Rome Must Fall

Chapter 253 Crassus and Pompey

"Really?!" When Nesia heard this, the gloom on her face disappeared.

"Of course it's true!" Maximus said seriously: "I heard that in some kingdoms in Asia Minor, the king has a queen, and the queen is responsible for managing the king's other wives and maids... Our Nix is ​​still just a tribe, there is no I can’t let you be the queen, but I appoint you as the first lady of the Nyx tribe, and your responsibilities are the same as those of the queen!”

The First Lady of the Knicks! ...Nesia thinks this new term sounds nice.

Maximus felt relieved when he saw the smile on Nesia's face, and then said softly: "However, when you become the first lady of the tribe, you cannot abuse your power. You must take care of everything at home. , so that it becomes orderly and everyone is harmonious, so that I can devote all my energy to the survival and development of the tribe. "

"In your eyes, am I a messy person?" Nesia glared at him and said sternly: "Don't worry, I will fulfill my duties as First Lady!"

At this point, she suddenly remembered something and frowned slightly: "Does it mean that after I become the First Lady, I can no longer be the adjutant of the Medical Department?"

"As long as you can keep yourself busy, you can continue to serve as the adjutant of the Medical Department."

"Is Arconis also under my control?

"Arconis is responsible for the chores of the entire main house, not just our family, so she is not under your control, but you can ask her to do anything."

"Oh..." Nesia looked a little disappointed, her eyes flickered, and she asked again: "So, have I been appointed as the first lady now?"

Maximus solemnly explained: "It's not that yet. After obtaining your consent, I have to take the matter to the political hall to discuss, let the Ministry of Justice establish the responsibilities of the first lady, and inform the people, so that the ethics The Ministry establishes specific etiquette for the First Lady..."


When Pompey was 24 years old, he commanded the army to quell the rebellion in the Kingdom of Numidia in North Africa in just 40 days. The Roman dictator Sulla held a Roman triumphal ceremony for him.

Ten years later, Pompey led his troops to annihilate the Sertorius rebels in Spain. On his way back to Rome, he annihilated the rebels and defeated them. The Senate once again held a triumphal ceremony for him.

For a time, Pompey's reputation in Rome was unparalleled. There was an endless stream of guests visiting his house every day, and most of the talk in the streets was about him...

But after a few months, the enthusiasm cooled down, as the consul elections for the following year began.

Pompeo felt a little disappointed because the number of people visiting him dropped sharply. At the same time, he had been resting for several months and was unwilling to accept this ordinary life. He wanted to continue to be the center of public attention.

Today, except for the war in Asia Minor, the Mediterranean controlled by Rome is peaceful and there is no place to use force. In Asia Minor, the war between Rome and Pontus was under the responsibility of the military commander Lucullus appointed by the Senate. Not to mention that the former consul's deep foundation in the Senate was not something Pompey could shake now, and The war in the east was going relatively smoothly.

There is no chance to show off one's talents militarily for the time being, but what about politics?

Pompey's subordinates strongly encouraged him to run for the consulship next year, because his subordinates believed that Pompeo had disbanded the army in order to allow the Senate to hold a triumphal ceremony, but he had made a promise to the soldiers in Spain. They fought bravely for him, and after the war he would give them land and wealth. Now these soldiers are stranded in Rome and surrounding areas, waiting for him to fulfill his promise. If he controls the supreme power of Rome, he can push the Senate to enact legislation. , settled his subordinates.

Pompeo was very excited about his subordinates' proposal, not only to fulfill his promise, but more importantly, to be able to ascend to the highest position of power in Rome and surpass the previous outstanding figures in Rome. This was what he had always pursued, and it was not in vain. The title "Magnus".

But he was also a little uneasy. After all, he was only 34 years old. According to Roman tradition, he was at least eight years away from the age when Roman citizens could run for consulship.

Moreover, he ran for consulship without ever holding any public office, which was also against Roman law and would inevitably attract criticism during the election.

Another point that worries him is that he has never held a public office, so he lacks administrative experience. He has never been in the Senate, so he lacks political means. He is used to doing things boldly in the military camp and can adapt to spending all day in the Senate. A verbal fight?

After repeated consideration, he finally decided to run for the consulship, but out of caution, he let out the news this morning that he was "going to run for the consulship" and wanted to see the reaction of the Roman people first.

Who knew that just two hours later, someone came to visit him, and it was none other than Crassus.

Pompey was so surprised that he went out to greet him personally and welcomed him warmly into the living room.

"Demetrius. Pompey shouted to his confidant butler: "Go quickly and bring out the good wine and food, and entertain my distinguished guests!

When the servants all went to work and Pompey was left alone in the living room facing Crassus, he actually felt a little nervous.

How could a Roman general who had led thousands of troops, witnessed many battlefields filled with corpses and seas of blood, and experienced the test of life and death, have such emotions?

Perhaps it was because Pompey himself was the hero of Rome and the object of love of the people, while Crassus was the richest man in Rome and the person most feared by ordinary people. Their ideological differences made Pompey almost in Sulla's camp in the past. Not alone with Crassus;

Or maybe it was because there were some rumors in Rome during this period that "Spartacus's group of rebels were eliminated actually due to the efforts of Crassus, but the glory of the final triumph was entirely written by Pompey alone"... ...Although Pompeo sneered at this statement on the surface, he knew very well in his heart: he did take advantage...

Pompey suppressed his discomfort and said, "Crasus, why do you have time to come to me today?"

Crassus said seriously: "Pompeo, I heard that you are running for the consulship. With your current prestige, the people will definitely push you to the seat in the center of the Senate! I don't know if I have this honor. Be your co-campaigner?”

Crassus said it so directly that Pompey was stunned. After a moment, he said loudly: "Of course, I am very happy!"

Yes, Crassus personally came to request Pompey with a great sense of satisfaction. In fact, he had always longed to show goodwill to such an important figure in Roman politics. Unfortunately, the other party had always been hostile to him in the past. Today, he finally got his wish. Moreover, the other party has rich political experience, which can make up for his shortcomings and make the election smoother...

Crassus smiled, and there was a cunning hidden in his seemingly sincere thanks: as long as he could achieve his goal, it was okay for him to bend down occasionally.

Soon, Crassus and Pompey publicly announced that they "will jointly run for the consulship." This important news immediately caused a sensation throughout the city of Rome.

Next, the two appeared at a speech rally for the consul election at the same time. At the end of Pompeo's passionate speech, he said: " is a greater honor to have Crassus as his colleague than to have himself become a consul. !”

After speaking, he took the initiative to shake hands and hug Crassus. Thousands of people attending the rally gave deafening cheers. In their opinion: as long as the two most powerful figures can unite and cooperate together, Rome will undoubtedly become peaceful and prosperous next year!


Amrotas is both excited and nervous these days.

What is exciting is that the tribal alliance is finally going to form a large army to destroy this group of outsiders. Ever since they settled down and became Segostika's neighbors, even after signing the armistice agreement, he has always been on tenterhooks, worried that one day they would suddenly He broke through the border, surrounded and attacked his stronghold, and now he can finally solve this big trouble.

The nervous thing is that the new leader Kabdus asked him to keep this secret before declaring war and not let the Knicks discover it. Otherwise, the other side will have enough time to prepare, which will undoubtedly increase the casualties of the coalition forces. After all, Segestika Now that the supply of troops is tight, the lives of the soldiers must be cherished... Therefore, Amrotas sent more manpower to strengthen patrols on the border to prevent Nix spies from sneaking in, so as to find out the secret of Segostika's military mobilization...

Last night, Amrotas was so excited that he didn't sleep well because the one-year peace truce agreement signed by Segostika and Nix today has expired. The day of march here.

After having breakfast, he first carefully inspected the reserves of military supplies that had been transported into the village during this period. He then summoned the elders of the tribe and repeatedly asked them to prepare for war and follow them as soon as the army arrived. Invading Knicks territory.

After finishing all these things, Amrotas, who was already a little tired, did not forget to ask his subordinates: "Has the messenger sent by the main village arrived?!"

"Chief, even if the envoy sent by the big leader rides a fast horse and rushes here, I'm afraid it won't arrive until tomorrow. You know, the road through the dense forest is not easy to walk." His subordinates comforted him: "Don't worry. , since the tribal alliance has decided to send troops to the Nix people today, it is impossible for the leader Kabdus not to implement it, and the army should have already set off from the main stronghold. "

"That's right. Originally, the tribal alliance could send troops earlier, but it was postponed until today because of Kabudez's insistence. No matter how cautious he is, he has to execute it at this time." Amrotas figured it out. Afterwards, relax your whole body.

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