Star Boss, she is beautiful and sassy

Chapter 189: 189. Excavation of the school-level public class! Xia's

According to regulations, students must take assessments every year within three years of their junior year.

If you fail the semester assessment in the first half of the semester, it doesn't matter. But if you fail the annual assessment every school year, then the problem will be big.

Because students can advance to a higher level only if they pass the academic year assessment.

If your ability is not up to standard and you cannot pass the assessment, you will need to repeat the grade and study again.

The academic assessment at Gevos is very strict, and there are many people who fail every year.

Therefore, everyone will focus more on the study of this major.

Only when they ensure that professional courses are not affected and have extra energy will they attend other courses.

Most of this kind of auditing, like Charlotte, is to serve his professional courses. The purpose is to expand the depth and breadth of one's professional field and improve one's professional quality.

In addition to "Mechanical Principles of Mechas", the Mecha Driving Department and Armor Making Department also have several joint college-level public courses.

After all, the mecha piloting department and the armor making department belong to the same branch, and the relationship between them has always been very close.

It’s just that the courses for the second half of the semester haven’t been opened yet, so Charlotte doesn’t have a fixed classroom to audit.

Fortunately, the study of the professional course "Mechanical Principles of Mechas" is also continuous.

After this course is offered in the second half of the first grade, the second grade also needs to study it for the entire year.

In this case, even if the courses in the second half of the semester have not started yet, Charlotte only needs to find the second-year teacher who teaches the course and can still ask for advice.

Although Gevos recruits students every three years, there are always people who fail the exam every year due to various reasons.

Some people take long sick leave due to physical reasons.

Some people had to take a break from school due to family changes.

However, more people fail to pass the assessment due to lack of ability.

For one reason or another, every year someone needs to repeat a grade.

Those who have repeated a grade will be put into a new class in the next school year, and they will re-learn this year's courses together with their junior students.

But after all, admissions are held every three years, so in the year of admissions, there will suddenly be an influx of students.

In that year, all courses will also be fully open.

After that, during the two years when there are no enrollments, the class schedule will be adjusted, and the overall number of classes will be reduced.

After all, not every department has so many repeaters every year.

Only when there are repeaters, each branch will arrange classes for them.

And generally speaking, unless there are a large number of students who are promoted according to the normal progress that year, the classes for those repeat students are all small. No way, who made repeat students only a minority?

However, the content of the first grade is relatively simple, and there is usually no repetition of grades, but the second and third grades are not sure.

Take the Mecha Piloting Department as an example. Among the students in this class, Charlotte has not heard of any repeat students from the second grade. It is estimated that they have been promoted to the second grade well before.

According to Charlotte's plan, she planned to chew down the "General Theory of Mechanics (Basic Introductory Edition)" first, and then go to the second grade class to audit the course "Mechanical Principles of Mechas".

No way, this course is a bit complicated. So far, she has been behind the schedule for about two months.

To listen rashly at this time will only be confused and a waste of time.

Charlotte's study life is still very fulfilling, even she feels that her time and energy are not enough.

But at such a time when she is so busy and can't wait to be on all fours, there are still people who want to add new learning tasks to her.

Professor Meng Qiu from the Weapons and Equipment Branch had paid attention to Charlotte, a good seed, as early as the 58th Gevos Virtual Mech Super League.

Later, during the freshmen's physical training, he was even more convinced of Charlotte's talent.

Recently, he also heard about Charlotte being exceptionally recruited by Professor Gusta.

At that time, Professor Meng Qiu still sighed.

If Charlotte came from their weapons and equipment branch, how could he give her this kind of treatment? You must take it with you personally, teach students in accordance with their aptitude, and teach them carefully! Let her grow faster!

For such a good seedling, studying step by step will only waste her time.

But now that the dust has settled, it's not easy for him to go to the mech branch to snatch people.

However, Professor Meng Qiu has always had the idea of ​​letting Charlotte come to minor in their branch courses.

In his opinion, the little girl is definitely a top student with enough energy to learn, which is enough to prove from her recent performance.

Because Meng Qiu paid careful attention, he knew that although Charlotte was named by Professor Gusta, she still started studying in the first grade.

In just two months, she had already learned almost all the theoretical knowledge in the first half of the first grade.

No, minus a month of vacation time, exactly.

It only takes one month to achieve this point. No matter how simple the first-grade knowledge is, the talent she showed is too powerful!

Meng Qiu also went to inquire specifically and found out that this little girl Xia Luo not only learned theoretical knowledge quickly, but also stayed far ahead in practical courses.

what a pity! Gusta, a scientific research madman, knows how to mess up his own experiments all day long! Although he was so lucky to have recruited such a wonderful child, he didn't care at all and just let her "fend for herself".

Meng Qiu really felt that reckless use of everything would make the "precious pearl" dusty!

Poor child, who obviously has his own exclusive tutor, but can only fiddle with it by himself.

If this is in his hands, he will definitely escort her and design a training plan himself. She can achieve more than that!

In fact, when recruiting students, the most popular student in the mecha driving department was not Charlotte. She came here after receiving an invitation letter after she won the virtual mech contest.

In the entrance examination of Zheng'er Bajing, the most popular student should be Chu Pengfei.

However, now, only in terms of learning progress, Xia Luo actually surpassed Chu Pengfei and became the well-deserved number one in this year's mech piloting department!

Professor Meng Qiu felt heartbroken just thinking about it. If he had known this, he would have contacted her privately immediately after the virtual mecha competition.

At that time, he should do a good job of "guiding" and let her choose to apply for their weaponry branch!

But it's still too late to make up for it, this perfect "rough stone", he must abduct it to their academy, even if it's just a minor!

Professor Meng Qiu thought that Ares Randall took many more courses than Charlotte, and now she is only asked to take courses from one branch, and she will definitely be able to do it!

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