Resurrection of the Mystery: Starting from the Clone of the Stone-born Monkey

Chapter 163 Recruiting barbarians to work, thanking King Yue

To strengthen contact with the barbarians and expand the production of Gu worms, Wang Ge directly told the Taiwei and the prime minister.

He was planning to build a factory in Yue State and recruit barbarians to work in the factory.

Although Zhang Yan was in a state of letting go, he subconsciously reminded:

"Although these Gu worms are the elements of farming, there are not a few Yue people who hate barbarians. If Your Highness wants to introduce hundreds of barbarians in large numbers, I'm afraid it will be criticized by the people."

Gu worms are one of the elements of farming, but the people of Yue still remember the conflicts accumulated between the two countries in the past.

There are a considerable number of Yue people who have been hurt by barbarians.

Zhang Yan reminded that in the past it was only border trade, which was okay, but now the plan is to have a large number of barbarians enter the country of Yue and live in the country, so the situation is different.

Why do these damn barbarians eat, drink and live with us Yue people?

Zhang Yan was not unreasonable to worry.

But Wang Ge said:

"It doesn't matter, the country of Yue is a strong country, and the barbarians are a weak country. If the weak serve the strong, they should be inferior. Even the barbarians know this truth."

The barbarian civilization is backward, production is limited, and the barbarian land is poor, and the barbarian queen still needs to import food to feed the tribe, which shows that most barbarians are in distress.

In the past, the barbarian kings of Tuka and Batu were a minority after all, not to mention that after being attacked by Wang Ge years ago, those extreme barbarians had only three kittens left, and Queen Guiyue and Queen Mujia joined forces to suppress them. The barbarians are very peaceful now.

On this basis, Wang Ge gave the barbarians a chance to work in the country of Yue to fill their stomachs.

They all come to Vietnam to work, but still can't figure out their own position?

It would not be an exaggeration to say that this is a beggar.

Zhao Rui nodded slightly when he heard the words:

"The prestige of the country is above the edge of the sword. Your Highness's thunder, rain and dew are all the grace of the king. The barbarians deserve it. They should bow their knees and be grateful. They dare not make mistakes. The prime minister is too worried."

This is the benefit of being powerful.

As far as everyone knows, King Yue has the unfathomable goddess beside him.

Zhang Yan pursed his lips, probably understanding.

Yue looks at barbarians the way the strong look at the weak, not the eyes of enemies.

"This is the change brought about by His Highness." Zhang Yan secretly sighed. As early as the beginning of the year, the King of Yue showed extraordinary things.

Zhang Yan recalled that he was thinking about the remnants of Anyang and the mission entrusted by Emperor Xuan, but he didn't notice the changes in His Highness.

It's too late to recall, Zhang Yan has already imagined that after the Yue Kingdom swept away the rear, the national strength increased greatly.

At that time, Yue State will really be able to maintain its independence, develop for 20 years, and even go north.

Zhang Yan didn't dare to imagine.

The matter about the barbarians is settled like this, and Zhao Rui will fully cooperate.

Wang Ge, on the other hand, planned to salute first and then fight.

It's late June,

In the Mujia tribe, half a year has passed since Musuling was restored as the heir to the throne.

She began to manage the entire Mujia tribe, worrying about the food and drink of some twenty-three thousand barbarians.

"There's not enough food again." Mu Suling lay down on the wooden table quite tired.

According to past experience, the normal production of food by the Mujia tribe can supply 20,000 barbarians with food and drink, but after this amount is exceeded, the tribe will become desperate.

Their staple food comes from a plant called "Pasang tree"

The main body of a mature Passang tree is about ten meters long, and the fruit it produces is the staple food of the barbarians.

However, the growth cycle of the Passan tree is very long, and it can only start to bear fruit after five or six years. In addition, it needs light, so it can only be planted in some special environments.

As for large-scale farming or something, the barbarians have no such conditions at all.

There is no flat landscape, no steady water source for irrigation, and tall trees have to be cleared to get light.

Too much population growth and limited resource production

Mu Suling is melancholy, now she somewhat understands why some barbarian tribes would attack each other or harass Yue.

They really have too many mouths to eat and can't afford to feed them. They just need to find some reason to consume the population, and if the robbery is successful, then they can get the resources to feed the population.

But Mu Suling didn't want to fight, after feeling melancholy for a while, she muttered:

"I can only go to Vietnam to buy food through my aunt's channel."

The Yue State has a strong demand for the wood ore blood ginseng from their barbaric land.

Mu Suling decided to let a considerable part of the barbarians go to logging and mining in the second half of the year.

"God Naerha forgives, your believers also hope that your people can eat enough and live."

Musuling prays.

Naerha is the god of nature in Bamanism. The trees on the land are Naerha's "fingers", and barbarians cutting down trees is equivalent to cutting down Naerha's fingers.

But the living can't be starved to death, just cut it off, as long as you sincerely ask for forgiveness, the gods should forgive.

Mu Suling felt a little guilty, and planned to take a bath and burn incense to apologize to the gods.

But later Musuring's close associates presented letters from him.

The letter is made of silk cloth as the main body, and this kind of high-end is silk.

"Only the north would use this luxury to write." Mu Suling complained.

Most of the barbarians used animal skin and bark as records.

Rubbing the smooth and skin-friendly texture of the Yue Kingdom silk with her fingertips, Mu Suling sat upright and watched the Yue Kingdom hand over the documents.

There are two parts to the document, and the upper part is the content of Vietnam's trade.

"Swap the rice of the past for a food called red melon"

Mu Suling didn't understand what kind of food that red melon was, and she didn't dare to be careless when it came to the people's food and drink.

Fortunately, among the things delivered together, red melons happened to be used to make dry food.

First, there are attendants to test the poison, and then musuling is tasted.

It is sweet, chewy, and has a special fragrance. The taste is even better than the Passang fruit of the barbarians, and it is easy to fill the stomach.

Just trying to eat, musuling thinks this kind of food is good.

And she found that the price given by the Yue country is that the red melon is 20% less than the rice for the same weight.

"Twenty percent!" Mu Suling's eyes widened.

For the same amount of money, it could have fed 1,000 people, but now it can feed more than 1,200 people!

"What's the situation in Yue Country? Why did you suddenly give us benefits?"

Although she cooperated happily with the Yue people at the beginning of the year and restored the right to inherit the throne, it doesn't mean that Mu Suling is going to kneel and lick the Yue country. If you believe her, she should be cautious.

Northerners are not really kind and amiable, they also know how to be cunning and greedy.

In particular, their Mujia tribe still owed a large amount of money to the country of Yue and the king of Yue, which was a burden on the lives of the barbarians.

"Princess, Queen Guiyue has also received such a business order, and the queen seems to be a little moved."

The confidant reminded.

"Auntie is also very concerned about this matter, so let's see Auntie's judgment." Mu Suling considered.

The content of the trade is the first half of the letter, while the second half is the "Dian Keqing" of the State of Yue.

Mu Suling has a certain understanding of northern culture, and knows that this Dianke is in charge of diplomatic relations among the northern Jiuqing.

It's about diplomacy, Mu Suling read it carefully.

But then she was taken aback: "Did the King of Yue return the gift?"

The letter mentioned that the King of Yue liked the gifts that the barbarians contributed during the New Year, so the King of Yue also took out things as rewards.

Mu Suling recalled this incident:

"At that time, I seemed to have heard that the King of Yue liked exotic animals, so he asked someone to catch a pair of 'Feng Lei Falcon' and a few bird eggs."

Does King Yue like Feng Lei Falcon very much?

But why did it take five or six months to return the gift?

Mu Suling complained, she asked her subordinates, what was the gift from King Yue.

"I've checked it. It's a snake slough. It's a big snake slough."

The subordinate replied with a horrified tone.


Things that musuling was about to forget began to emerge:

At the beginning of last year, she saw a snake that she liked very much. She liked it so much that she was so excited that she even dreamed about it.

She asked expectantly if she could meet the snake.

The reply from Yue State was to tell her to wait.

After waiting for half a year, Mu Suling thought she had been tricked, and was disappointed and wronged.

As much expectation as there is, so much disappointment, because of this incident, she even brought King Yue to record it.

Phew, liar!

But right now, Mu Suling heard the "snake slough" presented by King Yue, and subconsciously thought of the snake she had been thinking about.

His heart was throbbing, and even the snake-shaped king Gu on his heart became active.

"Bring it to me quickly." Mu Suling urged.

"Princess, that snake skin is too big. It's really too big. It can't be carried in or spread out." The subordinate said awkwardly.

Mu Suling was stunned, looking at his gate where two people could walk side by side, and the twenty-square-meter room.

"How big is it? Forget it, I'll go and see."

Mu Suling put down the things in his hands and went out quickly. Under the guidance, he saw the snake slough placed in the center of the tribe.

At this moment, in the Mujia tribe, Musuring is not the only one in the tribe square.

There are other barbarians.

However, they all raised their heads, their hearts were pounding, and the snake-shaped folk gu in the heart began to be agitated.

In their eyes, that snake slough was just a head supported by a wooden frame, with a height of two meters.

The whole snake slough is placed in the posture of "snake plate\

,"Covering an area of ​​more than 200 square meters, the "snake body" is coiled six times, and the overall height is more than eight meters. The body has beautiful white scales, even the smallest scales are as big as a palm, and the largest scale is like a body guard. shield.

very bright

Everyone could only look up and look at the majestic snake head like a giant rock.

Just being supported and the snake sloughing off, all the barbarians felt surrounded by a giant land beast.

The snake slough exudes a strong breath, which can be sensed by snakes and all snake Gu hosts.

This is the overlord of snakes, no, this is the relic of the snake god!

"Good. Big snake,"

Mu Suling's breathing was heavy, she raised her head, her eyes were wide open, full of the appearance of that snake sloughing off.

Suddenly, she clutched her right chest.

"Don't be like this. It's great, it's beautiful, don't get too excited, don't get too excited."

Musuling's face flushed red, showing a little pain and agitation.

It was really the Snake-shaped King Gu in her heart that was stimulated by the breath of snake slough, making her, the host, arrhythmia and blood pressure soar.

"I'm going to be close to it, I'm going to hug it, I'm going to kiss it."

Mu Suling seemed to have lost her mind, and approached the snake slough. She walked faster and faster, and finally ran almost 100 meters sprint.

Until he swooped in, his entire face sank into the snake's slough.

Mu Suling smiled contentedly and happily.

Is this a gift from King Yue?

The king I respect, the king I am most grateful for, the king who makes me feel happy.

I am grateful for your generous gift!

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