Star Empire

Chapter 146 Civilization Revival (1)

"According to existing inferences, with an increasingly perfect theoretical system in development, coupled with mature information control technology, at the level that these two premises can achieve, we can create arcana that can match the crystal energy fleet. The fleet group is not a difficult thing.”

“It must also be admitted that it will still take more time to fully utilize these new achievements, and the relevant details also need to be paid attention to at any time and sort out the explicit or implicit details of the fleet’s navigation at any time.”

"But for now, with a large enough total sample size, it won't be too difficult to summarize the results... hopefully."

Many realistic macroscopic representations of high-level information such as arcana are quite different from crystal energy. The appearance of the "entity" that carries arcane energy is also completely different from the metal-like materials commonly used in crystal energy - the final arcane fleet, regardless of the size and purpose of the ships, has a unified format of smooth fusiform crystal. The crystal material is transparent as a whole, but because its interior is filled with bright purple arcane brilliance, the overall tone is mainly purple.

And if the ship identification code within the network is not used, the most direct way to distinguish, apart from directly looking at the size, is to look at the difference between the output terminals of the spells floating around the spacecraft. In addition to the arcane main guns that are unified in the direction of the ship's bow, the output terminals, which are the main external functions of the ship, have different manifestations due to the different macroscopic spells they carry. However, there are still similarities in the different forms of output terminal arrangement: whether it is the two suspended crystal towers of the trend prediction ship; or the output needle tower of the fantasy launch ship; and then the three different paths of the probability collapse ship Fixed arcane energy rings, etc., these dazzling and mysterious output terminals all operate around the most "expanded" middle position of the spacecraft.

Although due to the different properties of the "material substrate", the arcane fleet as a whole has a crystal texture, but this does not mean that they are more fragile than the "iron lumps" of the crystal energy fleet. They are equally strong and have extraordinary various properties. High level resistance. These two types of warships with completely different technical systems are currently being gradually integrated. Although it seems to be a big detour in the technical system and development process, the empire has the ability to extract the required order commands directly from the void. Before, this was the simplest and most effective overall approach.

The arcane battleship itself is a kind of "magic fortress". In addition to the direct high-intensity arcane jet attack and the basic arcane shield, a considerable part of the entire hull is designed to enable the smooth launch of spells. . The arcane energy is extracted from the space channel reactor in the center of the ship, and is then captured and fuzzy assigned, or "trapped," by the central mathematical rate host. After receiving the order, these arcane energies that have been simply controlled by the first line will flow through the truth rune network buried throughout the ship in sequence according to the initial assignment, and will eventually be broadcast and sent out by the output end.

In this process, the mathematical rate host will still directly assign some value to the arcane energy, but that is only to provide the "first force" for the activation of the spell. Moreover, if the remaining calculation bandwidth of the mathematical rate host is too much This is not a good thing, as it will mean that a considerable amount of verification resources will be wasted. Redundancy is indeed essential, but if there is too much redundancy, you need to consider whether the overall design is reasonable.

As for the purpose, after coordinating the output frequency and interference problems of two completely different high-level information, the two completely equal fleets can be completely mixed and operate. In a combined fleet, the crystal energy fleet will It supports the main offensive force of the fleet, and the arcane fleet continuously provides auxiliary support for the entire fleet. In an equal coordination environment, the effects of high-level spells can naturally be applied to one's own fleet and crystal energy. Artillery fire or enemy targets. Of course, no practical targets have been found in the third link yet, but it is only a matter of time.

During the recovery process, many theories seemed to begin to reappear or even be improved - for example, a powerful warrior not only needs to be powerful in visible aspects, but will only be strong when he is in the best overall environment. The most powerful fighting force, this is established at all times.

However, there are two points worth mentioning: First, the overall establishment of the Arcane Fleet is not like the initial establishment of the crystal energy system in the past, with real official organizations hiding in a small blockade, withstanding the pressure from the entire The pressure generated by civilization and some strange surveillance relies on itself to silently study and decipher the use of crystal energy. Some of the technologies come from groups of individuals with low authority levels. Regardless of the follow-up issues of directly developing some related technologies, it is also a good thing to be able to advance the development of cognition and technology before the official, or in other words, some individual clusters can spontaneously promote the development of cognition and technology. My predictions have already given some possible possibilities. result--

If cognition and technology can really develop to an absolutely lofty level in the future, the most active and innovative individuals in the empire as a whole should be the individuals at the third authority level.

At that time, the best governance structure of the empire should be to use third-level authority individuals with the same power as group units to divide and integrate the entire empire.

"About from here, when the countless warning sensors and alarm systems all over the void sound, we can no longer just run away in confusion, we can leave enough power for ourselves to rear up, and we can even fight back..."

"The dangers we encountered were too painful, and the achievements we made later are too worth remembering..."

"Don't forget your own experiences..."

From the moment the grand unified theory of information was really confirmed, the few people at the forefront of this field have almost neurotically remembered the items that had been proposed by their ancestors time and time again.

After careful study, you will find that the most obvious thing throughout the text is "the void is infinite". The infinity on the void level means that it is infinite in the true and absolute sense. It is further speculated that the knowledge it can provide is also unlimited. So far, the first and second authority levels as the empire's superstructure are far inferior to the former Aldosil Council. However, with the continuous expansion and expansion, if effective partitioning is not carried out, it is very likely that In the future, many imperial entities that are different from each other may suffer from problems such as reduced reflection efficiency due to high mixing.

Second point, although I don’t know how to judge whether it is the empire’s luck or misfortune, shortly after the formation of the first combined fleet, a strong Death Tide Gate disaster hit a territorial universe of the empire that had just implanted a stabilizing anchor. Due to The door to the world was locked in time and the cosmic benchmark anchor quickly switched to autonomous operation, and the pollution did not spread to other worlds. Under this basic premise, the newly synthesized combined fleet successfully withstood this extremely harsh environment and evacuated everyone remaining in the universe before the situation completely got out of control. After establishing multiple communication weakening relay nodes and carrying out another death wave destruction record based on them, the Empire released all control and maintenance of that universe - that universe was equivalent to being thrown into the void. middle. Soon, it turned into information fluctuations recorded in dozens of North Celestial Void Towers.

At this point, although the danger and unpredictability of the death tide still exist and the star civilization cannot be completely safe, but in the current environment, such a technical level is enough to enable the empire to survive in the war against the death tide. It is no longer the absolutely disadvantaged side.

"At present, we have indeed made very obvious progress, and many achievements can be called great, but we still face many problems. Some supporting facilities no longer have any leftover capacity to extract. If we really cannot extract from the void, we If the order is required, then these issues may really have to be shelved or even sealed.”

In the control hall of the capital star, which was becoming more and more prosperous and with various non-essential facilities popping up on the surface of the earth, Victorville looked at the newly installed large circle of holographic windows in the hall, "The current operation of the World Gate The situation is still not good. It can indeed be used as a convenient channel for direct conversion between order worlds, but information migration still requires a common frequency. Such a common frequency... will greatly improve the accuracy of the gate and the efficiency of its work. lower, but we have been unable to do anything about it.”

"Perhaps, the strength of our group is indeed a bit monotonous. We have never cared about the uniqueness of perspective and thinking." Weisrifan sat on the chair with her arms folded, and there were countless floating objects in front of her. The holographic window, the content displayed in the window is no longer battleships, weapons, arcane theories or complex mapping equations, but the scenery of different places in the empire's not-so-young territorial universe: blowing by the just-right stellar winds of many stars The ring nebula formed underneath, the dark constellation voids formed between supergalaxy clusters over countless years, the hot accretion disks wrapped in them, the quasars with bipolar jets stretching for hundreds of millions of kilometers, and the quasars spinning like crazy tops. Pulsars, extremely rare strange droplets of matter that can spontaneously exist in the universe - perhaps its appearance may even mean a phenomenon of information crossing between worlds, and the laws from two different universes are in conflict with each other. The result of compromise.

In the further projection, the scope of the picture is greatly reduced. The plasma flames and ejections surging on the surface of the star, the hydrogen, helium and nitrogen storms raging in the atmosphere and flashing thousands of times per second, the body length can be up to Thousands of kilometers of thunder and lightning shuttle like a dragon in the ammonia nitrogen clouds, the clear night, the rugged and ferocious mountains, the liquid atmospheric rain falling due to temperature, deserts, mountains, oceans... and the ecosystem.

This is just one of a number of similar scenarios. Thousands of panoramic-perceptual projection screens, and many more, of various scenes.

The Empire has recorded multiple quadrants, and the differences between those quadrants are different from the various manifestations——

Even when they are relaxed, people will joke with each other and guess what kind of treasure they will dig up next during this exploration process, which is like "lucky" -

After all, there are still too few cases and certainties. Whether it is a large-scale survey that will be recorded in history, or people’s occasional exploratory activities on their own, it will be proven that the more you explore, the more unknowns you will discover and the more conjectures you will build up.

I'm afraid that the new evidence will not be enough to answer the old puzzles, and will also bring about new unknowns. If this is the case, then it is better to record all your new discoveries with curiosity.

The empire's hundreds of cosmic benchmark anchors constantly sweep across the universe, monitoring all changes in the universe, and there is still a program set in the cosmic background radiation that permeates the universe and is re-modulated by crystal energy. : Preventing the birth of intelligent civilization in any universe within the territory. This program still exists not because the empire is still afraid of war. The issue considered here is that the influence of the empire itself runs through every particle, every dimension, and every inch of information evolution in these universes. The empire itself is still developing, and naturally it will not spare too much energy to take care of those new ones. Intelligent civilizations, but limited by the basic power of the cosmic benchmark stabilizing anchor, those civilizations do not need to develop to a high level to detect that the world's basic information has been modified. Such a result is of little benefit to both parties.

"But these are indeed to my taste. Of course, I only judge preferences from a personal point of view. Although these pictures and those facilities that are not absolutely necessary are not linked to efficiency, their existence can help us understand something. : At least we are finally no longer "surviving", but have entered a stage where we can "live"."

"In addition, there is another thing that reassures me. At least for now, everyone's support for civilization and the absolute efficiency they can achieve when needed are the imprints that exist in the soul. In any case, we don't have to worry about the cultural crisis again. When we start to branch out, we need to put in place various and arbitrary restrictions on this. We don’t have to worry about the occurrence of those events, let alone the consequences they will lead to.”

Weisrifan smiled at this, obviously she agreed with this statement, "By the way, you were talking about the World Gate before, and I feel that there seems to be a certain degree of voiceover in it, and there are other things. Is there a situation that needs to be addressed?”

"Indeed, it's a somewhat...awkward question." Vidoville gently activated a "portal" with a light golden haze: "Spiritual power travels with the space. We did not anticipate the space expansion module in our previous plans. The existence of this kind of thing, and I never expected that this technology could be so widely popularized. Carrying it with you and inspiring convenient space expansion storage technology can be used by everyone, so this mental power that has been specially researched and strengthened The combat space seems a bit inefficient but it would be a pity to give up.”

Vidoville shrugged, "But I think this is more or less a normal phenomenon. Many times, samples that need to be stored, or weapons and other things need to be stored even after they are collected or used up. These things are often of high Explosives or dangerous goods, and spiritual expansion space. No one wants to put those dangerous beings here."

"...However, there is no solution at all." After a slight pause, Vidoville continued, "I am actually planning to use the calculation amount corresponding to the redundant mental power of everyone in the empire to open up a special place. Information spaces, concentrating the redundancy of the entire empire, these spaces are transformed from existing in the spiritual sea to independent existence, supported by external computing power, and the soul frequency only serves as a binding key, but..."

"However, due to the process of direct communication across worlds, information transcoding requires a "third-party environment" or to put it bluntly... it requires some dangerous void attribute environment, which is still a challenge for warships. This has not been solved yet. dropped, so this approach cannot guarantee overall stability and reliability, right?"

"Yes, I also know that everyone is working hard, but we have to admit that those powerful information manipulation methods in fantasy...we are still unable to master them."

"These are not actually questions, but I want to remind you, how do you feel about the empire recently?"

"Very good?" When Weisrifan asked him, Victorville suddenly felt a little strange.

"We have mastered arcane magic and have the authority to control the world. We can use different high-level information. We even successfully counterattacked the death tide pollution not long ago." Weisrifan counted her one by one. Those slender fingers, "And now, our civilization has spontaneously evolved from a state of survival to a posture that can be called "life". Do you think we can push it forward and let civilization enter the next stage?" "

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