are weak... How about we... go back to Wugou Immortal Ridge to pick up trash."

Four trembling sounds came out at the same time, and even the whole body was weakening, and the eye sockets were about to pop out. I was shocked beyond measure. The appearance of the heaven and earth fairyland had never had such a powerful visual impact.

Chen Xun's chest rose and fell violently, and the shock in his eyes gradually turned into excitement. He looked at the changing spatial turbulence and shouted:

"Hahaha, rush!"

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