
Chapter 503: What I've Learned About Luminous City

Chu Ge originally thought that the city gate was simply pulled by ropes.

Unexpectedly, there are two winches behind the city gate, and the winches are connected to the gears. Behind the gears, there are dozens of "cages" lined up and connected in series.

The so-called "rotating cage" is available in pet stores, like an upright wire disc with brackets on both sides, which allows hamsters to get into it and run wildly for exercise and entertainment.

However, the cage here is bigger and stronger, and it is not cute hamsters running wildly in it, but strong and panting gray and black rats.

The running power of dozens of squirrels and black rats, through the ingenious operation of winches and gears, became the power to open the city gate. This is a set of "rat power mechanism"!

The prisoners of war were amazed again.

The cat cavalry and its subordinates are commonplace, with a hint of indifference and pride of civilized people on their faces, swaggering through the city gate.

Appearing in front of Chu Ge, it was a rat country metropolis that was bigger, more complicated and a hundred times more splendid than the Rat Tribe.

This place looks like the wreckage of a human shopping center in the past, with various counters, shelves, and a small space severely torn and squeezed by the earthquake, just divided into skyscrapers of rats, factories, schools, and residential areas.

The Rat Tribes spent a lot of time and painstaking efforts to move a large amount of materials from other ruins in the underground world, or in terms of human standards, "garbage", and arranged this place into a colorful and beautiful building. Huan is also a super garbage dump full of nightmares and a sense of future technology.

The rats seem to be especially fond of collecting shiny glass, glazed glass and metal products. They have piled up knives and forks, soup spoons, cheap jewelry and small round mirrors in pieces all over the "city".

Under the reflection of the luminous moss growing everywhere and various luminous plants, the metal products and glass fragments make the light reflect, refract and diffract continuously, creating dense light waves, just like the whole city is shining, it is a city The out-and-out "city that never sleeps".

The cat trooper proudly proclaimed the city's name.

And use a large section of cadence and magnificent poems as a prefix to describe this name, even Chu Ge can't fully understand the subtlety of it.

Barely trying to translate it, it is probably the only light in the dark underground world, the world—if not the "entire universe", the most glorious city, it will forever frighten the barbarians around, never fall, and the gods will use all their divine power before they fall Come to the city of miracles to bless - "Luminous City".

Well, Chu Ge admitted that it is indeed a miracle that there is a city of such a large scale, such an exquisite structure, and at least tens of thousands of residents in the underground of Lingshan City.

Moreover, because mice are particularly good at climbing, and can even go up and down vertically, Luminous City does not completely follow the concept of human beings to "spread big pies" around.

Instead, countless pipes, ropes and stepping stones are used to march up and down the space, creating a feeling of row upon row, layer upon layer, one mountain after another, like a three-dimensional maze. The walls and rock walls are covered with densely packed caves, emitting a faint light, leading to nowhere, which greatly expands the space of the city.

Such a form of urban construction is almost like Edo Castle, Xinjinshan and Tianhai City...these "hive cities" with a honeycomb structure, "eight nest cities, nine nest capitals".

As for the residents of Luminous City...

The triumphant team marched proudly on the main road of the city, in a basically well-preserved dry canal, to welcome the citizens on both sides of the road. Chu Ge took the opportunity to observe secretly and found that the residents here were also divided into different classes.

As the lower-level labor force, gray rats and black rats still exist in large numbers, and they are also covered with cuts and bruises, and the wounds are dirty and even rotten and festered.

They often stay at the bottom of Luminous City, or collect and organize human garbage brought in from all directions; or run endlessly in huge cages, providing a steady stream of power for the city's development; or are suffering from white rat supervision The whipping and reprimanding, and the sharp wailing, even the wailing could not be uttered.

Seeing the triumphant army, their blunt eyes froze for a long time before they turned, glowing with awe, and after only a few glances, they bowed their heads and went back to their heavy work.

Those located in the middle urban areas and strata of Luminous City are naturally mostly white rats.

Most of the white rats are not engaged in production. They specialize in wielding knives and guns and acting as supervisors, exercising military skills and supervising slave labor. All of them danced and danced, giving out sharp and excited screams, shouts and tail swings, forming a set of cumbersome and gorgeous etiquette, as if paying respect to the army from afar.

The cat cavalry was radiant, and they performed a war dance on the back of the cat, responding to the respect of the citizens.

Chu Ge also noticed a detail.

The upper-middle-class citizens may not all be white rats, but there are also some squirrels and black rats.

However, these squirrels and black rats use some human cosmetics, or simply take white oil paint, to paint their whole body in white.

Although this poor disguise can be seen at a glance, and they themselves know very well that it will not change anything at all, they still enjoy it.

In the process of paying tribute to the triumphant army, these "albino black rats" and "albino gray rats" were also the group of rats that jumped the hardest.

The real white mice, after expressing their respect, returned to their respective posts to work, at most standing by with interest and watching how many spoils the army brought back.

These "albino black rats" and "albino squirrels" put on a posture of paying tribute to their lives, like dancing on a hot oil pan, dancing a frenzied battle dance, which is more standard than cat cavalry And pious, until foaming at the mouth, panting, sweat beads wash away all the white paint on the body, revealing the black or gray inside.

Amidst the sneers of the real white mice, they found that the camouflage had peeled off, and they panicked, and fled into the dark with their tails between their legs, to "touch up their makeup".

In addition to the middle and lower classes, Chu Ge also noticed that there were other mice standing between the relatively high caves and pipes in Luminous City.

Judging by the color of their fur, they should be white mice.

But it was white and fat, with sagging fat, full of folds like a Shar Pei, and like round meat balls.

They should be the nobles of the Longfang Kingdom.

Because their necks, limbs and tails are all tied with colorful silk scarves—they are all strips of cloth torn from human clothes.

Mice are crawling in the narrow and rugged pipes and crevices, so it is unnecessary to tie a silk scarf.

Being qualified to do so means that they don't need to do heavy labor, nor do they need to engage in dangerous battles, as long as they are pampered and treated well, those who work hard can rule others.

Moreover, Chu Ge found that the tails of these large rats automatically glowed like fluorescent tubes. It seemed that the higher the status, the brighter and brighter the light on the tails. Dozens of shiny tails flicked back and forth, competing for splendor. It is much more dazzling than the chicken feather shuttlecock on the head of the priest of the Rat Tribe.

The cat eater told Chu Ge that these big rats were all wise men from the Longtooth Kingdom.

After absorbing a large amount of spiritual energy, the ordinary rat tribe will become infinitely powerful, with claws and teeth as hard as iron, not afraid of cats and dogs and other large beasts, and awaken various physical superpowers.

The wise men had mutations in their brains, opened up their wisdom to the limit, and could even read some of the text left over from before the fall of the gods, and create their own text and rules belonging to the Rat Clan.

For the convenience of reading, wise men like to mash luminous plants such as luminous moss, squeeze out the juice, add some mysterious ingredients to slowly ferment, and finally get a luminous dye, and then soak their tails in it , after a long time of dipping, their tails become light tubes that they carry with them, making it easy to read ancient classics.

The wise men are the most noble class in the Longfang Kingdom. Although they have no power to restrain chickens, they can tell many unfathomable truths, make many decisions that are beneficial to the kingdom, and even unearth countless "ancient" ages of the gods. The remaining things, including the construction of the city, the manufacture of the cage, as well as the training and organization of the army, the methods of fighting and killing, including how to light firecrackers, all rely on the knowledge learned by the wise men from the ancient books of the gods.

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