Red sand dust

Chapter 1204 Distinguishing

After Daimaru formed an air combat force and vigorously promoted the policy of civilianizing puppetry, the number of ninjas in Sunagakure Village began to rise sharply, especially when Gaara became the fifth generation of the Kazekage. In less than three years, the entire village happened Earth-shaking changes.

After the failure of the "Konoha Collapse Plan", the number of Suna Ninja once fell below ten thousand, even inferior to second-rate forces such as the Country of Grass and the Country of Rain. It is no wonder that they are ready to challenge the status of Sunagakure Village.

Fortunately, the surrender was relatively simple at the time, and most of the jounin and chuunin were saved. After many years of military warfare and desperate measures, even if they suffered a huge defeat, they did not completely collapse.

Nowadays, the number of registered ninjas in the entire Sunagakure Village has increased nearly fifteen times compared to before, and more than 70% of them are genin. After deducting the second-line auxiliary ninjas among the chunin and jounin, the first-line combat strength has not yet returned to Sunagakure Village. The pinnacle in history.

If some of these main forces are stationed in Awaji Village and Naruto Village, the number of chunin and jounin in the Sunagakure Village headquarters will actually be seriously insufficient.

The bloated genin scale, the mediocre chuunin combat power, and the slightly stretched jounin number are the current situation of Sunagakure Village.

If it hadn't been for the emergence of air combat troops, which completely changed the way the Ninja Army fought, the Sand Ninja would have been unable to control such a large territory as the Wind Country with their current background.

Now that we are determined to turn on the war machine, the bad thing is that it will slow down the development momentum of the Kingdom of Wind. The good thing is that we can directly activate the wartime mode, legitimately implement control, and even implement a rationing system.

After two or three years of rapid development, Sunagakure Village is still barely able to hold on. The huge Wind Country is showing signs of losing control. It is better to take this opportunity to apply the brakes and prevent the speeding car from overturning.

In addition, the conservative forces under the lords of the Kingdom of Wind also need to be targeted and eliminated.

Even with the title of "Grand Palace", not everyone is convinced. On the surface, they can't defeat the Suna Ninja, but there are still many people who are causing trouble behind the scenes.

At this time, it is also appropriate to establish an external enemy to relieve internal pressure.

The "Akatsuki" organization appeared at the right time. Even without it, the Fourth Ninja World War may be imminent. The "Konoha Collapse Plan" a few years ago was actually a preview. Orochimaru's purpose was also to provoke the Ninja World. The intention of a war was that the Sand Ninja were weaker than expected, and before the other Ninja Villages could react, they were completely defeated.

Under the rule of Sunagakure Village, there are also newly-joined foreign naturalized ninjas like Xiang Rin, as well as young ninjas such as Guren who were captured.

There are also immigrants such as Naruto Village and Awaji Village that loyal hearts don’t have to look forward to.

After all, these people are a powerful force, and they must be used, but they cannot be trusted too much. Who knows if there are spies from other Ninja Villages inside?

Among them, Xiang Rin, who surrendered earlier and was a little more reliable, became a model for these mixed "international columns", and of course became the glorious "President Commander of the Sand Hidden Village United Team".

After taking up her duties for half a day, the red-haired girl who almost suffered a nervous breakdown from the "brothers and sisters" from all over the world couldn't bear it anymore and hurriedly went to find the senior who introduced her to Sand Hidden Village, the famous "Aka" "Shachen" uncle learned from the experience.

After taking a sip of the warm fragrant tea, Daimaru said calmly:

"You have to think this way. Those ragtag groups cannot become the main force on the battlefield. They can fight a smooth battle, wave the flag and build up their momentum. They can be counted and expected to become the mainstay or even turn the tide. That is a daydream!"

In this world, the most trustworthy person is Erwuzi. Even if he can abandon his original position and stand on his own side, he will betray him for some reasons.

"Then...why recruit them?"

Xianglin asked in confusion, and Daimaru rolled his eyes at the girl who was a little confused:

"The main force of our sand ninjas have gone to the battlefield, leaving only the old, weak, women and children, and a group of novice genin who can't make it. It will be difficult to suppress the complicated situation. If there is an ambitious troublemaker among these mixed-minded people, , that would be troublesome!”

The battle is fierce on the front line, but if someone steals your home from behind, it will be very humiliating.

When the Sand Ninjas were strong and powerful, they were loyal and reliable vassals. Once they were overwhelmed and made them think there was an opportunity, they would become an unpredictable hidden danger.

"In the past, didn't they clamor that we were discriminating against them, doing the same work as Suna Ninja, but with far lower wages? Now give them a chance to prove their loyalty. As long as they come back from the battlefield, they will be compatriots whose blood is thicker than water... …”

"This is really..."

Xianglin, who had gained a little, swallowed the word "cannon fodder" abruptly.

Daimaru smiled nonchalantly:

"Don't think we are cruel. Since it's a war, people are bound to die. Rather than letting the neighbors bleed when they look up and look down, it's better to let some reliable 'temporary workers' stop the knife! Besides, it's not No benefits..."

The usual rewards are not too short. On the battlefield, it is a knife-edge business. Wealth and wealth are obtained in danger. If you want to ride on the big car of Sunagakure Village safely, you can't do it without paying something.

The Suna Ninja are in need of people, especially talents, but they don't need to be a tolerant person who is not determined and is ready to run away at any time.

"Then...should you assign me a few more assistants? Those people are too difficult to train..."


Daimaru sternly refused. Now everyone is vying for useful talents. How can he help Xiang Rin manage a bunch of people?

"If you can't use your ingenuity, use your fists to teach them how to respect their superiors! I remember that you also managed the 'trash can' for a period of time under Orochimaru, and you were quite good at dealing with those unlucky ones who failed experiments. Well……"

The so-called "trash can" is a place where some targets of little value in Orochimaru's laboratory are concentrated on an isolated island in the far sea. Although there is a high probability that they will be left to fend for themselves, it is not ruled out that some It will come in handy sometimes.

For example, Genyoumaru was originally an inferior experimental product that was about to be thrown away. As a result, Orochimaru was seriously injured after the "Konoha Collapse Plan", Uchiha Sasuke didn't arrive for a long time, and Kaguya Kimimaro's body failed. It also accidentally became the container for the forbidden technique and the reincarnation of the corpse.

There is also the sound ninja trio that appeared in the Chunin Exams a few years ago. The doss anvil, saxophone stirrup and hammer are just used waste.

Xiang Rin and Guren are considered the best under Orochimaru. They have both done the work of managing those unlucky people who were abandoned without knowing it, and they have certain leadership qualities.

"But isn't it bad to use violence?"

In the past, Kaoru was submissive in front of Orochimaru, Uchiha Sasuke and Yakushi Kabuto, but also struck hard when meeting others with lower status.

"They didn't make any big mistakes, and they are their own people..."

"Who do they think they are?"

Daimaru sneered,

"Just a piece of paperwork and an identity card makes you think they are Suna ninjas? Don't be naive..."

After a pause, Daimaru said seriously to the red-haired girl in front of him:

"We Sand Ninja are willing to provide them with a home in the Country of Wind, but whether they regard this place as their second home is another matter! Just like you, if I hadn't recommended you as a guarantee, you would have served as Wind Country. As a guard of the country's daimyo, he has gained a lot of favors and made great achievements on a daily basis. Who will give you, a stranger, a good look? It's not like he just had a few good days and forgot that you and your mother were in the country of grass. The past, right?"

Not only Korin, but also Guren. Without the protection of Daimaru, the torture room is her destination. Yuukimaru is not qualified to enter the preparatory class, and even has the opportunity to enter the formal ninja training sequence of Sunagakure Village.

"I see!"

Only now did Xiang Ling understand what the protection of "Red Sand Dust", the former agent Feng Ying, meant.

No matter whether it is the former grass ninja identity or the remnant of Orochimaru, such a background cannot be played in any great ninja village. He has done all the bad things and can be cleansed of it. That is the real protagonist and the one with great value. Talented people and those with strong connections are treated accordingly.

According to Xianglin’s standard, it’s half at best! The so-called whirlpool bloodline and innate secret skills are indeed valuable, but that's all!

Seeing that Xiang Rin's face looked a little ugly, Daimaru put down the teacup in his hand and calmly comforted him:

"You are a very talented girl. You will never suffer a big loss wherever you go. Coupled with your talent of Kagura's eye, you will be able to prosper sooner or later. My care just saves you this process! Now You have barely integrated into the collective of Sand Hidden Village, and you have to walk the road ahead on your own. I also understand your mentality of worrying about gains and losses. You want to not offend anyone and complete the task smoothly. However, sometimes, You don’t have to worry about offending anyone by showing off your sharp edge. You are my chosen horse boy, so you can do whatever you want. Recruiting reserves and forming a ninja coalition is the general trend. Anyone who dares to push back will naturally be dealt with..."

"Okay! Finally, can you ask Honglian to help me? At least he is an acquaintance..."

"No, she has another mission!"


Daimaru explained with a half-smile:

"After all, you are in charge of the nominal 'own people'. Honglian's mission is to deal with the gang of 'mercenaries' who are greedy for money..."

Recruiting those war hyenas during war is not the first of its kind in Sunagakure Village. In fact, the "Akatsuki" organization is essentially a rebel ninja organization that sells war. In addition to this, there are other large and small forces, even after the "Quick Rescue Team" and " "Sniper teams" took turns to encircle and suppress them, but still could not completely eliminate them.

Sunagakure Village spent money to sign these teams composed of bounty hunters, wandering samurai, etc., just to have the idea of ​​sending them to the most dangerous battlefields, such as filling the pits of the Five Shadows Dirty Earth Body and using them as human shields. There are seven people holding the ninja sword and so on.

The most ideal result is to be able to complete the task, almost die, and save a lot of commissions.

Xiang Rin, who quickly understood Daimaru's thoughts, couldn't help but mourn for those idiots who were blinded by money.

"Then...I'll go get ready!"

Having suffered a lot earlier, it was time to give some people some shoes to wear. Xiang Rin, who had calmed down, was eager to give it a try, but was stopped by Daimaru.

"Are you still practicing absorbing and controlling natural energy recently?"

"Yeah! I feel like I'm very proficient already. I'm just a hair away from the immortal mode, but I just can't master it..."

"It's normal!"

Daimaru nodded.

Theoretically, although there are few people with the qualifications to practice the Immortal Mode, they are not unique.

Gaara also encountered the difficulties Xiang Rin encountered.

It's not that they have a problem, it's that there's a problem with the sage mode practice.

Based on the Sage mode developed based on the specialties of Wind Release and Yin Release, Uchiha Sasuke barely fits in, but Kaoru and Gaara are a bit far behind.

This is just like when Naruto Uzumaki practiced the Toad Senjutsu on Mt. Myoboku, it went very smoothly, but if he had to take risks in Ryūchi Cave or Shikbone Forest, the possibility of success would undoubtedly be much smaller.

Just because the attributes don't match doesn't mean it's completely impossible, but the difficulty will definitely increase a lot.

If there was no external interference, the final result of Xiang Rin and Gaara's practice of Professor Daimaru's Sage Mode would probably be that after years of trying, they would reach the peak of their prime after more than ten or twenty years, barely succeeding in the practice, but with relatively poor actual combat ability. That kind of thing.

However, even if you have not yet reached the immortal mode, regular practice and exposure to natural energy can nourish your body, improve your qualifications, and strengthen your strength.

"In a while, I will ask Xiaoshan Chui to send you a test version of the colonial costume. You can see if it can make up for the shortcomings in your practice!"

Daimaru also borrowed the Puppet Technique during his cultivation of the Sage Mode. Now that he has become more sophisticated, he will naturally find ways to use the Puppet Technique as well.

It is impossible to expect how many people's qualifications will match Daimaru's sage mode practice method, but Daimaru is a little unwilling to treat it as a secret method spread among a small group of people.

"I see!"

"Also, why haven't you cared about Uchiha Sasuke lately?"

Daimaru's question made Xianglin slightly embarrassed.

"It feels like the distance is getting farther and farther, and I feel a little unfamiliar!"

The former revengeful boy is now a big shot. Orochimaru and the Sixth Hokage, Shimura Danzo, have fallen into his hands. He is already one of the top rebellious ninjas in the ninja world.

Not to mention helping, the current Xianglin can't even look up.

The distance in space can be shortened, but the gap in status is so great that I don't know how to make up for it.

Xiang Rin is thinking of giving up. I wonder how long Haruno Sakura can hold on!

The vigorous love affair between a boy and a girl is indeed not easy to forget, but it is not as indestructible as imagined.

The destiny that has already deviated is unknown in which direction it will develop in the future.

Ten minutes later, Xianglin left, and Koyamabuki expressed his doubts to Daimaru.

"Father, how do you plan to arrange Xiang Rin? The Uzumaki bloodline is indeed very valuable, and her own value is also very considerable. Can you use some means?"

"Do it!"

Daimaru smiled and asked for his head;

"When dealing with your enemies, you can't overdo it. When you treat your own people, you can't act purely on utilitarianism! The talents who have passed the screening must be well retained. This is my hometown! Conspiracies and tricks are not the right path after all, and she is not stupid. , you can experience it..."

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