Start as a top student and move towards the stars and the sea

Chapter 30 I still want to give you some money

Under Zhang Kun's speech, students from the School of Materials also expressed various words and expressions of exclamation and congratulations.

After all, this matter was indeed very unexpected. No one expected that a freshman student could suddenly write a paper.

The School of Materials not only majors in materials, but also includes several majors such as material molding, material physics, and functional materials. There are more than 300 students in the class of 2009, which makes the atmosphere in the group unprecedentedly enthusiastic.

Ning Chen felt that Zhang Kun posted this news in the group, on the one hand, it enhanced the confidence of the students in the School of Materials, and on the other hand, it was also an affirmation and motivation for himself.

Fortunately, Zhang Kun did not mention that he received a reward of 10,000 yuan. Otherwise, his roommates would probably have to treat him to dinner.

"Brother Chen, if you publish a paper in a journal, how much royalties will the journal give you?" Chen Tianpeng asked.

"There is no manuscript fee. I still need to pay for the publication fee of the journal. Just for this paper, the page fee is US$1,500!"

"What? You publish a paper in their journal and you have to pay the journal?"

Chen Tianpeng was a little disappointed and at the same time very puzzled by this rule.

"Hey, that's how it is in academia. It's probably because the subscription volume of academic journals is too low. If we don't charge publishing fees from authors, journals won't make money."

"Then what's the use of publishing papers in academic journals? How can we poor students have the money to pay for publication fees?"

One thousand five hundred US dollars is equivalent to almost 10,000 Chinese dollars. In 2010, this amount of money was enough for many college students to live on for a year.

"Of course I can't afford it. My tutor helped me pay it. The laboratory should be able to reimburse it." Ning Chen answered truthfully.

"Ah, this is better. As long as it doesn't cost money, there are still benefits to publishing a paper. At least there won't be any problems with maintaining your research."

At this time, Yang Yan interjected:

"As far as I know, although there is no royalties for publishing papers in academic journals, the school will give rewards. One of my graduate students..."

"Let's go out to eat on the weekend. I'll treat you."

Ning Chen thought that Yang Yan's information was really well-informed, so he had to give up the struggle.

"Okay, okay, Brother Chen, let's go eat pancakes and stew in an iron pot?"

"Okay, if there's no problem, let's go on Friday night." Ning Chen agreed.

Ning Chen wouldn't hesitate for a few hundred yuan. Going out to eat with everyone occasionally is also a good way to adjust.

Since the review and approval process for this paper award is relatively cumbersome, it will take some time for Ning Chen to receive the money.

However, he saved a lot of money as a tutor before, so Ning Chen still has no financial pressure now.

However, his parents did not listen to Ning Chen's persuasion and continued to pay Ning Chen for living expenses every month. Ning Chen had no choice but to save the money first.

He Sheng has already helped Ning Chen submit the second paper, and the journal selected is still the last "Progress in Calculus of Variations".

If nothing else, this paper will be successfully published, but it will still require a long review time.

Ning Chen would not be anxious about this, after all, there were too many things that he needed to do now, such as studying physics and chemistry courses, further research on the Sine-Gordon equation, etc.

In his regular study life, Ning Chen continued to absorb knowledge from various subjects, and his subject experience and energy were also rapidly accumulated.

On this day, something attracting attention happened in the Chinese mathematics community.

Professor Qiu Chengtong, a famous Chinese mathematician and Fields Medal winner, launched the first "Qiu Chengtong College Student Mathematics Competition".

Talking about the original intention of establishing this college student mathematics competition, Qiu Chengtong hopes to reform the mathematics education of Huaguo University and give those college students who have not been able to enter China's top universities due to various reasons a fair competition opportunity.

After learning the news, many students from prestigious schools such as Shuimu and Yan'an University were eager to participate in this competition.

"Brother Chen, I heard that the registration for the first Qiuchengtong College Student Mathematics Competition is about to begin. Do you want to register?" Chen Tianpeng asked.

Naturally, Ning Chen also learned the news, but Ning Chen had not yet made a final decision on whether he wanted to participate in this competition.

Now Ning Chen is very clear that although his mathematics level has been improved to Level 1, looking at the country, he may not be considered a top college student in mathematics.

Ning Chen had not had any experience participating in mathematics competitions before. If he started to prepare from now on, he would basically be starting from scratch without any advantage.

Of course, as long as Ning Chen is willing, Ning Chen is confident of getting a good ranking even if he starts from scratch.

"It's not decided yet, I'll think about it again."

"Brother Chen, what are you thinking about? Just sign up. With your ability, can you still be inferior to those students from Shuimu and Yan University? I have never seen any of them who can be so awesome in their freshman year. Thesis!"

"Yes, Brother Chen, if you don't participate, no one in our school will be able to participate. None of the mathematics majors are better than you."

Faced with Chen Tianpeng and Yang Yan's praise of him, Ning Chen remained calm.

Ning Chen knew in his heart that with the strength of Shengzhou University, it was really difficult to get a place in a competition of this level. Even if he participated, he would most likely be a foil to other schools.

Whether Shengzhou University will organize students to participate in this competition is also a question.

Two days later, while Ning Chen was studying on her own, she saw a missed call from He Sheng and a text message from He Sheng.

"Ning Chen, if you see this, call me back."

Ning Chen didn't think much and immediately called He Sheng.

"Teacher He, are you looking for me?"

"Ning Chen, do you know about Qiu Chengtong's college student mathematics competition? How about it? Are you interested in signing up?"

Ning Chen didn't expect that He Sheng would actually contact him because of this matter, so he thought about it and replied:

"Teacher He, I know this, but to be honest, I have never participated in any mathematics competition before. If I participate, I will probably have to start from scratch."

"Ning Chen, don't think so much. Our school will organize training and assessment first. I think you have the ability. Just feel free to participate. Before the final list of participants is finalized, you can always choose according to your own requirements. Make a choice based on the situation.”

The School of Mathematics at Shengzhou University also knows the abilities of its students. For this competition, the school will not set any rigid goals for the team members. Everything is still based on participation and training.

Ning Chen's original plan was to focus on studying physics and chemistry during this period, but hearing what He Sheng said, Ning Chen couldn't refuse directly.

Ning Chen thought that the worst possible outcome would be to take part in the training and give it a try. Anyway, through the training process, he would definitely learn something.

At this time, He Sheng continued:

"Of course, it would be even better if you can get some ranking. Although there is no prize money in this competition itself, our Shengzhou University will give generous bonuses to students who get the ranking."

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