Star Boss, she is beautiful and sassy

Chapter 294 294. Charlotte Caught in Arms! Cakes are more important than people?

Charlotte didn't have time to pay attention to the robot, so the robot continued to move randomly in the kitchen.

It currently only sets the mobile task, which is to complete the movement from the warehouse to the kitchen, and move freely in the kitchen.

As for the specific functional health tasks, Qin Shaoyang has not had time to make further settings.

The robot moved slowly in the kitchen. It didn't walk fast, and the kitchen was big, so Charlotte didn't care about it later.

After all, it's pretty invisible and doesn't seem to interfere with her work.

Qin Shaoyang should be here soon, and he will be in charge of the robot then.

After Charlotte prepared the various creams for the decoration, she put them aside.

At this moment, she heard slight footsteps.

So, without raising her head, Charlotte said, "Pass me a spoon, and I'll see how the ingredients in the soup are cooking."

There was still soup on the stove, and it took a long time to cook the soup, so she stewed it early in the afternoon.

Calculating the time, it seems that the time is almost up. She needs to see how the soup is boiled and whether she can proceed to the next step.

The little robot continued to wander aimlessly, and the whole kitchen seemed very quiet, even the sound of soup tumbling on the stove could be heard.

The footsteps that had stopped sounded again, and then there was the slight collision of pots and pans, probably looking for the soup spoon she wanted.

New ingredients need to be added to the soup, but Charlotte didn't stop her hand, but reminded, "Is it on the table on the left, I seem to have put it there just now."

When handling the ingredients at the beginning, there were a lot of things and messy, so the spoon was not at hand, but she put it aside casually.

So, the footsteps turned around and went to the left.

Not long after, the other party came towards her again, seeming to have successfully obtained the spoon.

A soup spoon suddenly appeared in front of him, and Charlotte immediately put down the ingredients in his hand, took the spoon instead, and put it in the casserole.

"You go to take charge of that robot, arrange something for it to do, don't keep dangling around." Charlotte arranged things for him.

Her eyes were still focused on the casserole, and she poked the meat in the casserole with a spoon, and estimated that it was almost cooked.

While the walking robot isn't particularly impactful for now, it's probably best not to wander around after the cooking is done for a while.

As for what Qin Shaoyang wants to arrange for the robot to do, he can do whatever he wants. Anyway, there are not many things that need his help now.

The footsteps around her went away again, and Charlotte was a little surprised. Why did people who talk a lot on weekdays suddenly become silent now?

Charlotte, who was about to put down the spoon, thought about it carefully, but was startled suddenly, and hurriedly turned her head to look.

No, those footsteps are not Qin Shaoyang's, he is not wearing leather shoes today!

She turned around quickly, still holding the spoon in her hand, but accidentally swung it at the robot walking by.

Suddenly seeing an unexpected person appearing in the kitchen, Charlotte's reaction was a bit slow, and she couldn't help the robot that she hit in the first place.

As a result, the robot lost its balance and accidentally brought it to the next shelf.

The cake embryos on the shelf were teetering and were about to fall.

Charlotte hurriedly turned her head to look, and before she had time to think about it, she held onto the shelf with one hand and was about to pick up the cake with the other.

But at this moment, the robot, which originally had a particularly weak sense of existence, was standing in front of her and suddenly became in the way!

As soon as Charlotte caught the cake, she was tripped by the dangling robot.

Because she instinctively wanted to protect the cake, she suddenly fell to the side.

But even though her body had lost her balance, Charlotte still didn't let go of her hand holding the cake.

As soon as you let go, the cake embryo will be smashed.

Before Charlotte fell, she simply held the cake with both hands, trying to hold it steady when she fell!

At this juncture, she only had one uncivilized language in her mind, and she especially wanted to say it to Qin Shaoyang.

The sound of hurried footsteps came towards her, and then, a strong arm directly wrapped around Charlotte's waist, preventing her from falling to the ground.

The other hand supported the bottom of the cake, helping Charlotte to stabilize the cake in her hand.

Charlotte reacted quickly. With the strength in her waist, she immediately balanced her body and regained her footing.

Seeing that she was fine, Qin Shaoheng let go of his hand naturally.

Looking at the person in front of him who helped him, Charlotte thanked him: "Thank you, Major General, for your help."

After seeing her thank you, Qin Shaoheng immediately checked the situation of the cake, so... Compared to herself, this cake is more important? He couldn't help feeling amused.

"I heard that Shaoyang has been busy here all afternoon." Qin Shaoheng said with a smile, "Let me guess, are you planning to celebrate my birthday?"

Looking at the cake embryo in Charlotte's hand, Qin Shaoheng felt that his guess was pretty close.

Charlotte took a closer look at the cake embryo, and after confirming that there was no problem, he put it back on the table.

"Yes, Young Master Qin is going to give you a birthday surprise, and we are preparing it in secret." Charlotte "betrayed" Qin Shaoyang expressionlessly.

No, it wasn't actually a "betrayal", they were all caught on the spot, and if they didn't admit it, it would mean "there is no silver three hundred taels here".

Qin Shaoheng looked around again, and jokingly said: "I am really surprised and happy, this battle... I feel flattered."

Charlotte: "..." Speak well, don't talk poorly.

When Qin Shaoheng walked in just now, he was really surprised. He didn't expect that the little girl was so good at cooking that she could cook his birthday meal.

Look at the processed ingredients on the table, this meal tonight seems to be quite rich.

However, Qin Shaoheng knew that she always had the habit of cherishing food, so he said casually: "Cook less, it's not suitable to eat too much at night."

However, today's Charlotte is uncharacteristically: "Since it's a birthday, there must be a sense of ceremony, and you don't have to think too much about other people."

Although she doesn't like wasting food, she will never kidnap other people morally.

Of course, she also deliberately controlled the portion of all the dishes today. This is mainly because the number of dishes is relatively large, and they are afraid that they will not taste all of them.

With a faint smile on Qin Shaoheng's face, he asked again: "Can you get here alone? Do you need help?"

In terms of cooking skills, Qin Shaoheng is not inferior in the slightest.

In terms of hospitality, he couldn't keep Charlotte, a guest, busy from beginning to end.

Charlotte can always understand Qin Shaoheng's concerns, but for his kindness, Charlotte refuses without thinking: "You are a birthday star, there is no reason for you to do it."

After finishing speaking, she glanced at the formal suit he was wearing, probably he had just rushed home after working outside.

Charlotte then said: "Your clothes are not suitable for cooking."

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