Quick Travel Plane Development Notes

Chapter 730 This planet belongs to me (54)

"I went to Floating Void City before. It was fun, and there were many entertainment items, but the consumption level was too high. At that time, I only cared about the star coins I spent. I never thought that under the bright and beautiful appearance of Floating Void City, there were still illegal activities. The act of procreation."

"Illegal birth is too gentle. What they do is called forced birth. Locking people up and forcing women to keep giving birth is chronic torture and murder for them!

Our female ancestors paid a great price, researched and perfected artificial insemination technology, and since then got rid of the so-called label that women are born with a reproductive mission, these people have brought civilization back. "

"I, female, I have also read this period of history. At that time, the spaceships were all built, but the artificial insemination technology has been stagnant until the genius scientist and military strategist Song Yuelin turned out to be the birth of the current artificial insemination center."

"Both men and women are victims of the Floating Void City, and the men who were locked up are also quite miserable."

"I can't believe that such a thing will happen on the central star. Why did the federation approve the privatization of the breeding center? Population is the foundation of a country's existence. Why should private people control it? The federal officials came out and said Come out."

"Didn't you see that the Fang family, who was born as the supreme consul, is one of the shareholders of Floating Void City, that's why. There is actually evidence for this, but most people don't know it is evidence.

Let's just talk about the three well-known shareholders of Floating Void City. The Fang family produced one with SS level of spiritual power potential value, two with S level, and about six or seven people with A level.

The Meng family produced one SS-level mental power, three S-level mental powers, and the A-level ones were no less than the Fang family's, and the Gao family also had an S-level mental power.

Potential values ​​above S rank appear in batches like Chinese cabbage, which is obviously abnormal. "

"The Floating Void City of the Central Star is just one of them. All the private breeding centers have participated. The essence of capital is that the interests are paramount. It is more difficult for them to consciously abide by the law than for the ancestors to step into the interstellar."

"What's even more frightening is that they also sell gene evolution agents, saying that they use stabilized genes. This is to dig out the roots of our human race and want to wipe out our human race.

Fortunately, it has been exposed now, otherwise I really don't know what the situation will be in a few years, maybe we have become mutants without knowing it. "

"The federation should not engage in privatization. Now that the breeding center has opened the door for privatization, the next step is to privatize the planting base of nutrient solution raw materials?"

"I think it won't be long before our federation will change its name to the XX Empire. Isn't that how the Luoxing Empire came about. Ah bah, what a time, and you still want to be the emperor and let the people be his servants."

"Latest news! Several senior generals of the Seventh Legion have mutated! Legion Commander Meng Yaoming defected with some of his subordinates before the army took action against him!"

The news sent the entire Federation into a state of emergency.

The Meng family has been operating in the Seventh Legion for several generations, and has a high degree of control over the Legion. Meng Yaoming took away half of the Starships of the Seventh Legion including the main starship.

Meng Yaoming finally managed to march into the asteroid belt, but what he said before was to exterminate the mutants, this time he returned to the mutant race.

The federal army was too slow in dealing with Meng Yaoming, saying that to treat a legion commander with caution, he needed direct evidence that Meng Yaoming had become a mutant, so that he gave Meng Yaoming a chance to escape calmly.

Now it's all right, the military doesn't need to bother looking for it, Meng Yaoming will give them direct evidence with actions.

It hurts to hit the military department in the face.

The public first doubted the authenticity of Meng Yaoming's defection, but after confirming that it was true, they were furious.

After entering the interstellar world, they encountered many alien races, and there were few relatively friendly races. The human race can gain a firm foothold in the interstellar world, relying on fighting.

Dialogue is worse than force.

Even today, the human race has occupied a very important place in the interstellar civilization, and the battle has never stopped.

In this context, the protector of the human race—the army—has been pushed to a high position, and everyone is proud to be a federal soldier. Military academies are the universities and colleges that underage students most yearn for. .

The star field under the jurisdiction of the Federation is too vast, and it is not easy to guard and send messages, so the legion system was born.

Each legion guards a star field. Due to the particularity of military affairs, many things need to be decided immediately, otherwise it will delay the fighter. Therefore, the legion leader has a lot of authority. It can be said that a legion is an independent kingdom.

The commander-in-chief of the military department is older than the legion, but in terms of real power, he is not as good as the commander of the legion.

In the hearts of the people, the image of the legion commanders is very high. Each legion commander was or still is the idol of many people.

Meng Yaoming, who looks young and handsome, and has always shown others with a cold face, is very popular among the public.

Telling these people now that their idol has voluntarily transformed into a mutant is too hard for them to accept.

The high status of the Legion Commander is given by the Federation and the people. The Legion Commander has accepted this lofty status and should watch over the Federation's homeland with all his heart. However, Meng Yaoming failed to live up to the reverence of the people and made the people angry.

The worst consequence of this incident was that the people lost their complete trust in the Legion.

"The mutant Meng Yaoming cannot be allowed to escape!"

"The former legion leader is dead, please ask the federation to kill the mutant Meng Yaoming!"

"Please ask the Federation to thoroughly investigate the Meng family, thoroughly investigate the Fang family, and give the people an explanation."


Xi Hua did not stay in Xingduo, the capital of the empire.

Before leaving, she swept away all the valuables in the palace.

This is due to the fact that the Luoxing Empire's royal family likes to go back to the old way, and they pile up all the collected treasures in the palace.

The royal family has controlled the empire for nearly two thousand years, and the collected treasures have filled the treasure house in the palace.

They've also moved with the times, and every royal has at least two space gear stuffed full of goodies.

What made Xihua most satisfied was that there was a warehouse in the palace full of energy blocks, which just solved Xihua's urgent needs.

Xue Anxing is a gold-swallowing beast, and has spent the most money on energy in the past few years. In the next few years, Xue Anxing will be a big energy swallower.

Yuhua didn't favor one person over another. After walking around the palace, she went to a few nobles.

The Luoxing Empire is not a monopoly of the royal family, the nobles have a great say, and the army also has the participation of the nobles. Among the nine starships this time, five starships belong to different nobles.

The action of exterminating Xihua and Xue Anxing was a joint decision made by the House of Lords composed of the royal family and nobles.

In the past, Xi Hua had no burden to seize the spoils.

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