Charlotte swam quickly while concentrating on her next plan.

Suddenly, the water in front of him fluctuated.

When Charlotte looked over intently, she suddenly met a beast face!

With a thick and strong jaw, a long blue kiss can be seen faintly.

A few pairs of fangs exposed on the mouth, inside are dense and sharp teeth, that is the face of the Amitre crocodile!

Charlotte was swimming forward at full speed, but at this moment, she withdrew all her thoughts instantly.

The Amitre crocodile was shaking its huge body and swimming quickly.

Caught off guard, the two sides are about to collide!

Charlotte hurriedly returned to her figure, trying her best to force herself to stop!

The surrounding water is rushing for a while, and it is not so easy to "suddenly brake" in the water.

Dangerous and dangerous, the final distance between her and that giant crocodile was less than three meters!

But if Charlotte didn't "brake" in time just now, she will "go into the mouth of a tiger" at this moment!

However, the moment the Amitre crocodile saw Charlotte, it swam faster.

In addition, it also opened its huge mouth full of fangs!

There was a burst of vigilance in Charlotte's heart, and her whole body instantly entered a state of alert!

The distance between the two keeps shortening, and the crisis has not been lifted at all.

Charlotte did not secretly rejoice because she escaped the blow just now, but quickly analyzed the current situation.

The crocodile that burrowed directly into the connecting passage was indeed beyond her expectations.

Behind is the blocked passage exit, and in front is the menacing Amitre crocodile. Charlotte has no way to retreat!

She realized almost immediately that the predetermined plan needed to be set aside.

Her top priority is to kill this Amitre crocodile!

Seeing the other party swinging that giant tail and attacking her, Charlotte instantly changed her direction and dived down.

The moment she dived, she adjusted her figure, turned her back upwards, and roughly assumed a backstroke position.

In an instant, Charlotte narrowly missed the fast-attacking Amitre crocodile, avoiding its frontal attack.

Charlotte's upturned face was close to the bottom of the giant crocodile, very close to the reptiles of the Amitre crocodile.

The huge sharp claws were almost touching her oxygen mask.

Seeing its long and thick 3 pairs of climbing legs up close, it is full of explosive power.

Charlotte killed many Amitre crocodiles in the square before, and many of them attacked from the chest and abdomen of the giant crocodile.

At this time, after swimming to the position below it, Charlotte could clearly see the texture of its chest and abdomen.

With the help of eye goggles, even if there is no lighting equipment in this passage, Charlotte can barely see in the water.

However, the visual range will not be too large.

In comparison, compared with the gray-blue back of the Amitre crocodile, the color of its abdomen is slightly lighter, and there is no faint blue light.

Charlotte's diving ability has won her more life at this time.

The Amitre crocodile, which was attacking straight at her, originally planned to bite Charlotte, but now it missed nothing.

According to Alpha, the Amitre crocodile can not only adapt to long-term land life, but also stay in the water like it is now, and its vitality is very tenacious.

Moreover, although it has a huge body, it is flexible enough whether it is on land or in water.

Especially in water, its speed is very fast.

However, it is fast, and Charlotte is not slow in the water.

Compared with it, she is small in size, which is her unique advantage.

For example, the giant crocodile's wide open and close attack just now, with Charlotte's small and flexible posture, it will be easier to dodge.

Whether it's Amitre crocodile or Charlotte, they all have their own strengths in water.

For Charlotte, all she needs to watch out for is being bitten by an Amitre crocodile.

Because the opponent is big and full of fangs, once bitten by it, it will be difficult for her to escape.

Therefore, Charlotte had to take advantage of her small size to escape from its giant mouth.

Charlotte didn't waste any time, exerting force on her waist and legs at the same time, rotating her body and facing downward.

At this time, she was very close to the bottom of the passage, and her hands were slightly supported on the passage floor.

Charlotte used this to adjust her body shape, stepped on the ground with both feet, and then quickly opened the "sound pedal" on her legs.

Even though the resistance in the water was not small, Charlotte completed this series of movements extremely quickly.

The "sound pedal" is not suitable for use without any point of focus, as it will have no effect.

So just now in the boundless waters, Charlotte didn't use it at all.

But in this boxy connection channel, it can come in handy.

Charlotte is nimble and light, and Amitre crocodile is fierce and fast. Both have their strengths.

In this way, Charlotte needs to use this equipment to further increase her speed and widen the gap with the opponent.

The Amitre crocodile is a creature that can live in water for a long time, and Charlotte will never underestimate the opponent's swimming speed.

The 8 x 8 meter connecting channel is surrounded by special metal, which is very hard.

A channel of this size is actually not ample for the size of the Amitre crocodile.

Relatively speaking, its activities are still restricted, and it will appear slightly cramped than in deep waters.

The Amitre crocodile could not attack Charlotte wide open, nor could it quietly lurk in the blind spot and wait for an opportunity to launch a surprise attack.

In this limited channel, all its actions will fall into Charlotte's eyes.

For Charlotte, such an environment would allow her to make better use of "Slapstick".

"Ring Stomp" has just started, but the Amitre crocodile has turned around and attacked Charlotte again!

This time, it also sank a little, almost touching the ground of the passage!

The huge claws rubbed against the metal ground, making a dull and thick metal sound, which showed its solid tonnage.

Charlotte stayed where she was, staring at each other all the time.

As the opponent got closer and closer, she pushed hard on the soles of her feet, and swam to the top of the passage with the rebound force of the "sound pedal".

Compared with land, using "sound pedal" in water, the retraction and release of strength is very different.

So at the beginning, Charlotte needed some time to use her body to memorize the nuances of strength in practice.

The Amitre crocodile swung its long and thick tail, constantly turning around and attacking Charlotte.

The tail, whose skin was as strong as armor, kept hitting the metal walls around the passage, making a trembling sound like a bell.

Its tail has extraordinary strength.

Charlotte dealt with it for several rounds, and finally gradually formed the body memory of using "snap" accurately in the water.

Looking at the Amitre crocodile again, this time, Charlotte pulled out the energy sword on his waist.

Thanks to the end times, killing crocodiles is no stranger to her, whether on land or in water.

In the actual combat just now, she has also explored the weakness of the Amitre crocodile in the interstellar era.

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