Star Boss, she is beautiful and sassy

Chapter 623 Charlotte’s Plan B! One, two, three, four, five!

Stimulated by the pain, the monster lost its mind, and finally pulled out its remaining tail, completely breaking free from the shackles of the partition wall.

At this point, Bloody Queen also simply refrained from stalemate with Alpha.

Then, under the action of Alpha, the partition wall that lost its obstruction finally closed unimpeded.

Charlotte didn't change the command again, but closed it by the wall.

But this time, Charlotte was completely cut off from retreat, and the plan deviated.

Charlotte was originally clinging to its back, but at this time, taking advantage of the pain of the giant beast, she left here instead.

She quickly distanced herself from the monster and swam to a short distance in front of it.

One man and one beast, facing each other, ready to go.

Charlotte looked at the giant beast from the front, her brows and eyes condensed.

When it regained its freedom, its momentum was monstrous, as if it was unstoppable!

In front of it, Charlotte couldn't be more compact.

I don't know if it was venting its anger, or because it was tortured by the wound, the monster swam quickly in the deep water area, swinging its huge snake tail that was becoming more and more mottled.

Its original face was quite scary, but now it looks even more terrifying.

The pale face, coupled with the shattered flesh and the mouth that was blown into a big hole, is really weird.

The most important thing is that its mouth was innately grinning before, but now that there is no barrier, it looks like a big hole in the red almond fruit.

Through the huge open mouth, you can see that there are still some teeth left inside.

It seems that this guy's teeth are quite strong, and he was able to bear the attack of L-AD9 at close range, but he was not completely blown away.

A monster that has lost its "smile", its swarthy mouth is like a black hole that wants to suck people in.

Ordinary people would tremble at the sight of it.

However, Charlotte only cares about its injuries.

That L-AD9, even if it didn't kill it, caused serious injuries to its face.

Looking at its huge body, it is considered to be full of scars at this time.

In the meantime, there are not only long strips of scratches that were scratched due to fighting against the partition wall, but also deep wounds at various points shot by Charlotte.

The overall effect is acceptable, and Plan B can be deployed temporarily.

There is never only one plan for Charlotte to do things.

At the very beginning, she considered a variety of feasible plans, and made real-time adjustments during the course of action.

The crazy monster twisted its thick body, and after swimming in the water for a while, perhaps the pain was relieved, but it still looked at Charlotte after all.

Those dark yellow eyes were full of blood and brutality.

At this time, Charlotte was suspended in this water, less than ten meters away from it.

At this distance, it can easily pounce.

At this critical moment, Charlotte looked to the side—the deeper waters.

While there is a certain amount of lighting here and there in these uncharted waters, the waters are too large for lighting to cover every corner.

Therefore, not every body of water is bright and clear.

Going deeper, the field of view is not as good.

What is Charlotte looking at?

Not only Alpha, even Bloody Queen also cared.

The "Bloody Queen" at this time is still paying attention to Charlotte's every move.

Charlotte has never been at the level of ordinary people.

After she used that L-AD9 to blow up the face of the No. 7 test subject of the 4th generation of "Liviasan", everything gradually got out of control.

When Subject No. 7 broke free from the transparent partition wall, Bloody Queen was still lucky.

Look, such a crazy No. 7 experimental body, it is the only experimental body that has devoured all the other "Liviasan" 4th generation experimental bodies, and it is the only experimental body that survives.

It seemed that it would enjoy the scream and cry of the intruder soon, the Bloody Queen thought.

But now, seeing that Charlotte didn't show even the slightest bit of fear, Bloody Queen was a little unsure again.

Could it be that she has any other tricks?

Not only Bloody Queen, but also Alpha thinks this way, it also doesn't understand what its master is thinking.

However, compared with Bloody Queen, Alpha has been with Charlotte for a longer time, so it knows Charlotte better.

From the past to the present, no matter what kind of danger they encounter, the owner will eventually find a way to save the day.

Those who tried to kill her, whether human or other creatures, never succeeded.

When she observed that the master was very serious, but did not look flustered, Alpha knew it—it was right to believe the master, she must have some plans.

Bloody Queen naturally wouldn't admit how clever this intruder was, but subconsciously, she couldn't help but have some doubts.

It really can't guess, how does this human being plan to break through this deadlock?

With her retreat cut off, it was impossible for her to escape the pursuit of Experimental No. 7 by herself!

Even if he was injured, the speed of the No. 7 experimental subject was very fast!

However, when the Bloody Queen saw what happened next, it immediately deduced Charlotte's true intentions.

It was an Amitre crocodile, which appeared without warning.

Looking at the bloody body of Experimental No. 7, the Amitre crocodile ruthlessly bit off a piece of flesh!

The place where Charlotte blasted with RS16 lost the protection of the hard scales, and the meat was relatively soft and rotten.

For the Amitre crocodile, which has a strong bite force and sharp teeth, it is not difficult to bite off such a piece of meat.

The place where it was bitten off was instantly dyed bright red again.

The surrounding waters have long been mixed with large patches of thick red, and occasionally scattered blood clots.

At first glance, it was really muddy.

As the piece of meat was torn off, Subject No. 7, who was in a state of madness, immediately sensed it.

It is extremely sensitive at this time, and reacts extremely quickly to changes in its surroundings.

Subject No. 7 stopped attacking Charlotte, and turned to look at the Amitre crocodile attacking it.

At this time, it was violent and manic, and when it clearly saw the Amitre crocodile that was swallowing its own flesh and blood, its dim eyes became even more furious.

It turned around sharply, intending to swallow the Amitre crocodile first!

Although the Amitre crocodile is also huge in size, it still looks "small and exquisite" compared with the No. 7 experimental body.

The Amitre crocodile didn't flinch, though, and seemed irritated by the smell of blood.

Everything was about the same time as Charlotte estimated, and the previous operations began to take effect.

Soon, before subject No. 7 successfully attacked the first Amitre crocodile, the second Amitre crocodile appeared.

The second one still bit off a piece of flesh from Experimental No. 7.

Next, the third, fourth, fifth...

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