Release that Witch

Chapter 93: Army frame

A few days after the victory celebration, Roland was once again involved in the farming industry.

Sitting in the office, the ticking outside the window kept ringing, as if it was raining. It was the sound of snow melting. When he was in the country for the New Year, he liked to lie at the window and watched the long ice prisms under the eaves turn into transparent water droplets, dripping a little. Although there is no such leisure time at the moment, it is quite good to write the plan while listening to the sound of the earth's recovery.

According to previous years' experience, it takes about a week for snow to be used, but the land between the town and the fortress must wait at least one month. What would happen if the mud road without hardened roads and drainage measures melted after the snow and ice melted, Roland could imagine. If he can successfully win the long song fortress, the first thing he must do is to build a hardened road between the two places for carriage.

However, what needs to be resolved first is still the issue of army building. Without a reliable and powerful army, it is impossible to defeat the Serbian army in a situation where the number is at a disadvantage. Turning the militia team into a regular army is only the first step. The specific preparation, regulatory discipline and rewards and punishments are his headaches.

Although I played military chess as a child, I have forgotten it at the moment. After some meditation, Roland decided to make up his own. Anyway, he was the creator of the new army, and no one found it unreasonable.

So the first army of Bianbu Town was quickly released: the army, division, battalion, team, and group as the overall framework, five people as a group (considering that at least five people need to operate one gun), ten groups are one team, ten The team is a battalion. As for the number of divisions and the army, he decided to consider it later. Given the overall level of combat in this era, as long as there are two or three battalion-level units, it is enough to defeat most of the opponents in the field.

After the most basic framework was settled, Roland took a deep breath.

The following rules and regulations are much simpler. In addition to obeying the rules of obedience, obedience to the sergeant, no escape, no betrayal, etc., Roland’s first discipline is to prohibit looting and disturbing the people. .

There are countless dangers of indulgence of looting, and the adverse effects on the local people have been difficult to make up for several years. This is why he insisted on using civilians as military personnel.

When the nobles responded to the call of the lord, it was a fantasy to not participate in the looting after defeating the enemy, or the main reason they were willing to follow the lord’s levy was to plunder the opponent’s wealth and territory – of course, It also includes those innocent civilians on the territory.

As for mercenaries and bandits, not to mention. It seems that it is fierce, in fact, it can only fight the wind, and robbery is also a big source of their income. The military discipline is meaningless to this group of people.

Only the army of civilians will not regard other civilians as lambs to be slaughtered. Of course, discipline and strict punishment are not enough. The days are long, and the greed of the heart will always be magnified with the victory of one after another. Therefore, the means of reward must be kept up to the point of eradication of looting and other violations.

In order to make the rewards enough to inspire people, Roland decided to release the ultimate killer - the military meritorious field. As long as you have made a great contribution in the battle, you can grant the field. Land source Roland has thought about it, and it is the land to be reclaimed between Bianbu Town and the fortress.

This is definitely a great prize in the era when 90% of the land belongs to the aristocratic class. Once they have a constant birth, these people will be closely attached to themselves. Anyone who wants to overthrow him will be the most fiercely resisted by the winners.

Drive the people not to rely on words and whip, but on real interests. In other words, as long as they can always represent the fundamental interests of the people under their control, their dominance will be unshakable.

Unlike the traditional fiefdom, Roland will control the area of ​​the field between a few acres and a dozen acres. It can be used for self-built houses, buying serfs or hiring farmers to manage the fields, but unable to establish an industry. In contrast, a knight's territory is close to two thousand acres, the area is equivalent to a small village. The industrial income operated above provides the operational needs of knights and attendants, such as the purchase of weapons, armor and horses.

Such a small area of ​​land awards will not cause the strong opposition of the aristocratic interest groups, but also weaken the independence of the recipients. In Roland’s view, it is a retirement pension that guarantees the stability of the soldiers after they retire. income.

At the same time, in order to strengthen centralization and avoid the situation that "the servant's servant is not my servant", the person who granted the field only has ownership and no autonomy. In other words, the land still carries out the laws, regulations and systems in the territory under the lordship. In a sense, they are more like the farmers of later generations.

After writing down the system of these preliminary ideas, Roland stretched out. Next, he can finally devote himself to the field he is good at – research and development weapons.

As the speed of musket manufacturing increases, the continued deployment of pikemen to protect the Musketeers will create a waste of manpower, which must have the ability to fight independently in close combat.

The solution is simple, just add a bayonet to the gun. Roland does not expect his troops to take the initiative to launch a white-bladed assault on the enemy. It only needs to have a battle force when the opponent's dog jumps into the wall and the artillery fails to completely destroy the enemy's courage.

A bayonet is not difficult to make. A simple cone is a sharp cone. The key is how the bayonet is connected to the gun: the original bayonet is a small wooden pole wrapped around the handle, and the wooden pole can be inserted directly into the barrel. The advantage is that the manufacturing is simple, the disadvantages are also very obvious, the white-bladed war can not shoot, and it is particularly laborious to pull out after the battle.

Roland intends to produce an improved second-generation bayonet, a casing bayonet. The end of the shank has a corner and is connected to a ferrule. The inner diameter of the casing is slightly larger than that of the barrel, with a zigzag tongue and a small iron bar on the barrel for fixing the blade. The blade is a triangular iron, the section is similar to the V-shape, and all three sides are edged. After piercing into the body, it does not affect the extraction, and leaves a wound that is difficult to heal.

After the installation of the casing bayonet is slightly higher than the barrel, it has a certain impact on the ammunition filling, but it is simple enough to facilitate mass production compared to the folding bayonet. Just make a sample and you can make it yourself by the blacksmith shop.

The key to getting the bayonet to work in combat is to train the soldiers on how to use it.

Roland wouldn't know anything about it. Fortunately, he still remembers that the chief knight once boasted of Haikou, saying that any military weapon can be used in a model, just ask him to teach the firearms how to fight the bayonet.

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