Star Boss, she is beautiful and sassy

Chapter 637 Hell and heaven are almost crazy! Fu Shinian who gave everything for Charlotte!

However, they did not cause any substantial harm to Charlotte.

Even the few corpse monsters next to her face didn't gnaw off even a single piece of flesh on her face.

This was the first oddity Charlotte noticed.

Loud thunder, little rain? Empty trellis?

Charlotte's head was a little dizzy, and she couldn't stop feeling dizzy.

But it was very strange that the flow of her blood seemed to accelerate further.

Starting from the brain, and then all the limbs, there seemed to be a feeling of special excitement all over the body.

It couldn't be physical stress caused by fear, Charlotte was able to tell the difference.

Even in the face of such a terrible and inescapable desperate situation, Charlotte still strives to maintain her sanity.

She reasoned, analyzed, and judged from various subtleties, and she was able to draw a conclusion—she was inexplicably excited right now.

This was the second oddity Charlotte noticed.

The situation was at a stalemate, and Charlotte couldn't swim upwards smoothly.

And the army of zombies did not drag her further into the depths of the water.

They just yelled and tugged at her.

Let's be honest, this shouldn't be a close confrontation.

Countless armies of corpses VS the lonely Charlotte.

Even though Charlotte is very talented and her force value is absolutely strong, but purely in terms of strength, there is still a gap between the two.

However, from a visual point of view, the two sides are suspended at a certain height like that, neither going up nor down.

Charlotte looked at these corpses quietly, and did not struggle as hard as she did at the beginning.

She was trying to think of a feasible method, and she couldn't break free now by relying on brute force alone.

She was completely besieged, and her movements were almost blocked.

But then, before Charlotte could think of a feasible way to escape, another change occurred in the waters ahead.

Not far away, several figures suddenly appeared.

After seeing it clearly, Charlotte was struck by five thunders!

She looked in that direction in disbelief, because there was an existence there that made her mood fluctuate violently!

impossible! How did they appear here? !

Charlotte's eyes suddenly widened, and his face was obviously shocked beyond words!

No matter what happened, Charlotte rarely showed strong emotions, but at this moment...

There was a strong shake in her heart!

I can't believe it! Charlotte can't explain it anyway!

Before, there was clearly nothing in that water area, how could they...

In a panic, Charlotte glanced at her surroundings and the army of corpses dragging her below.

These undead seemed to come from hell, so...had she been eaten by them and then went to hell?

Yes, her hands were already stained with blood, and she should go to hell after death.

In this regard, Charlotte is very open.

Even if she goes to hell, she has nothing to let go of.

Looking forward again, Charlotte's eyes were filled with water vapor.

After death, will she finally see them again?

But the next moment, Charlotte felt extremely angry again.

No, they don't deserve to go to hell! How could they fall with her!

They who have done nothing wrong should go to heaven! Go to the most wonderful place!

Suddenly, Charlotte's emotions were filled with uncontrollable anger.

How could the most important family members to her fall into hell like her!

However, looking at them who couldn't be more vivid in front of them, Charlotte's heart was extremely happy.

This kind of joy that diffused from the depths of his heart eventually turned into an extreme ecstasy.

How many times she dreamed back in the middle of the night, her only wish was this - those who were cherished by her but left her forever, could come back to her again.

But every time she wakes up, Charlotte, who is the most sensible, knows very well that they have left her forever, and they will never come back.

Now that she has lost it and found it again, what could make her more mad than this?

Yes, Charlotte's heart is so happy, almost crazy!

Her eyes were already slightly moist, but her emotions kept changing and alternating.

His heart was clearly full of anger, but he couldn't help but be joyful and ecstatic, and occasionally there was a faint sense of melancholy, even mixed with traces of sadness...

After such a long time, the realization of a wish that was impossible at all made Charlotte feel like the sea has changed.

The hardships and pains I have endured, now it seems... there is an unreal feeling in a trance.

Her father, her mother, her brother...she finally saw them again!

In this instant, Charlotte's emotions became extremely complicated.

Her mind was very confused, and her nerves became more excited.

It seems that the family members bathed in the sunshine are so pure and beautiful, omitting all the riddles in the last days.

All of this irritated Charlotte's nerves even more.

The elegant and slightly smiling face of the father, the intellectual and elegant smile of the mother, and the younger brother who is as bright as the sun, everything is so beautiful.

They returned to her side once again.

At this moment, Charlotte just wanted to rush over regardless, threw herself into the arms of her parents, hugged her younger brother, and told them how much she had missed for so many years!

Her hand moved slightly, but because of the dragging of those corpses, she couldn't swim to her family immediately.

Charlotte could only watch them floating not far away, but she couldn't move at all!

However, it seemed to be understanding for her. After a while, her family members came to her on their own initiative!

They... came to greet her, Charlotte thought.

They are still so kind and love her so much, that's why... that's why she couldn't let go.

Charlotte's inner emotions were extremely agitated, no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't keep herself calm and self-sufficient.

She rarely fell into an unstable mood.

It was at this time that Charlotte suddenly saw another figure, that person who was also very familiar!

Her brain froze for a moment, her lips trembled slightly, and she only murmured that person's name.

Fu Shinian, why do you even appear here?

Didn't you already...

Long-term memories suddenly emerged, and this was another character who was so important to her that she would never forget it.

Charlotte looked forbearing, and her face also showed a little pain.

If it is said that her family members gave everything for her, it is because of the bond and love between the family members.

Then Fu Shinian was obviously not her family, but he still gave everything for her.

He didn't need to do that, and Charlotte didn't understand it at first.

At that time, she was in despair and predicament, and she was just a burden to him.

And him? With his ability, he can easily survive the end times.

The next chapter is unlocked at night

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