
Chapter 611: The National Teacher's Praise

The two eyes of the national teacher were shining, full of fascination and admiration, and he said in a tone of praise: "In the beginning, your methods of enslavement were very simple and crude - shackles, iron chains, leather whips and butcher knives. Besides, there is no essential difference from the minions of wild beasts.

"But you evolved quickly, and it didn't take long before you learned to enslave with totems, honors, gods, and the names of your ancestors, you shouted 'in the name of your ancestors' and you killed each other, you were 'serving the gods' Inspired by his faith, he dedicates everything and is willing to be enslaved.

"Time flies, thousands of years have passed, and your slavery mechanism has become more and more mature and hidden. Gradually, from the farming age to the industrial age, you no longer need to use illusory 'ancestors', 'gods', ' Instead of enslaving the nation's glory', they use all kinds of bills brought by excessive consumption, loans that must be repaid on schedule every month, and the vanity and comparison inspired by consumerism, and use these things to enslave themselves.

"Look at the current human world, you have brought the art or science of 'slavery' to the fullest, and cultivated it to the pinnacle!

"Every human being has just been born and has not enjoyed much freedom and unfettered days in the warm embrace of his mother, so he must be sent to interest classes to learn various knowledge, Chinese, mathematics, foreign languages, computer programming , piano painting, basketball football, your parents are full of ardent expectations, and hang these heavy 'weapons' on you one by one, even if your weak body can't support it, even if most of these 'weapons' , it will not be used at all in the future, and they have to be just in case.

"Even they themselves know that such super-intensive study that violates human nature will not make you outstanding, but everyone around you is working so hard, how can they have the heart to watch you fall behind? Even if they are reluctant in their hearts, they can only watch. You continue to learn with a sad face-this is not slavery, what is it?

"When you are older, you should be lively and active, and you will be sent to school again to polish the edges and corners, learn the rules, annihilate all the nature of animals, and become squares and squares, suitable for children. I really can't think of the raw materials for human civilization to add bricks and tiles. If you hadn't been enslaved by some mysterious existence without knowing it, otherwise, how could a child who is seven or eight years old or in his early ten years old behave well in class? Sitting squarely for forty or fifty minutes, or even two or three consecutive classes for several hours? This is not in line with the nature of animals, this is civilization!

"Okay, after more than ten years of study or slavery, you have all been refined into qualified bricks and stones, which can be built on towering and splendid civilized buildings, so you left the school and entered the small office buildings. Grid, or the assembly line of the factory, from dawn to night, from the brilliant morning glow to the sky full of stars, you endured the scolding of your boss day after day or even day and night, endured impossible targets, cervical spondylosis, stomach pain and The torture of a nervous breakdown, just in exchange for a paltry salary.

"This salary has just arrived,

Your nerves have been excited from a whole month of torment and numbness. Before you have been excited for more than three minutes, 50% of it will be used to repay various loans, and the remaining 30% will be used to meet the most basic needs for survival. Can 20% be saved? It is impossible. If you are allowed to save 20% of your salary every month, how can you continue to endure slavery after the accumulation becomes more?

"Thus, those shrewd merchants invented all kinds of things that you don't need at all, in the same way I deceived the Rat Race, to deceive you that they are all necessary for life-brand-name bags, brand-name cosmetics, designer clothes, luxury Cars, global travel, trendy food, high-end restaurants, the most cutting-edge technology products, there is one thing that can suck up your last penny of savings and make you continue to accept slavery after being boring.

"Wait, did I mention funding for your kids' education? If not, that's too bad. It means you have to fight back the anxiety and frustration of 'fancy restaurants, designer bags, and cutting-edge technology.' 'The budget is all transferred to the children's interest classes, and you pay the meager salary you squeezed your life in exchange for, and then compress various needs to turn the salary into tuition fees, and urge, roar, and force the children to go to interest classes , It’s just to turn the child into another you in ten or twenty years, a person who is willing to burn everything, dedicate everything, sacrifice everything, and turn it into a fuel for the triumphant advancement of human civilization.

"To sum up, I think that after tens of thousands of years of development of your human civilization, this latest enslavement mechanism is really ingenious and amazing, and I admire it even more!"

As the national teacher said, he actually got up from the hospital bed and made a "five body throwing down" movement.

Of course, with the figure of a pet dog, there is no difficulty in doing this action.

Chu Ge was stunned for a moment when he heard it, and couldn't help taking a half step back, leaning close to the ear of the little palace master, and said in a low voice: "I don't understand it very well, help me analyze it, is it criticizing, or is it satirical? "

"Don't be like this, I think the national teacher is right."

The little palace master also whispered, "I told you last time that many of our fellow Taoists from the world of cultivating immortals admire the current social operating system of your Earth Alliance - you know, although there are many in our world of cultivating immortals Supernatural powers and secret methods, but there is no way to make a small citizen of Shengdou be honest and serve the sect wholeheartedly. Even the simplest plowing, there are people who will do everything possible to steal and play tricks. There are even more sick people. Those aliens living in poor mountains and rivers have neither desires nor desires, and they are not afraid of death. We have nothing to do with them.

"Some heretics in the world of cultivating immortals will use the method of confusing minds to hypnotize mortals to work for the cultivators, but the side effects of doing so are too great, and the mortals who are hypnotized will soon die of mental exhaustion, which is not of much use.

"In the end, when I came to your earth, I saw, hey, you don't need any magic tricks, and you don't need to pretend to be ghosts. Just like the national teacher said, as long as a little magic power of money, a few flimsy bills at the end of the month and a reminder letter for loan repayment, you will be fine. Unleashing 100% of everyone's potential is simply amazing!

"From this point of view, no matter the system of our cultivation world or the 'deceit and enslavement' of the rat civilization, they are too primitive, too backward, too simple and crude, full of flaws, and we need to learn from your advanced earth civilization. ah!"

"Yes, what I said just now is all from my heart. It is neither satirical nor qualified to criticize, but sincere praise and worship."

The national teacher's ears are very sharp. Hearing what the little palace master said to Chu Ge, it said with a smile, "The so-called 'civilization' and 'nature' are opposite poles. In the natural state, every individual is free and loose. As long as there is a slight possibility, selfish genes will tempt them to steal and play tricks, save their wisdom and strength, and are absolutely unwilling to contribute to an illusory concept of "civilization".

"How to make these individuals willing to dedicate everything, sacrifice the individual to achieve the whole, this is not only the premise of the birth of civilization, but also the standard for measuring the advanced level of civilization.

"Measured by this standard, the human civilization on Earth is indeed very cutting-edge, advanced, and developed. No wonder you can create such a splendid world. Even the traversers in the world of cultivating immortals are deeply impressed by you, let alone me. A bumpkin from the ground.

"Actually, to be honest, I don't want to be a magician, pretending to be a ghost all day long, and using the 'creation of the gods' to deceive the Rat Clan. However, the development of civilization must be gradual, and the evolution of the Rat Clan civilization is now At the beginning, the crutch of "faith" is still indispensable, but don't worry, the Rat Race is iterating very fast, and it will not take long for them to develop to the current stage of human beings. By then, the Rat Race society will definitely be more complicated and sophisticated. Maybe every mouse wants to dig a mouse hole, and it has to bear decades of loans. Once the mouse is born, it has to be sent to an interest class to learn a hundred ways to grind its teeth - when the time comes, we can completely abandon it. Gods' concept."

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