Star Boss, she is beautiful and sassy

Chapter 628 628. Premeditated misleading and deception? Capsized the boat and died underwater? Thick

With the exception of Charlotte, every step she takes, it cannot be easily deduced and analyzed.

Often by the time it realizes it, it is too late to stop it.

For example, now, she has just solved the No. 7 experimental body, and immediately has a new move.

Seeing Charlotte swimming towards that place without hesitation, with such a clear goal and such a fast speed, what does Bloody Queen not understand?

This intruder, she wanted to use the connection between the water area and the dark river, and successfully escaped from the dark river!

Although the connection is currently closed, but with her artificial intelligence, she is not helpless.

However, it repeatedly used the water wall to block her, but it failed!

Everything was premeditated!

Since when on earth had she made these plans?

Did it start with that cloudy conversation with it? At that time, she purposely misled and deceived it?

What a cunning human being! So treacherous!

Bloody Queen was furious and felt cheated!

But it thought about it carefully, and soon realized that everything could not be completely planned in advance.

Because apparently, her plans had a couple of twists along the way because of its meddling.

For example, subject No. 7 was not trapped in the square as she thought.

So, in many subsequent links, the intruder made real-time adjustments? In such a short time?

Or did she think of all the possibilities at the very beginning and made the most comprehensive plan?

If this is the case, Bloody Queen has to admit once again that this intruder is not simple.

Interlocking, her overall plan is extremely coherent and holistic.

But because of this, seeing that she was about to escape successfully, Bloody Queen became even more vicious and angry.

Actually, as she said, her ending is not the death it wanted at all!

Bloody Queen doesn't stop there, though.

Thinking about it, it changed its plan again and lowered all the previously raised walls.

The wall of water can't stop it, but the Amitre crocodile in the distance is not.

Those guys are also extremely unstable factors.

Water can carry a boat, but it can also overturn it.

She can use them, but she can also be restrained by them.

After finishing these, Bloody Queen appeared in front of Charlotte.

Its figure was projected into the water, and the projected position continued to move as Charlotte dived.

The virtual image swayed with the current, looking illusory.

I don't know what technique Bloody Queen used, but in short, its voice rang in Charlotte's ears.

"Intruders, those Amitre crocodiles will not let you go. After eating Subject No. 7, they will turn around and look for you. After all, they have been hungry for so long."

Charlotte continued to dive quickly without changing her expression, but she also took time to pay attention to what it said.

She knows about Amitre Crocodile, and Alpha has popularized science with her.

The No. 7 test subject... refers to the "snake-faced smiley monster", right?

So, that guy was the subject of the experiment?

Charlotte thought about the appearance of the "snake-bodied smiley face monster", but couldn't deduce the purpose of the experiment for the time being.

Seeing that Charlotte didn't reply, Bloody Queen continued, "How is it? The water wall can't rise, can it? Tell you, it's not because of old disrepair, but because I cut off their energy supply very early. There is no energy, You can't raise a wall of water."

All the energy supply of this pyramid is decided by the Bloody Queen.

It has a water circulation and self-purification system that regularly turns on the water inside the water, so that the water will not be too turbid.

However, the "water walls" in different areas of the waters have all been cut off from their energy supply.

It heard all the conversation between Charlotte and Alpha just now.

Bloody Queen knew that Charlotte planned to let that kind of crocodile raise the water wall to separate the Amitre crocodiles behind him.

Bloody Queen has been closely monitoring Charlotte's situation.

This intruder aroused its great interest.

Even when offended and angry, it still tends to observe her first.

In the eyes of Bloody Queen, Charlotte is the more interesting object to observe.

"However, I am different. I can easily control these water walls." Bloody Queen continued, "And you want to use the water walls to avoid those Amitre crocodiles? I won't let you do that!"

Although Charlotte didn't answer, she also extracted useful information from its words.

The reason why the water wall cannot rise is really because the energy supply was cut off a long time ago.

But even knowing this, it is not appropriate for Charlotte to be tough with this "little queen" at the moment.

Alpha, who is on the road, does not have sufficient energy support, so it is impossible to "war" Bloody Queen for a long time.

Even if the battle is over, Alpha will not be able to gain the upper hand in a short period of time.

Charlotte judged that it was a waste of time.

However, it said... not to let her get what she wanted?

Charlotte reacted quickly, so, did this "Little Queen" change her strategy?

She further speculated that the Bloody Queen had re-lowered the walls of water in order for the amitres to face her.

Charlotte quickly filled in various details and understood the situation at the moment.

As if thinking of something interesting, Bloody Queen then shared: "Speaking of which, it turns out that there is more than Experiment No. 7 in this entire water area."

It seemed to recall the past: "Unfortunately, a lot was eaten later."

Charlotte just listened, without a single answer.

"Those guys have been hungry for a long time, I just opened up all the passages so that they can choose their favorite food." Bloody Queen laughed bloodthirstyly, "You guys who are extremely hungry, it's really interesting to fight."

It didn't care whether Charlotte responded or not, it just said it.

As for Charlotte, she got more information in silence.

Sure enough, as she thought, there were living creatures in the water, and they were really eaten by the weak.

Perhaps after talking too much, the moody Bloody Queen lost interest again.

It looked at Charlotte, and finally said fiercely: "Intruder, don't be complacent, I'll wait to see you die underwater!"

Until the last step, the outcome cannot be easily judged!

This intruder will never escape!

Bloody Queen was so determined in her heart.

Charlotte ignored it at all, and after letting it finish speaking, the shaking image disappeared into the water again.

If she knew what was going on in Bloody Queen's mind, she would probably just say something cool - yes, until the end, who can determine the ending?

It's not that she can't kill others, it's just that for Charlotte, she prefers to speak with her strength after all.

Getting closer to the bottom of the water area, Charlotte found that there were also many skeletons here.

The dense white bones are covered with various types of sediment, and it is unknown which beasts they belong to.

In short, it seems that the skeleton does not come from more than one kind of creature.

Combining the words of Bloody Queen and some information revealed by Alpha, Charlotte made a reasonable guess.

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