Rise of the Dark Witch

Chapter 446 The 30th Floor, Unbelievers and Gods

Return to Magic Machine Academy.

After a short rest, Roya, Leo and Bellica set out to challenge the Endless Tower again.

The eleventh floor, the twelfth floor, the thirteenth floor...

The twenty-first floor, the twenty-second floor, the twenty-third floor...

As the number of levels increases, the challenge becomes more and more difficult, and there are more and more things to test. In the end, it is no longer just about being strong enough to pass the level.

However, under the leadership of Roja and with the assistance of Leo and Bellica, the three of them had an unimpeded journey.

The shortest time, only a few hours to complete the level.

The longest one took no more than half a year.

Unknowingly, they had reached the thirtieth floor.

The difficulty of the Endless Tower will change qualitatively every ten floors, and the thirty floors are an extremely difficult hurdle for many wizards to overcome.

A level three wizard in Magic Machine Academy can pass the tenth level with just a little effort. On the twentieth floor, it's a bit more difficult. However, less than one-third of the wizards can pass the thirtieth floor.

Many of the wizards who passed the thirtieth level experienced many failures and finally succeeded in passing the level before they were a thousand years old.

Leo's positioning of his own strength is that he may fail once or twice on the 30th floor, and has a very small probability of reaching the 40th floor. The difficulty of the 50th floor is comparable to the eleventh magic machine trial. Don't even think about it.

If Roja could lead him through the 30th floor without failing even once, then his cooperation with Roja this time would have been very profitable.

He turned his head and secretly glanced at Roja, his heart beating thumpingly.

Roja is much more powerful and comprehensive than he expected!

To analyze whether a wizard is powerful or not, the ability to fight head-on is only one of them. A wizard who simply knows how to fight will not be able to go very far in the wizarding world.

And Roja is not only strong in combat ability, but also has stronger abilities in other aspects.

In Leo's opinion, Roja has almost no flaws!

Speed, defense, regeneration, perception, formations, magic patterns, analysis, learning... there are no shortcomings at all.

Even as a lightning wizard, he has greater destructive power than Roja. As long as Roja uses the Origin Transformation, he can easily surpass him in destructive power.

The three of them have cooperated to break through the 30th floor of the challenge tower, but he has not seen Roja's full strength. Until now, Roja has only shown the tip of the iceberg of his unfathomable strength.

With Roya here, let alone the thirtyth floor, even the forty or even the fiftieth floor is possible!

In his opinion, Roja fully possesses the potential to become a student of the Demonic Machine Domain Master!

"Are you ready?" Roja asked aloud.


"That's it."

After both Leo and Bellica said there was no problem, the three began to challenge the 30th floor of the third-level endless tower.

In the snow-white dome room, dazzling white light ignited, and the three people's expressions were extremely focused, even Roja was no exception.

Faced with the difficulty of level 30, a person as strong as Roja would not dare to be careless, because this is a challenge that will waste a hundred years if it fails once!

"Blessing the Sacred Tree?"

"Is this the goal this time?"

"The name seems pretty ordinary."

The next moment.

The vision and consciousness of the three people were submerged in white.

But when the white light receded, they had arrived in a whole new world.

A world covered in greenery.

From the remains of the surrounding buildings, it can be seen that this world was once a prosperous world with many high-rise buildings.

It's just that this prosperous world with high-rise buildings was shattered after an unknown disaster, and was submerged in green, turning into a world of trees full of life.

"Wow, the vitality surrounding us is so rich."

"Is the target this time a tree-shaped monster? The demon tree that occupies the entire world is quite troublesome to kill."

"Strange, why does the atmosphere of this world feel a little peaceful?"

The three of them looked at each other.

Judging from the surrounding buildings, this world should be less than fifty years away from destruction.

Fifty years ago, the prosperous human world was occupied by the sudden appearance of the magic tree. Human beings would definitely resist, and there would definitely be deaths in the hundreds of millions.

So it's only right that the ground should be littered with bones and the air should be filled with the resentment of the dead.

But this world gives them a very peaceful and tranquil feeling, as if they have arrived in a paradise.

Something is very wrong!

"Probably in that direction?"

"Let's go. The specific reason will be known later."

"Although I still don't know what the Blessing Sacred Tree is all about, I feel that this time it may be a bit difficult."

The three of them kept moving forward in the ruins of the city, which was full of green trees, vines, and animals. They collected intelligence as they moved forward.

With their third-level wizard's perception ability, especially Belica's ability to easily envelope a planet, they should have been able to easily get a lot of the information they wanted.

But they won't do that.

Not to mention releasing the perception that can cover the entire planet at any time, they don't even fly, and they don't even walk too fast.

Because if you act recklessly like this, you may alert the target!

Since clearing the tenth level, they no longer dare to fly and use their sensory abilities at will like before.

It would be bad if the target becomes alert due to their carelessness.

However, even if they cannot use wide-range perception, they can still vaguely sense the existence that envelopes the entire world and makes them feel extremely heavy.

Just the aura released by the other party made Roja and his team, as third-level wizards, feel helpless.

The opponent's rank is higher than theirs!

It's not a question of strength or not, it's a question of level and rank!

If they are at the third level, then the opponent is at the fourth, fifth, or even sixth level!

They have already made some guesses about what the enemy this time is.

When they stood on the top of the mountain and looked at the hundreds of thousands of meters high tree in front of them, exuding divine radiance, and the crowds of people praying constantly around the sacred tree, the speculation in their hearts turned into reality.

Their goal this time is to bless the sacred tree, it’s a god!

He is a real god, a fifth-level true god level existence!

"You actually want us to kill the fifth-level true god? Could it be that the mission was wrong? Is this a challenge on the 100th floor of the fourth-level challenge tower?" Leo said weakly, covering his forehead.

"That sacred tree hundreds of thousands of meters high should be the exposed mental world? It's really bold to directly reveal the mental world as a weakness." Bellica whispered.

"A god?" Roja rubbed his chin and thought, "It should be a divine creature created by people in this world unintentionally, just like the golem of destruction inadvertently created by the golem world on the first floor of the Endless Tower. As long as Once you figure out how the blessing tree appears, you should be able to find a way to clear the level."

Even if the opponent is a flawed true god, it is absolutely impossible for the three of them to win in a head-on confrontation.

This is a challenge that will fail if you make a single mistake!

You only have one chance, or else you will fail!

It was just a level three endless tower challenge, but they didn't expect it to be so difficult.

"How to collect information about the blessed tree?"

"It seems like everyone has become a believer."

"Has faith gone berserk?"

Around the blessed tree, people knelt down one after another and prayed.

These are human beings who believe in the blessed sacred tree, and there are billions of them in number.

These people who believe in the blessed sacred tree have no other thoughts in their minds except prayer. Their will and thoughts have been completely contaminated by faith.

They believe in the blessing tree, which gives them strength.

As a result, they were able to pray day and night without getting tired or dying.

This is a way for wizards to build the Kingdom of Faith and collect the power of faith, which is called colonizing the Kingdom of God.

Treat other people as cattle that provide the strength of your faith.

Taking action against these believers who believe in and are closely connected to the blessing trees will most likely disturb the blessing trees. It is better not to use this risky method unless absolutely necessary.

"Is this the difficulty of the thirtieth level?" Leo sighed.

"There's no point complaining, let's start looking for information." Bellica, who said this, looked even more ugly than Leo.

"The Endless Tower will definitely not arrange challenges that cannot be passed." Roja stared at the blessed tree. He had discovered something through the proof of the two souls, but after thinking about it, he decided to remain silent for the time being.

They spread out and searched for information about the blessed tree in this world.

This world is huge, and there is very little information about the Blessing Sacred Tree.

Especially since everyone in the world has become "believers" of the blessed tree, they don't want to attack these believers.

When they all want to give up.

Roya accidentally discovered a living person.

A living person who is not contaminated by the belief in the blessed tree and still has self-awareness and self-thought.

The only "living person" in this world - Bam Root.

Roja was extremely shocked when he saw this white-haired old man named Bam Root, who was already in his seventies or eighties.

The pollution of belief in the true God cannot be easily avoided!

As an ordinary person, Bam Root didn't become a believer in the blessing tree?

There is only one possibility except that Bam Root himself is also a true god-level existence.

That means he is an unbeliever!

Not only Roya, but also Leo and Bellica, when they saw Bam Root, they were only a little more surprised than Roya.

"He's actually an unbeliever?"

"This is a rarer existence than the innate gods!"

"In a world where innate gods and unbelievers appear at the same time, what is going on in this world?"

If you want to resist the contamination of belief in the Blessing Sacred Tree, it is not as simple as just not believing in the Blessing Sacred Tree.

Believe in other gods?

People can cut off your beliefs!

Don’t believe in gods?

Do you believe in your ancestors? When you encounter difficulties, do you pray for someone to save you?

Will you love something deeply and put your emotions on it?

As long as there is an act of faith, as long as there is someone to pray to, as long as you plead for help from others from the heart... this kind of behavior of placing your emotions on external objects outside yourself will produce the power of faith.

There is no act of faith, no object of prayer, no heartfelt supplications and no thanks to others... People who cannot produce the power of faith are called unbelievers.

The unbelieving are rarer than the innate gods.

Before seeing Bam Root with his own eyes, Roya didn't believe that such people as unbelievers actually existed in the world!

However, unbelievers are rare, but their existence itself has no special use.

Therefore, Luo Ya and others were surprised and had no special thoughts in their hearts.

In a simple room.

Bam Root's troubled guest boiled a pot of hot tea.

"I didn't expect that after fifty years, I could still see a 'living person' in this world." Bam Root looked at the three Rojas and said with emotion.

The three of Roja drank tea while asking about the blessing tree.

Bam Root squinted his eyes as he thought about the past.

"Bless the sacred tree?"

"That was fifty years ago."

"In the girls' school established by our Holy Tree Church fifty years ago, there was a student who became pregnant out of wedlock."

"Church colleges have extremely strict requirements for students in church schools, especially in church girls' schools. Every student is nominally a novice nun of the church. They are not allowed to have relationships with men, and they are even said to be pregnant."

"That's what it means in name, but actually everyone...right? Everyone knows that the so-called church is just that."

"Student pregnancies happen every few decades."

"Just handle it the way you've always handled it."

"But this time it's different."

"The student actually insisted that he had never had a relationship with any man and that he was pregnant out of wedlock just like the Virgin Mary in the Bible."

"This is how everyone defends themselves. Many people don't take it seriously..."

"However, the student's family has been working for the church for generations and has great power in the church."

"They were already extremely angry that their daughter was pregnant out of wedlock, but her daughter was actually unwilling to reveal her husband's arrogance and dared to claim that she was a virgin and became pregnant, which is such a blasphemous act."

"In the end, the female student was burned at the stake as a blasphemous witch."

When they heard this, Roja and others already understood what happened.

This is truly a tragedy.

It is a complete tragedy for both the girl who was burned at the stake and the crazy believers who believed in the gods.

Whether the girl was truly a virgin is up for debate, but the child she carried was indeed a god!

A fifth-level innate god!

As long as he is born normally, there will be one more fifth-level god in this world!

However, because of being burned at the stake, the innate fifth-level god who had not yet fully formed went berserk.

Thinking back to the events of that day, Bam Root sighed.

"The flames enveloped the girl's delicate body."

"The girl screamed, her body being burned by the flames and turned into ashes."

"The crazy believers on the side kept dancing in the flames to celebrate the purification of the blasphemous witch."

"I didn't expect that in modern times, there would be burning at the stake."

"What I didn't expect is that the baby who was supposed to be burned to ashes along with the girl did not die!"

"In light and fire, the god is born!"

"The born god did not punish those who killed his mother. Instead, he mercifully gave strength to all believers. All believers who believed in him gained the power of the apostles of the gods in the scriptures."

“Old men become young.”

"The wounded become healthy."

“He who prays for wealth receives money.”

“He who pleads for strength receives strength.”

"The Holy Tree Sect was originally just a small church. After the birth of the Son of God, in just a few years, almost everyone in the world became believers."

"When everyone thought that the kingdom of heaven on earth was about to come..."

Bam Root raised his head and looked into the distance, looking at the blessing tree that was hundreds of meters high, and at the believers who were prostrate under the tree and praying day and night.

"Perhaps this is God's punishment for us ignorant humans."

"Perhaps this is God's mercy towards us sinners."

"Why do you want me to live alone in the world?"

Muddy tears slid down Bam Root's old wrinkled face. Instead of living alone, it was better to become a member of the believers. Even if you become a believer and become contaminated by your faith and become a tool to provide faith, at least you will feel happy inside.

Instead of being tortured by loneliness day and night like him.

After listening to Bam Root's story, Roya and others fell silent.

Their silence was not to feel sad for the innocent girl who was burned at the stake, nor to sympathize with Bam Root who lived alone in the world, but to think about how to deal with the blessing tree.

They know the truth of everything, but it doesn't seem to be of any use?

Thinking about it.

Leo and Bellica couldn't help but fall on Roja.

Roja has unknowingly become the backbone of their three-person team. When they encounter difficulties, they all reflexively rely on Roja.

Being watched by Leo and Bellica, Roja thought for a while and said:

"The Blessing Sacred Tree is the mental world of the innate gods that has not yet grown up. There is only one way to make the mental world disappear."

"That is to kill the owner of the mind world!"

"There are two ways to kill a god."

"First, convince the god to commit suicide."

"Secondly, it's up to us to kill him!"

Roja shook his hand and a cold light flashed in his eyes, "What about innate gods? Gods who have not grown up are not gods!"

Facing Roja who showed a confident smile, Leo and Bellica were overjoyed. They knew that Roja had already thought of a way.

"What to do?" Leo asked.

"That god should be deep inside the Blessing Tree. As long as we can locate him and kill him, that's all."

"It's easy to lock the position, but it's very difficult to kill a god, even if it's just an incomplete god."

"First, all his believers must be killed. Without believers in him, he cannot be resurrected with the help of believers."

"Secondly, we need to weaken his source of power, otherwise we won't even be able to break through the defense. His source of power is the Divine Blessing Tree of the Heart World."

"I am responsible for weakening the blessing tree of the Heart World, leaving the task of killing the believers to Belika, and finally, Leo, you will give the god the final blow."

Soon, the battle plan was finalized. (End of chapter)

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