Star Boss, she is beautiful and sassy

Chapter 585 585. A more intelligent third party? No more keeping in formation! Remedy and ease!

The scientific research team who were protected by them became even more ashen-faced after seeing the hundreds of stone statues being "awakened" one after another.

Ever since they entered this mysterious building, everything along the way was pitch black. They didn't even know there was a power supply system here!

Such strong lighting must require a lot of energy behind it. Is there anyone here regularly maintaining and providing energy?

Professor Ge Qing panted slightly. He also had many questions that he didn't want to understand.

If lighting equipment such as automatic sensor lights is used here, the equipment should light up as soon as you step in.

But that was not the case. It took a while for them to come in before all the lighting equipment came on.

It's like there's someone behind the scenes.

Johnny and Dingwei naturally had the same doubts.

However, they had no time to investigate in detail. Everyone was trying to make up for it and tried their best to destroy the lighting equipment here.

However, those lighting equipment are located on extremely high domes and have an extremely long range.

Not only that, they are unusually strong and cannot be easily destroyed.

It often takes a lot of ammunition to destroy a lighting device.

And there are too many lighting equipment in this entire circular square!

If this continues, under the fierce siege of those things, not only will they not be able to take action, they will not even have enough ammunition.

There was really nothing they could do, so Johnny and Dingwei could only adjust their orders. Everyone should fight those things with all their strength, and stop wasting ammunition on destroying lighting equipment.

Next, they will have a fierce battle!

At this time, Charlotte was galloping through the passage at full speed.

Behind her were the rest of the search and rescue team 3.

The route Alpha gave her was the shortest path, and the conditions along the way were marked.

Therefore, Charlotte can avoid various "roadblocks" to the greatest extent and rush to the destination as quickly as possible.

After successfully obtaining a map of this pyramid, these are no more trivial matters.

In fact, Charlotte can also plan the route herself, because she has memorized all the routes.

However, compared to Alpha who is good at data calculations, she will still spend a little more time.

Therefore, Charlotte directly asked Alpha to draw up and calculate a suitable path.

Behind her, Zhang Lianping followed closely and did not fall behind due to Charlotte's speed.

Galloping for a long time can actually reveal one's personal strength.

Zhang Lianping looked at Xia Luo's back and saw that this intern's basic physical fitness was definitely above the standard.

At the beginning, her speed was not very fast, and she only led everyone through the main and auxiliary passages.

However, when everyone began to adapt to her rhythm, she continued to speed up.

Until now, their entire search and rescue team 3 are running at full speed with her.

The most important thing is that they were obviously moving at such a fast speed, but they didn't encounter any problems along the way.

But according to their experience after entering, this building should never be "unobstructed" so easily.

There are only two explanations for this situation—either she was lucky enough to avoid all possible traps, traps, "dead ends" and the like; The lowest risk path.

Combined with Charlotte breaking the door control and using the internal system of the building to determine the location of the mission target, Zhang Lianping felt that Charlotte might have mastered part of the map route here.

Although he also wanted to ask her about this aspect, he was busy on his way at the moment, so he suppressed the doubts in his heart.

This intern is very fast.

Running at such a fast speed for such a long time gave her good endurance.

But Zhang Lianping just had an intuition that this was not her fastest speed.

All in all, she seemed quite comfortable.

He was also a little curious, if she was moving forward at full speed, how many people including everyone including him would be able to keep up with her?

Thinking about it, Zhang Lianping speeded up a little and came to her side.

"Charlotte, go ahead at full speed, we have to get to Team 1 and Team 4 as soon as possible." Zhang Lianping said to Charlotte.

Charlotte didn't say much, but replied in response: "Okay, everyone follow closely."

Originally, Charlotte had been maintaining a more appropriate speed so that the people behind could keep up.

Now that the captain is speaking, she doesn't need to worry too much, just go at full speed.

As for how many people can keep up, she no longer needs to care about these.

Heading towards the destination again, this time, Charlotte's speed increased instead of decreasing.

She suddenly distanced herself from the crowd behind her, and she was still speeding up!

Zhang Lianping and the others followed after being slightly stunned at first.

It's just obvious that everyone no longer maintains the tight formation as before, but has a large and small distance between each other.

Those who can keep up, such as Zhang Lianping and Wang Lei, are still at the front of the team.

But there are also some players who can only follow far behind when Charlotte is at full speed.

After another distance in this way, they were getting closer and closer to their destination.

While moving forward, Charlotte was also thinking about the previous communication situation.

The sudden interruption of the signal is very abnormal, after all, the communication was maintained in the last second.

No matter how bad the signal is, it shouldn't happen suddenly.

It's like... someone intentionally cut off the signal.

Combining the previous broadcast language of the "Botanical Garden" and what Alpha said was interfering with its search for the mission target, Charlotte could gradually come to a conclusion.

In this pyramid, there really is a third party.

And this third person should be some kind of more intelligent existence.

Otherwise, the other party cannot freely manipulate the system here.

Just to interfere with Alpha, not everyone can do it.

In the world of data, Alpha is not so powerful.

But now, judging from the signal that this third party actively intervened to cut off their signals, it doesn't seem to be the "friendly" type.

Then, there is one more object to pay attention to.

Regarding the existence of this third party, she had to find a way to communicate with Alpha afterwards.

Charlotte was thinking about these while paying attention to the situation of the route while running.

It is not difficult for her to focus on two tasks.

Charlotte's sense of hearing is very keen. After approaching the destination, she could faintly hear the sound of wooden warehouse equipment, which seemed to be fighting very fiercely.

The sound of Charlotte's footsteps echoed in the long passage, slight and rapid, but always maintained the same frequency.

Running at high speed for a long time did not slow her down a bit.

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