Rise of Rurik

Chapter 153 Follow Rurik to eat meat

Rurik was really happy that Kravasen had a bone, and his learning ability was still amazing.

As for this man's claim to have done all that was needed tonight and tomorrow, and even built a "rough hand punch", Rurik really didn't quite believe it.

It doesn't matter a day or two in the evening, since the decision has been made, the reward of fifty silver coins is still to be given.

Putting the glass thing aside for the time being, Rurik ordered his two followers to follow him. He wanted to recruit some idle women in Roseburg, mobilize them to cook fish, and he would provide fresh fish, a large pottery urn for cooking meat, and even firewood, as well as pay. All of these can be easily done with a small sum of money. At least for Rurik, they feel that every silver coin is precious, and Rurik seems to be a small money.

To do this, Rurik immediately thought of Fisk's mother.

The three of them were walking on the complicated and narrow road in Roseburg, and Rurik suddenly asked, "Fisk, your mother is probably idle, right?"

"Maybe, you know, my mother and I would go fishing offshore at best, or weave some cloth for some money," Fisk said regretfully.

"Well, it won't be like this in the future. I've said it, I'll give you your daily fish meat, who will cook the meat? I think your mother is qualified for this position. Don't worry, I'll pay her what she can accept. ."

"Oh? Really?" Fisk asked in surprise.

"Yes. And you." Rurik said of Kanuf, "your mother can also help, and I will pay for it."

Kanuf didn't care too much, the child put his head on his hands: "Okay if she wants to."

"At least your mother would, Fisk. Come on, take me to your house first."

"Then come with me." Fisk said with a smile. He didn't think Rurik's decision was a whim. It seemed that he and his mother would be able to get food for survival without being very tired in the future, and maybe they could get a little more money?

Fisk introduces Rurik into his shabby home.

I have to say that this kid's wooden house is much worse than Rurik's. From Rurik's point of view, it is a wooden shed without a foundation.

Because of his father's death in battle, the Fisk family's life gradually fell into poverty.

Times have changed, after all, and those who are powerful or physically strong raise huge objections to the distribution of trophies inherent in clans. Those with the most power demand that the spoils of war must be distributed according to their work, and those who lack power naturally lack the right to speak.

Since the interests of those priests were well protected, the priests were also reluctant to speak to the poorest.

At least Fisk's mother has some life skills.

From Rurik's point of view, Fisk's house was indeed bad, but his own situation was not much better.

It is of course necessary to improve housing conditions. For the time being, Rurik has no plans to build himself a wooden house with a floor. Of course, if he feels the time is right, there is no obstacle to building a new house.

Rurik followed Fisk's footsteps into his dark home.

"Mom, the chief's son is here." Fisk enthusiastically faced his mother who was spinning.

Although the light was dim, Rurik passed through the low doorway and saw a middle-aged woman sitting cross-legged on a piece of animal skin and holding a pair of small spinning machines.

Although she was middle-aged, looking at the folds of her skin, Rurik felt that the woman was sixty years old.

She stopped her work and stood up quickly, her slightly bowed body showing her respect.

"It's Rurik, it's not my son's fault?"

"Huh?" Rurik was startled, and then said: "The scourge? No. I'm just here to tell you a good thing. There are other things, and I need your help."

"Me? It would be great if a poor woman like me could help the great you."

The woman's name was Broma, and Rurik learned his mother's name from Fisk, which meant "flower."

In fact, some little girls in the tribe also have names like this. People always like to name their daughters after some beautiful things. Rurik doesn't think there is anything wrong with this.

Rurik nodded. He glanced again at the small hand-spinning machine. "Sit down. I saw you spinning twine. Do you make a living from it now?"

"Yes. Thanks to my skills, I can still support my son. When my Fisk grows up, he will..." Broma glanced at the old face, and looked at the corner of the wall The gang of iron swords: "That's Fisk's father's sword. In a few years, Fisk will definitely inherit it."

"Of course. But I don't think Fisk's life is easy."

"No! No!" Broma flatly denied, "You are the one blessed by Odin, and he can follow you, that is Fisk's happiness."

"Forget it." Rurik shook his head with a wry smile: "He can't even get enough to eat. And you! As far as I know, your family's situation is very bad. Woman, now I'll give you a chance."

Rurik settled down, and once again explained his request in an imperative tone.

Sure enough, this request was like auspiciousness falling from the sky, and Broma agreed in surprise.

Rurik's original intention was to recruit some tribal women who were responsible for cooking meat for more than 100 children. In order to ensure that these people would work well, of course, those women who lived in the poorest families had to be selected, and widowed women like Fisk's mother were the most suitable. .

The biggest problem for these women is survival. They can't even guarantee food for themselves and their families.

Before the sun went down, Rurik had recruited seven women selectively, and their common characteristics were very clear - they were not young and their husbands were dead.

The pottery urn Rurik, who cooked the meat, bought for a small sum from the tribal potter.

The seven women he promised to recruit would cook meat for the children every day. The so-called reward is that they can eat their own portion of fish or other meat. In addition, they have an allowance, which is only one silver coin a month.

That's all, they were already deeply moved by Rurik's wise decision.

Everything is proceeding in an orderly manner.

Rurik had spent the afternoon in and out of Rosberg, and by the time he got home, his calf was sore.

He nibbled on a bit of jerky, then lay down comfortably on the animal skin, receiving Rumia's leg massage.

Nia kept chewing the dried meat in her hand, and said plausibly: "I heard something, you actually decided to reward your little subordinates with meat every day. You are really generous."

"Ah! It's really comfortable." Rurik was enjoying himself and asked Rumia to pinch harder.

"Are you listening?!" Nia scolded.

"I'm listening. Mom, are you asking me to give them meat? I don't think it's a problem. Now that I've discussed with those women, I'll arrange for my people to eat meat at noon tomorrow."

"But even your father, he never did that."

"That's him. I'm not the same as my father." Rurik, who was lying on his stomach, immediately talked loudly: "Mom, those children are my subordinates when they grow up. Now I give them meat to eat, and I will take them with me in the future. Make a lot of money, and maybe I can give them women. If I don't, they may stop listening to me in the future."

Niya was startled at first, and then calmed down with a relieved expression: "Then go ahead and do it. I'm worried that the children of the whole tribe will come to you in the future and beg you for meat."

"Hey, that's okay. They listen to me now, and they will listen to me more in the future."

Rurik did have this idea, although his body was just a child.

This kid is unusual!

Rurik reckoned that when he grew up, he would naturally become the leader.

Will there be competitors calling for a jousting for the position of leader? Rurik probably will never have it again.

By some means, the children of the tribe are drawn over as part of their own interest group, then the scale of this group will be amazing. Likely potential competitors were eliminated before they emerged.

Day two, a wonderful start.

Rurik handed ten silver coins to Bromma and ordered her and the other women to go to the beach fish market in the morning to buy meat.

Everything went very smoothly. Because they gave enough money, the fishermen gathered together in extreme excitement and carried the meat directly to the cooking site. Because, these fishermen can be said to be the first time in their life that they have sold most of their catch in a very short period of time, and they have also made a lot of money.

In five large pottery urns, fish and whale meat were mixed and boiled. The wood under the urn crackled and the meat that was clearly cooked was fished out.

The women classified the meat according to a Roman pound using a simple scale that Rurik had borrowed from the priest.

The scene of cooking meat is like advertising for Rurik.

The people who stayed behind in the tribe have been rumored that those children who have surrendered to Rurik will always enjoy the favor, and these children may never worry about going hungry until they grow up.

The air was filled with the smell of meat, and many young children with dirty faces looked for the smell of meat and came over. There were even many girls from the tribe. They couldn't resist the temptation and came over instinctively.

Perhaps the favor can only be given to boys of the tribe, or boys who are expected to become warriors of the future.

A pound of whale meat, or two pounds of fish meat, lay on rudimentary boards chopped with pine poles.

No one cares whether the meat is hot or cold, and people don't even care if it's salted, as long as the meat is cooked.

The sun is gradually moving towards the center of the sky, and soon it will be time for dinner.

Most Rus people do not have the concept of breakfast, lunch and dinner, but there are children trained with Rurik.

Their diet lacks carbohydrates, and the calories they need must be obtained from the meat as much as possible. It has to be said that, as a human being, the innate body will always have a strong demand for sugar. If there is no high-energy starchy food, the current living conditions of the Rus people, if they want to become strong, they can only eat more fish and meat desperately.

Rurik faced the children who had assembled to form a matrix for the last time, and he saw the excitement and anticipation on the faces of these hungry guys.

He then pulled out his steel sword and said, "I have told you clearly! Say! Who gave you meat?!"

"It's the leader Rurik!" the children said in unison.

"What did you say?!" Rurik held the sword in his right hand and pressed his left hand against the auricle, deliberately making a movement that he couldn't hear the words clearly, "You all speak loudly."

"It's the leader Rurik!"

The children roared in childish voices as best they could.

"Okay, remember our slogan?"


Rurik couldn't help but talk nonsense, and he was very pleased that these children snorted "Ulla" as expected.

Yes, the Rus should be the son of the Rus.

"Okay! Brothers, follow me. Follow your leader and eat meat!"

Rurik held the scabbard in his left hand and held the steel sword high in his right. Behind him, there was a large group of children who were yawning and craving meat.

Because, that's at least a pound of meat! Many kids don't even realize how crazy it is to eat a pound of cooked meat.

A Roman pound, Rurik thought it must be more than three hundred grams.

In Rurik's understanding, it is fine for a casual adult to eat 500 grams of meat, the edible part of a roast chicken may be 500 grams, and most people eat the whole roast chicken. Just stop there.

Of course, there are also some fierce people who stuff two or three kilograms of steamed buns and bread into their stomachs, and even drink a bottle of bubbling happy water, and they can continue to stuff things into their stomachs.

For kids, maybe a pound of meat is a challenge.

Rurik didn't expect them to be able to stuff all the meat in one meal. After all, the meat was cooked, and the summer temperature in northern Europe was not very high, so a lump of cooked meat could still be preserved for a long time.

He ordered his men to regroup the team that had become loose with joy, and form a large team in five columns.

Just like in the usual training, the children carried the wooden shield like a toy on their backs and the wooden swords (sword-shaped wooden sticks or just wooden sticks) for training in their waists. The leader of Rurik, looking for the fragrance of meat, rushed to the cooking scene where there were already a large number of onlookers.

The children had not arrived yet, and the neat footsteps quickly drew attention.

The people of the clan probably knew that Rurik had gathered almost all the boys around his age and dragged them collectively to a small dirt slope west of Roseburg to train and fight.

It's just a children's game! All men like all kinds of fighting games when they are young, which makes the men of the Ross tribe have excellent fighting ability in possible armed battles in the future.

The tribe encourages children to "play games". As for what exactly they are doing, there are still many who don't care.

Now, a large number of seven or eight-year-old boys under Rurik's command have stepped unbelievably neatly and lined up in an unbelievably neat team, and just came here? !

Especially the large number of women whose children are among the ranks.

They had never watched the training their son received at Rurik, but they learned from his son that the training was very interesting. Because Rurik is imitating the battle of adults!

More than 150 people lined up in three columns, each of which was a "combat group". Also known as "comrades-in-arms in one boat". The boy at the head of the column is the strongest in the column, and they serve as the "captain" of the column, which is equivalent to the position of the platoon leader.

Rurik noticed the restlessness of the children, he still held up his sword and shouted: "Everyone, stay tidy! Your mother is watching you, show the temperament that a man should have, and continue to follow me!"

The boy didn't want to show his bravery in front of his mother?

These seven- or eight-year-old children can't wait to grow up to seventeen or eighteen years old, so that they can make achievements like the people who expedition to Gotland for revenge!

They stepped into the meat-cooking scene in full of amazement.

Now, Rurik can't help but sigh that he has made a big show?

In fact, because of the lack of entertainment in life, if there is any interesting news about the tribe, the news can quickly spread to the tribe and become a favorite stall for everyone. In addition to making everyone think that this child is a model of generosity, Rurik's miraculous act made everyone feel that the child was a model of generosity. In the mentality of joining in the fun and not being a big deal, they all came over to see if the so-called giving meat to children by Rurik was a reality.

"That's fine, you all look at what I've done. You'd better know that I am the leader and will lead you to eat meat every day." Rurik thought silently in his heart.

He is also very relieved now. In order for these children to queue up honestly, it is necessary to knock the disobedient with a wooden stick a few times. In addition, he also gave a little verbal threat.

After all, they are children, naturally very easy to listen to the strong, and naturally lack judgment.

"Those who deliberately cause chaos in the team will be despised by everyone, and they will also be beaten with wooden sticks. If they refuse, they will leave the team and be despised by everyone for the rest of their lives." Rurik's threat was indeed very useful. Hope to be abandoned by his brothers.

Rurik was pleased to see that the women had carefully cut the cooked meat, and it seemed that they did distribute the weight of each piece of meat according to weight.

"All brothers, stop!"

The team stopped instantly.

Rurik could see that their standing bodies were shaking. Although their faces were facing the back of the head of the person in front of them, their eyes had already tried their best to catch the flesh.

"Want to eat meat? Okay, let's go eat, everyone has a share. Now listen to my orders. First team, follow your queue to get meat, or white fish, or dark whales The meat, you choose. The people in the back are ready!"

So far, the team is still very neat.

Rurik's beating the disobedient with a stick worked well, at least it was more effective than trying to persuade him to obey.

Because according to his understanding, the training of the line musketeers is always without the whip, and if they do not follow the regulations, they will be whipped.

After the rigorous training, the soldiers were trained to ignore the comrades who died in battle against their shoulders. Like a machine with no emotions, they raised their guns and opened fire at the designated position. Then they tried their best to ignore the smoke, loud noises and howls, and gave Sui hair. Gun loading.

The children started queuing for the meat, almost without exception, they preferred the boiled cod meat with white flowers.

Just because the size of the fish is two pounds!

Of course, this is only superficially large.

In terms of providing calories alone, Rurik was convinced that whale meat was twice as much as fish of the same weight, after all, whales are cloven-hoofed animals.

The kids were amazed that they could gorge themselves on the meat, of course, the one with the most meat. They took away the wooden board holding the meat, and then sat on the ground and ate like crazy, even without salt.

Salt? That's not a problem, because the water in which the meat is cooked is mixed with some seawater, so even the whale meat has a little sea salt mixed in.

Although the whale meat was only one pound, all the children of the last fifth team got the whale meat. At first, they were a little disappointed, but when they really started to bite, they realized that the meat was real porcelain.

For a time, the meat cooking scene became a gathering place for children. More than 150 children were desperate to eat meat, and their stomachs were bulging, but there was still a lot of meat left in their hands.

Rurik took advantage of the situation: "Can't you finish it? Then take it back and you can eat it at night. Don't worry, there is no special situation, you have to live like this every day. Remember what I told me about you? Loyalty For me, I'll take you to eat meat."

"ypaaaax..." Many children shouted "Ulla" again as an affectionate response.

Rurik pinched his waist, accepted the worship of the children, the relief of the women who cooked meat, and the surprise and envy of the onlookers.

Another scene.

A low-level priestess who was watching hurried back to the longhouse, and excitedly reported to Bona, who was leading people to make soap every day, and the high priest Veria, who continued to sit still, and reported Rurik's giving of meat. . Even in astonishment, he reported a large group of children walking in unison.

"He... is he actually serious?" Bona said in surprise.

Then, she asked Villa, "It seems that without waiting for our big leader to grow old, Rurik has already taken over as leader in advance."

Villa's narrowed eyes slowly opened: "I already know! Everything is changing, everything is destiny. Bona, you don't have to worry about anything."

"Yes, I really don't worry about it. It's Rurik. I don't understand his decision. Is he really a benevolent person?"

"Benevolence?" Veria shook her head gently, and squeezed a smile from her shriveled mouth. "What Otto can't do is that Rurik is already doing it. Loyal to him has meat to eat. God! This is the grace of God. We can now be further sure that he is the blessed child of Odin. Bona, you know what to do."

"Yes." Bona nodded slightly: "Great priest, we will definitely be loyal to such a great leader."

"Of course, go ahead and make soap, you're getting rich. Look at you, Bona, you've started to dress yourself up."

Bona smiled shyly, and hurriedly covered herself and sneaked to the blacksmith, melting silver coins to make a ruby-encrusted ring for herself.

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