Rise of Rurik

Chapter 176 The servant's little shoes

For a moment, Kamne felt that she had been forgotten by her master.

He stared blankly at everything that happened, including the woman starting to cut a whole hide with a dagger.

Kamne is no stranger to making leather shoes.

Residents of the Novgorod region, they have been known to cut and sew leather into leather shoes or boots since ancient times.

Even if there are many skilled locals, making a pair of suitable leather boots not only takes time and effort, but the price of the finished leather boots is also high.

Many ordinary people have improvised methods. For example, after catching a hare, cut off the rabbit's head, and then peel off the entire leather to form a skin bag with only one opening. Foot wraps made of linen strips are wrapped around the feet, then covered with such leather, and finally tied with hemp ropes, which are the so-called shoes.

Of course, even such improvised shoes are rare.

A large number of residents are used to going barefoot, and they are even accustomed to frostbite due to the lack of awareness of keeping their feet and hands warm in winter.

Kamne is like this. His hands were frozen with pus in winter. He didn't think it was just a terrible thing, and he didn't understand its harm.

Now, Parla held the dagger handed over by Rurik, and the sharp blade was slashed several times, and the hide was cut.

She was muttering in her heart as she cut the leather into small pieces of about the same size.

"Rurik, is it really necessary? Maybe your servant can continue to be barefoot, too. A servant is a servant."

Rurik, the superintendent, shook his head: "Because it is a servant. If my servant is dirty, it will bring shame on me."

"Oh, it's a pity that this fine cowhide can be made into a comfortable leather jacket."

"It doesn't matter, you can continue to buy cowhide. Even if my servant pierced his foot and the wound festered, I would lose a lot."

Parla shrugged helplessly, and continued her work.

The current success of Parla's work interprets what is called "simple leather shoes".

That is a piece of leather that is cut into an approximate acute-angled triangle. The leather is folded in half at the two bottom corners, punched with a dagger point at the upper position, and threaded into a hemp rope to fasten it permanently.

The triangular waists also pressed against each other, and Parla quickly drilled holes and put on the twine. This hemp rope is the shoelace.

The first pair of shoes is ready,

Rurik was amazed at Parla's craftsmanship.

Judging only from the point of view of practicality, it seems that the shoes of buffalo horn can basically ensure that the user's feet are not injured.

But it was nothing compared to his own shoes, or even the shoes of the head maid Rumia.

Who was the first to wear it?

"Anna!" Rurik waved to the first little girl named.

Anna rushed over happily and sat directly on the wooden board, she knew what was going to happen next.

"Looks like you understand. Well, do you know how to wear shoes?" Rurik was about to ask about "tying your shoelaces", but for a while he realized that the ancient Slavs didn't have the relevant concept.

The girl raised her weak little head, with big questions in her big eyes.

Rurik looked down at the little girl who was sitting. Although her face was a little dirty, she was really beautiful, or in other words, she had a distinctly delicate feeling. And her big dark blue eyes are really charming.

Rurik simply squatted down and nearly fell to the ground.

Only at this time did he realize that the little girl in front of him could not only squat, but even sit as a duck. And myself, this Viking's body is probably doomed to be unable to squat perfectly.

He simply sat cross-legged and boldly grabbed Anna's dirty left foot.

Holding this girl's little feet with nothing but bones, Rurik was really afraid that he would crush her with a single force. "You girls must be deficient in calcium and lack of various trace elements. Damn, there is almost no meat on your body, I don't want you to be skinny all the time." The words in his heart were put in his heart, and Rurik grabbed the girl's feet and went to the shoes Rise.

Anna covered her mouth and was at a loss for a while.

She fully understands the meaning of rank. In her opinion, the master Rurik is probably the same rank as the head of the manor in his hometown? Do not! Should be even greater!

All the girls understood one thing, that is, when the head of the manor family saw the big leader of the Rus people, they all had to kneel on the ground and listen to it.

The master, Rurik, seems to be the next big chief of Ross.

But this Rurik's actions now, how can there be a kind of gentleness like a brother?

Rurik pulled the hemp rope with all his might, and then tying the knot skillfully, Anna's foot was completely covered.

Very quickly, Anna already had shoes on her feet.

Rurik stood up, patted the dust on his clothes, and Anna, who was sitting down again, ordered, "Stand up and show your sisters."

She listened to the order, stood up obediently, and jumped and danced in front of her fellow villagers with a bright smile on her face.

All other girls showed envious glances and a desire to own their own shoes.

love them? certainly!

Rurik naturally felt that the future of these girls must be absolutely dependent on him, and it was very necessary to give them certain material and spiritual favors.

He put shoes on each girl himself and taught them how to tie their shoelaces.

Rumia was still standing there, doing nothing but watching what was happening with her eyes wide open.

Her hand couldn't help holding the silver jewelry on her chest, what was the feeling of depression in her heart?

Rumia didn't realize that the emotion she suppressed now was jealousy.

She even hoped that the master Rurik could pinch his feet.

"Ah! Should it be over now?" Parla said to Rurik with a tired face, wiping the sweat from her forehead.

"You're not over yet?"

"Huh? All the girls, have shoes. Not enough?"

"Of course." Rurik shook his head, and then pulled Kamne, who had been envious for a long time, over. "Do the last pair, and I'll give you a silver coin as a reward."

With money comes motivation.

Compared to making soap, Parla felt that the reward for making these simple leather shoes Rurik was more touching.

Soon, Kamne finally had his own shoes.

Rurik didn't think his actions were any great, but this Kamne, he actually cried.

Kamne's little hands wiped away tears, and her feet kept kicking, feeling the comfort of her shoes.

Standing beside Rurik, he said from the bottom of his heart: "Master, thank you...you can let me do anything..."

"Then be loyal to me." Saying that, Rurik stroked the little boy who was half a head shorter than himself. Touch the head to kill? Kamneh did cry even harder.

Kamnee cried and said a lot of words of thanks, which completely motivated the girls.

For a time, the longhouse seemed to be the scene of the thanksgiving meeting, so Rurik could only face them with a wry smile.

It seems that all I need to do is to give you some small favors for now? Well, I hope you always have a grateful heart all your life.

It was not too early for Rurik to see, and it was not a problem for the children to continue crying.

The clan's dinner time is approaching, that is, when the fish market starts in the afternoon, the clansmen on the shore buy the fishermen's catch. In order to ensure the freshness of the meat, they will cook the herring as soon as possible, or eat the herring directly.

Herring is not big. Chop off the head of the fish, take out the internal organs as much as possible, wash them with sea water and stuff them directly into the mouth.

Such a simple and crude way of eating is too much to test the stomachs of children and weak people. Rurik felt that the most suitable fish for children at present was cod.

So, next, Rurik just wanted to give the servant the first supper quickly.

"Servants!" Rurik clapped his hands and stopped the servant's weeping sharply. "Are you all hungry? Come with me now, and I'll take you to dinner."

When it comes to "eat", the word Rurik uttered in Cyrillic, the children really stopped crying instantly, and the emotional transformation of the boys and girls was astonishing.

ah? Are you really hungry?

For a moment, the children's eyes showed some kind of urgent desire, no doubt, the desire to eat!

"Let's go!" Rurik waved his little hand, "I'll take you to a place to eat."

With an order, the children completely turned into stalkers and followed closely behind the master. Tears washed their little faces, and the children's faces returned to white, and now they were full of smiles.

Only Parla stayed in the longhouse, shouldering the heavy responsibility of cleaning up the mess.

Parla also understood that Rurik's new maids were only temporarily leaving. Undoubtedly, the era of sleeping alone in a huge longhouse is over forever.

Think for the better! Although there is a language barrier with this group of children for the time being, they may be able to speak the stumbling Norse language in winter.

Rurik probably never regarded them as maids who could only serve people, and one Rumia would be enough for such a maid.

They will turn into some tools to create wealth for the master Rurik.

As for the only little boy, it seems to be called Kamne. That little boy, he shouldn't live here.

Rurik did have a unique arrangement for Kamne.

When everyone's done eating dinner, it's time to arrange a place for Kamne.

Under the leadership of Rurik, a group of children walked on the intricate roads of Roseburg, and they were not very conspicuous.

Because today, the entire tribe is in a carnival because of the return of the big leader. A large number of clansmen flocked to the beach. From the landing near noon until the sun was about to set, the beach has turned into a material distribution site.

Otto took his reliable subordinates and ran to the long house of the priests, and asked the priests for dereliction of duty. Even if the chief was not present, the rest of the tribe still distributed supplies in an orderly manner under the coordination of a group of older warriors who participated in the Sorgon voyage.

It is this process, which becomes slow based on the fact that there are a lot of materials brought back.

But for those families who didn't send someone on the Sorgon voyage, under the clan's new rules, the good old days of dividends were over.

This spring in Sorgon, many tribesmen are destined not to get their own dividends.

It can be said that this is due to the selfishness of human nature, and it can also be said to be a major manifestation of the positive changes in the Ross tribal society.

It can even be said that the two "great actions" of the Rus tribe in the summer of AD 829 made the Rus basically bid farewell to the tribal culture and enter the slave society.

In a brand new era, families lacking a strong male labor force at home are seeing a sharp decline in their tribal status.

They could, of course, paddle out of Rosburg and give up their Roth identity forever, but doing so is fraught with risk.

They can all stay, even if no one takes care of them, it is obviously a necessity to be marginalized in the tribe.

Without Rurik's attention, Fisk and his mother would have been completely marginalized and become a dispensable existence in the tribe.

Now Rurik can perceive the undercurrent hidden in invisible places, the minds of the Ross tribe have changed, and the people who used to be generous are gradually disappearing.

In the afternoon, as usual, Rurik did not give his more than 150 subordinates any "military training". Those boys were generally trained to have considerable strength at a young age.

Because he eats a lot of meat, even if he eats fish, the bald Fisk, who used to be thin, has seen a qualitative leap in his physical fitness in the past four months.

The former Fisk was a ruthless man among his peers. Like a bull charging, at the beginning, Rurik really worried that this stunned young man would really break down the shield wall alone.

Fisk's stomach wasn't ready to hold two pounds of cooked fish.

He took the rest of the meal and took it home, waiting for his mother who had finished cooking the fish to go home, and stayed at night. This lump of fish was the mother and son's dinner.

Rurik appeared at Fisk's house in a particularly abrupt manner with a group of new servants.

At this moment, Fisk's mother, Broma, struggled to manage a simple loom.

Fisk himself was not idle either, he was operating the spinning machine, that is, processing the flax he bought from the merchants.

Although these days, Bromma has earned some revenge from Rurik. She is not complacent, because so far life is still relatively hard. With some considerable income, it is appropriate to satisfy the appetite, that is, more income, which Broma hopes to use to repair her own house.

After all, the house was in disrepair, and it was fine on a sunny day, but in autumn the rainfall was likely to become more frequent. As a result, not only did the house become gloomy and cold, but the constant dripping of water from the roof was also extremely bad.

Besides, if the house is no longer repaired, it will be crushed by snow on a snowy day.

The mother and son never imagined that Rurik would suddenly put himself on a critical day like today without warning.

Rurik must have come with some purpose!

When Rurik came, Fisk sat up excitedly and ran directly to the door, then was startled by a group of children behind Rurik.

"Rurik, these people..."

"My new servant. Where's your mother?" Rurik asked.

"It's at home." After saying that, Fisk led Rurik in.

Rurik is to Bromma a great savior in a complete sense!

"Ah! Rurik, the great Odin well-wisher, do you need me to do something?" Bromma said humbly.

"I thought that if I gave you the money, you would repair the house well. Now it seems..." Rurik looked around, not to mention that Fisk's home was still rudimentary.

Maybe they are used to this way of life? Or simply don't want to make a change right away.

Rurik didn't want to think about it, he walked into Broma and said bluntly: "Go and gather those women again. You go to the fish market in the afternoon to buy some fish, and you immediately start cooking the fish."

"Ah?! Or for more than a hundred children..." Broma was taken aback. If this is the case, the pottery urns that were put away, as well as some other washed tableware, were all taken out. Although it is rich to earn, it is also more laborious.

Rurik shook his head: "I've got some new servants, not so many now. Woman, stop what you're doing! Do something for me now! I'm in a good mood now, today's situation is very special, get things done When it's done, all your women will be rewarded with a silver coin."

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