Red sand dust

Chapter 314 Expansion

Early the next morning, Daimaru woke up early, went out refreshed, had a leisurely breakfast, and then slowly came to the Kazekage's house.

In the past few days, at least one elder has been on duty all night almost every night, ensuring that any problems can be dealt with in a timely manner at any time.

When Daimaru walked into the conference hall, apart from some intelligence materials piled on the conference table, Ryusha was the only one present, frowning at work. This relatively young elder seemed to be troubling himself.

"Daimaru, you're here..."

Longsha raised his head, unable to conceal the fatigue on his face.

"Are you taking a rest today?"

"I have half a day off, and I still have tasks to do in the afternoon..."

I have been busy for three whole days, and with Daiwan's physical and mental strength, I feel that it is a bit too much. It is really unkind to not let those children take a rest.

Daimaru specially bought a batch of limited-time consumption coupons as a reward for their efforts in the past few days. Of course, these were reimbursed with public funds and were free of charge.

"It's okay to take a rest. You've worked hard these past two days..."

Longsha put down the document in his hand, rubbed his temples, yawned and said,

"It's better to be young. Even if you don't sleep for a few days or nights, you will be almost recovered after a day or two of rest. At my age, staying up and working all night is a bit too much! From now on, the village will be your world..."

"You are joking..."

Daimaru grinned, walked forward, and casually glanced at the information on the table.

"Suspected invasion? It seems that the little bug was particularly excited last night..."

"You noticed it too?"


The pet chameleon I caught casually and raised in the room was relatively small, so it was not a big problem. If it grew to be as tall as a human being and several meters long, it would probably have to be kept free or made into a puppet.

I originally wanted to find a few ready-made big guys, but unfortunately they were too difficult to find. Desert chameleons are not too rare, but very few grow to more than half a meter. Food is not abundant in the desert, and it is difficult to support many large animals.

To be honest, except for catching a few to scare little girls when he was a child, Daimaru had not raised such desert lizards for many years.

"As expected, how can it be that no one is coveting our high-profile formation of an aerial team? You don't have much to lose, right?"

"rest assured!"

The foundation of Konoha ninja's puppet technique is too poor, their manipulation skills are not worth mentioning, and their ability to create puppets is even more terrible. Even if they see some valuable information, they cannot use it.

"The real value is here..."

Daimaru pointed to his head confidently.

Design drawings are important, but not critical.

According to different needs, unique flying wings are developed, and the key lies in the application of fluid mechanics and aerodynamics. With the academic level of the ninja world, how could it be possible to understand this?

What is the distribution of force when a complex and changeable flying wing moves at high speed?

Theoretical research is quite complicated, including shock wave resistance, pressure difference resistance, friction resistance, etc. The magnitude of their influence will change greatly at different flight speeds. Many theoretical formulas are approximate. One type of resistance is often calculated more accurately, and the other is more accurate. The greater the deviation.

It's not that Daimaru looked down on those Konoha ninjas. Without Orochimaru, based on the mathematical foundation of the ninja world, Daimaru might not be able to understand what he put in front of them.

There is still a long way to go from theory to practice.

In order to create the most suitable flying wing, Daimaru worked hard and fooled the village into building several high-speed wind tunnels, testing and correcting the flying wing shape again and again, just to improve efficiency and allow the wingsuit armor to control The player can save chakra and fly with less effort. These are all essential steps.

If Konohagakure wanted to develop a similar wing armor, it would not even be able to produce core materials and components.

"As long as you have confidence! We also know that Konoha ninja can't be created, but we can't let them do whatever they want, otherwise we will think that we Suna ninja are afraid of Konoha village..."

"This will trouble all the elders to pay more attention to..."

Daimaru said with a smile.

"You are really a slippery man who doesn't want to suffer!"

Long Sha laughed and cursed easily,

"After all, they are the reinforcements we invited. We can't be too rude. Just keep the core secrets and let outsiders know a little bit about it so that they can retreat before the difficulties. Maybe it's a good thing..."

In the future, we have to count on Konoha Village to support some basic materials, and we can't make things too stalemate.

"I know what to do..."

Daimaru nodded understandingly.

Once you know the attitude of the village, you will be able to control your actions in the future to avoid embarrassment.

"It's easy to talk to subordinates like you..."

Longsha sighed,

"Shatie and Yinfeng speak highly of you, and Senior Fuyi also admires you very much. If you had been born a few years earlier, we might have been able to relax a little bit..."

If the Fourth Kazekage hadn't died, in a few years, with Daimaru's growth rate, there might not be any hope of becoming the Fifth Kazekage.

As for Gaara, if there are other more suitable choices, he will not be considered as a backup.

"Such a review... is really flattering!"

Daimaru chuckled and scratched his head.

"That's enough gossip!"

Ryusea casually pulled out a document and handed it to Daimaru.

"The March period is coming soon, and the whole village is quite satisfied with your results. The so-called inspection and assessment are actually no longer necessary. But this matter has been linked to your promotion to Jonin, so the necessary steps cannot be omitted. Yes, you and your subordinates should be prepared and there will be no problems when the time comes..."

"I see!"

Daimaru felt happy, took the file, and looked through it roughly.

"This is... an outline for forming an air combat force?"


Long Sha nodded and replied,

"Based on the current performance of the thirteen trainees, we estimated the village's carrying capacity and made some rough plans for the upcoming expansion of the air combat force, which mainly included the number of personnel, the composition of the combat force, and the selection of the training camp. .You can refer to the data and make a detailed plan..."


Although it was anticipated, the village was not expected to be so anxious.

Daimaru put the documents away and said:

"I'll go back and study it carefully!"

It can be foreseen that the air combat force formation plan submitted by Daimaru will directly affect the future of dozens or even hundreds of Suna ninjas.

"Don't be too anxious, there is still time..."

Such a major matter cannot be decided in a short while.

A powerful new ninja force, the interests involved are astonishingly large, and the days of pushing and shoving are still long.

"Then I won't bother you..."

Daimaru saluted and prepared to leave.

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