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Chapter 233: Demeanor not warmth

Zhao Yong pushed Sun Haiyang away speechlessly and said as he walked away: "I'll tell you again, your sister-in-law never scolds anyone. I have actually wanted to do the study class for a long time, but I just haven't found the opportunity. We brothers should make progress." ”

Sun Haiyang laughed helplessly. He was asking for trouble.

"What is Chairman Zhao planning to do with this study class?" Sun Haiyang asked curiously.

He also felt that this was a good thing. There was no harm in studying more. However, he felt that the study allowance was not very necessary.

But who made Zhao Yong the chairman? His words have already been released and it is impossible to change them.

"Should we set the standards higher?" Then there will be fewer people who meet the standards.

Zhao Yong firmly denied: "No, the standard must not be too high. We must make everyone feel that they have hope of completing it, and then they will work hard to study in order to get the study allowance."

Hearing this, Sun Haiyang waved his hand and said, "Then I'll leave it to you. I have something else to do over there, so I'll go over there first." He immediately acted as the shopkeeper.

Zhao Yong didn't get what he asked for, so he nodded and told him to go ahead. He turned back to the company and carefully formulated the learning standards.

It's just that he hasn't gone to school himself, so he really can't meet this standard.

However, there were many educated people in his family, so Zhao Yong didn't worry at all. He took a look at the calendar and saw that it was a coincidence. Today was the weekend and there were no classes in school.

Pick up the phone and call the paging station, ask them to help call Li Lijun, and directly ask the sister-in-law what standards she should set.

"Don't worry about making phone calls. My brother-in-law will reimburse you for the long distance charges."

Li Lijun responded with a smile, but felt surprised again. Why did her brother-in-law suddenly ask her about her studies? Doesn’t he hate reading the most?

However, he still asked conscientiously: "Brother-in-law, I don't just talk about the learning standards. It has to be based on reality. You can tell me first what the final effect you want to achieve."

Zhao Yong thought for a while, a group of illiterate people, the requirements for them should not be too high, but they should not be too low, so as not to waste the company's efforts.

"Brother-in-law, if you are like this, then use the various rules and regulations in your company as the assessment standard. If you can write, read, and recognize, you will pass the assessment."

Li Lijun suggested: "It is best to have a special set of test papers for testing, so that the effect is more intuitive and the assessment is easier."

"Okay, I'll do as you say." Zhao Yong smiled and sighed, "College students are different. They have a bright mind, just like your sister."

Li Lijun's mouth twitched slightly. Although she admitted that her sister was smart, when these words came from her brother-in-law's mouth, why didn't she feel that her brother-in-law really praised her for being smart?

"Is it going to be winter vacation?" Zhao Yong asked with concern.

Li Lijun responded with a yes, "Come on, the final exam will be after New Year's Day. After the exam, we will have a holiday, probably on the 6th or 7th."

"There are only a few days left. How about you study hard and work as a training teacher at your brother-in-law's company when you come back from winter vacation?"

Li Lijun's heart moved and she quickly asked: "Are you going to pay me?"

Zhao Yong said readily: "Yes, if there are more qualified people, I will give you double the offer!"

"Brother-in-law, I knew you were the most generous!" Li Lijun said happily.

Zhao Yong warned her a few more words, hung up the phone with satisfaction, called Xiaoguan, told him what he had just discussed with Li Lijun, and asked him to find a teacher as soon as possible to implement the matter.

Xiaoguan clicked his tongue twice, looked at Zhao Yong's proud look leaning on the boss's chair, and said bitterly: "People who have college students at home are different."

"Are you envious?" Zhao Yong asked with a smile, very shy.

Xiaoguan pouted, "I'm so jealous!"

"Yin and Yang are strange." Zhao Yong said.

However, when he mentioned that Li Lijun was going to work as a training teacher in the company during the winter vacation, Xiaoguan's jealous expression immediately turned into eagerness and anticipation.

"Seriously? Can my sister-in-law agree to be our teacher? She is a college student in Haishi. Brother, please don't lie to me!"

Zhao Yong was smiling one moment, but his expression changed the next second, "Who is your sister-in-law? What are you shouting about? You can call me sister-in-law, too?" Then who is his wife?

Xiaoguan: "."

"Okay, okay, I can't afford to offend him, let's go." Xiaoguan turned around and ran away, fearing that Zhao Yong would never finish.

Whenever there is a problem with his sister-in-law, Brother Yong's brain circuit will become weird. He can't afford to offend her, so he can't hide from her.

"Ah sneeze!"

A cold wind blew by, and Li Manjun sneezed hard. She took out a tissue and blew her nose. She rubbed her nose and looked confused. Who was thinking about her behind her back?

Carrying a snakeskin bag full of luggage, Liu Yan squeezed out of the crowded passenger flow at the station. At a glance, she saw Li Manjun waiting by the car, wearing a red woolen coat, and shouted excitedly: "Manjun!"

Li Manjun threw away the tissue he used to blow his nose and looked up. A blue plaid snakeskin bag with two legs was walking towards him.

"Oh my God!" Li Manjun was shocked and rushed forward to help, "Did you move your entire family here? Didn't I remind you that there are ready-made clothes here? Just bring two sets of clothes." , why do you still take so much?”

Li Manjun complained while helping to hold one bag. The two of them worked together to throw the snakeskin bag onto the trunk, gasping for breath from exhaustion.

"It's okay, it's okay, it's okay, I can still hold it." Liu Yan laughed, and she was so happy when she thought of being able to work hard with her good sisters again.

"Yeah!" Liu Yan caught a glimpse of the gray marks on Li Manjun's white coat and hurriedly reached out to pat it, "Your clothes are stained. The material is not easy to wash."

"It's okay." Li Manjun patted it himself, and the dust fell away.

It's just that this woolen coat is good-looking, but it's not resistant to freezing. Another gust of cold wind blew by, and Li Manjun couldn't help but sneeze loudly.

Liu Yan couldn't help but laugh, "I told you to have style rather than warmth. What's the use of just this thin layer of woolen cloth in the middle of winter."

Patting the big coat on his body, he said, "This is the anti-freeze. Get in the car quickly. The cold won't go away."

"Wait for me to blow my nose first." Li Manjun took out the tissue and wiped it again before getting in the car.

As soon as the two of them got into the car, they were shivering from the cold. Liu Yan reluctantly grabbed Li Manjun's hand and held it in her arms to warm it for a while. Only then did her Parkinson's-like hand warm up and stop shaking.

Li Manjun drove to her old house in the old city and met many old neighbors when she went upstairs. Everyone greeted her warmly.

Liu Yan looked here and there curiously, and said with envy: "Your neighbors are so nice."

Li Manjun glanced downstairs and whispered: "Everyone must be polite on the surface, but it's hard to tell behind the scenes. Anyway, if you live here from now on, if you hear anything moving downstairs, don't bother."

"Oh, by the way, you should also know about Granny Qiao from the house at the end of the corridor. She is the one who helps me and Zhao Yong introduce people to each other. She is Aunt Wu's aunt. If you don't understand something here, just go and trouble her."

Liu Yan nodded to show that she remembered. The two simply packed their luggage, closed the door and went to the recycling bin.

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