Star Boss, she is beautiful and sassy

Chapter 668 668 Regardless of personal preference? Their respective persistence! Pull her back or ab

However, I don't know if it was her imagination. Although her body was still very uncomfortable, it seemed to be different from before.

Perhaps it was due to the previous bout of retching that Charlotte's body gradually adapted to the dizziness.

Even if Charlotte didn't actually vomit anything, she was still dizzy at the moment, but her tolerance in this regard seemed to have increased.

At that moment, she almost had to use up all her willpower to suppress the vomiting symptoms in her body.

But now, although I am still dizzy and nauseous, it is not so strong that I will vomit it at any time if I am not careful.

After all, he had been dizzy for such a long time, and Charlotte's adaptability has always been very strong, so it is not difficult for her body's tolerance to gradually increase.

However, overall, Charlotte's situation is still very bad.

My body temperature continues to rise, my right leg is stiff, and I feel dizzy...

Charlotte was still sluggish in movement and her fighting ability was not as good as usual.

This is also thanks to her. If it were an ordinary person who had to endure this, he would not even be able to walk normally.

It wasn't until her wounds were bandaged again that Ares got up again.

"You go first, I'll take care of things here." Ares said.

Charlotte had long expected that with this person's sense of responsibility, he would not let her stay here alone so easily.

With some predictions in mind, Charlotte also said: "I am the one who touches the mechanism now. As soon as I let go, the mechanism will be officially activated. The safest way is for the major general to leave first."

Charlotte analyzed the current situation rationally, which was a reminder to him - she couldn't leave at this time, and he didn't need to stay.

Ares looked at her with cold eyes, and then walked to her side: "I will hold down the mechanism for you. As long as you cooperate well, the mechanism will not be activated."

Ares' suggestion made Charlotte slightly stunned, and her expression changed obviously.

It was true that Charlotte had thought of a way to get out of trouble, but she had never considered this one - letting someone else hold down the mechanism on her behalf.

There was no way she could do this, even if it was Ares' initiative.

With heavy eyes, Charlotte said seriously: "Major General, this is inappropriate."

Charlotte didn't say much, she just expressed her attitude - she refused.

In this regard, Ares did not back down.

"What we should consider is how to get out safely, and don't overcomplicate the problem." The clear voice sounded, "Your current situation makes it difficult to escape to a safe area when the explosion occurs."

Charlotte still insisted on reasoning: "If you use 'Slap', even if you are injured, it is not impossible. And I also said that my situation is not as bad as you think, and it will not drag you down."

Gradually, Charlotte stopped using honorifics when talking to him.

Her focus was on how to convince him, and her mood fluctuated slightly.

In terms of speech, she was not as cold and distant as before.

The current situation was something Charlotte hadn't expected.

Why is this person doing this?

As a major general, he not only came in to rescue her personally, but also offered to hold down the mechanism for her at this time.

Does he not consider the rules of conduct in the conventional sense?

For general officers, their own lives are definitely more important, Charlotte thinks so.

Ares looked at her right leg and said directly: "With a 'snap pedal', the chance of failure is very high."

Because Charlotte's right leg was bitten severely by the Amitre crocodile, the "snap" on her right leg was already shattered.

She deliberately didn't mention this issue, but she was still not ignored by him.

Ares has a strong observation ability and a good memory, and he will not miss these details.

Charlotte pursed her lips slightly, and then said: "One person does things and one person is in charge. I will deal with the aftermath of the mechanism I triggered."

She reiterated her attitude, even if the probability of failure is high, this is not a reason to pull people as a backstop.

This has nothing to do with the strength of Ares' ability, but Charlotte's consistent attitude in dealing with people.

Charlotte refused repeatedly, but Ares didn't show any irritation.

If it was someone else with a high position and authority, and he kindly rescued her, but was rejected over and over again, he might feel that Charlotte didn't know what was good and what was wrong.

However, Ares is emotionally stable throughout.

He just analyzed the situation calmly and objectively, stating the pros and cons.

"Since I chose to come in to save you, I won't give up halfway." Ares looked at Charlotte and said, "It's a matter of life and death, we all abandon our personal preferences, and only judge the feasibility of various methods from an objective perspective. "

Putting aside their respective ranks and identities, and regardless of personal preferences in how to handle things, evaluate the probability of success of the plan from an overall perspective.

Ares is extremely rational, as if his approach does not involve any personal emotional factors.

Charlotte is not an ignorant person, she is actually very rational.

The reason why I disagree is because of my long-standing style of conduct.

With Charlotte's intelligence, if she had always been a person who had no bottom line and was unscrupulous, she would have been able to come up with this method of pulling people back.

But she was not, so even if she could think of this method, Charlotte would automatically ignore it.

He and she both have their own persistence and their own reasons.

Charlotte was silent. She was trying very hard to abandon her usual principles of action, put aside all personal emotions, and consider the suggestions made by Ares.

Ares didn't rush her, but just waited patiently.

Although the time is really tight now, he didn't use his identity to force Charlotte to do what he wanted.

After a long time, Charlotte said: "Although I shouldn't say that as the person involved, major general, don't you think it's important to adapt to the situation?"

Charlotte looked at him, his eyes were already cold, as if he had no emotion.

She put away a little bit of astonishment and emotional fluctuations before, and returned to the indifferent appearance of "don't get close to strangers".

She said with great alienation: "Even if you chose to come in to save me at first, but now the situation has changed, there is no need to persist unnecessarily. The most efficient move is not 'you hold the switch for me', but 'you abandon me' And go'."

Charlotte's voice is not loud, and her tone is calm, but there is a hidden sharpness in her eyes.

It was so cold and sharp, like a sword exuding chill.

She said without emotion: "Major General, don't worry too much. I understand this kind of behavior very well. You don't have to worry about me, and I will never complain."

Why bother? Even if he held down the mechanism for her, it is nothing more than a higher probability of success than hers.

Under the powerful explosion, he was not 100% able to get out of trouble.

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