Quick Travel Plane Development Notes

Chapter 661 I Have a Secret (49)

The system that Chen Zhe was bound to said that the half of the crystal was a good thing. It was a biological crystal wrapped in a layer of silicide. This biological crystal was activated and integrated into the body, which could change Chen Zhe's physique and energy.

This is in line with the changes in Chen Zhe's appearance and physical fitness in his previous life.

It was this biological crystal that Chen Zhe ate in his previous life.

The half crystal in Chen Zhe's hand was obtained from Zhong Ling.

Things are all connected, the crystal in Zhong Ling's hand is an alien creature that has not been activated.

No wonder he couldn't find it no matter what. It turned out that the alien creature was wrapped in green crystals before activation, which was completely inconsistent with the activated form.

He had investigated Zhong Ling. Zhong Ling had taken some martial arts classes and had practiced for several years. His skills were better than those of ordinary girls, but he would never be this good.

The answer is ready to come out, it is very likely that Zhong Ling is bound to an alien creature.

Cheng Kaijing called his most trusted subordinate, "Tie up Zhong Ling, it doesn't matter if she gets hurt or not, just make sure she has a breath."

In the last life, some experts speculated that aliens and parasites may come from the same place. Parasites can leave the parasite, and aliens should be able to unbind. When Duanmu Mingying, the bound person, dies, the aliens will change. A binder.

Qiyang Base did not forcibly separate the alien creatures from Duanmu Mingying because it was already the end of the world and they did not dare to take the risk of the alien creatures dying or escaping once Duanmu Mingying died.

The situation is different now, the apocalypse has not really come yet, he has plenty of time to strip the alien creatures from Zhong Ling.

The subordinate hesitated for a while, "Zhong Ling has a lot of people paying attention to her now, should I wait a little longer?"

Zhong Ling is an artist who attracts a lot of attention from the public. It is indeed a bit troublesome. Cheng Kaijing frowned and said, "Find more people to keep an eye on her and attack her when you find an opportunity. As long as you can catch her, you can use Drug A."

Now his subordinates understood what Cheng Kaijing meant as long as the other party had a good tone, and nodded, "I'll make arrangements right away." After taking the A medicine, Zhong Ling's best outcome would be mild schizophrenia, complete insanity, or becoming stupid. Common.

After his men left, Cheng Kaijing chuckled and said, "Pharma A should be used on Chen Zhe."

Since Chen Zhe is useless, it's okay to let it go, thinking that Chen Zhe dare not talk nonsense. Chen Zhe was about to die, and Chen Jingwei might die. Chen Jingwei is still useful, so let’s not mess with him yet.


The hot searches these days have been taken over by the program "Beautiful Mountains and Rivers Chong Chong Chong".

Although Yuhua has the most hot searches, other guests are also on the hot search list.

The program group that benefited the most was the program "Beautiful Mountains and Rivers Chong Chong Chong", which received as much attention as when it was a big hit before.

The prevention and control department issued an announcement saying that neither of the two wild animals was rabies, and no virus was detected. As for the cause of their abnormal behavior, investigation and research are ongoing.

The public was also reminded not to approach animals with similar behavior. What they should do is to stay away in time and call the prevention and control department.

When Zihua returned home, her grandmother questioned her for a long time. It was only after she made sure that she was not injured at all and that no blood or saliva from the wolf was on her body that she let the matter go.

Grandma advised, "Lingling, don't be brave if you encounter this kind of thing again. There are so many people. There is strength in numbers when we all work together."

Grandma is older, has presbyopic eyes, and does not usually use the Internet. This time the incident became a big deal, and it was broadcast on the TV news. In addition, neighbors would tell her, and she was extremely worried when she found out.

Zi Hua kept nodding her head, "Yeah, yeah, I listen to my grandma, and I will run away if this happens again."

Grandma herself was no longer determined, "It doesn't mean that I won't let you take care of it, it just means that I have to be safe first before thinking about anything else. Just don't show off."

"I know, and I will never be brave again."

The way her grandmother comforted her was to cook a table full of meat for her and let her eat with an open stomach.

As for whether it would be unattractive to become a celebrity after gaining weight, grandma thinks not. There are so many fat and good-looking celebrities, and her granddaughter is also the best-looking one even if she is fat.

Zihua was very considerate to her grandmother and would not refuse anyone who came.

Zihua ate at home for two days until she was approached by Yu Yue to shoot a commercial.

After she became popular, more businesses approached her to shoot advertisements. Because of her skills, many of them were related to health and fitness.

Most of them are fitness equipment, fitness supplements, health foods, etc. However, the quality of these products varies, and celebrities can easily be fooled when they shoot such advertisements.

After careful consideration, the company accepted an advertisement for a new series of sports suits launched by a domestic clothing company.

The commercial shoot went smoothly at the end of the day.

Then she was asked away.

The goal of Yuhua has been achieved, it has alerted the public and attracted the attention of relevant departments.

This time it was a research institute that invited her.

The other party was polite and said, "Do you have any intention to join the Institute of Medicine to conduct research on traditional medicine?"

It's not a secret that she suffers from leukemia. It can be found out with a little careful investigation.

During this physical examination, it was found that her leukemia was almost cured.

When she was asked what special treatment she had received, she was unambiguous and said that she had taken homemade pills.

The person asked her if she could give her a pill for analysis, and she gave it.

The health pill incident was quite a big deal before, so she gave a sample of the health pills as well.

She knows the efficacy of the pills she made best, so it's not surprising that the other party would want to take her into the research institute.

Pharmacy is something that Yuhua has already done, and it does not benefit her much, "I don't want to do research on medicine professionally, I want to be an artist."

She has never been an artist, but after doing it for a while, she finds it quite interesting.

Seeing that the other party could not be persuaded anymore, he made the best of the next best thing, "Well, let's see, can the prescriptions of these two medicines be sold to the country?"

Yu Hua immediately agreed, "Yes."

She wanted to make some money with it.

The health pills she gave were not the same version as the ones her grandma took. This 2.0 version of the health pills could make the body produce a rippling breath that the sporozoites didn't like.

Inspired by the ripples produced by brittle leaves.

She is a personal experiencer of the 2.0 version of health pills, and she took it out after confirming that the ripple breath is harmless to the human body.

Yuhua took out the materials she had prepared earlier, "I have one condition: to find out the truth about the car accident of my parents and bring those who killed them to justice."

The original owner's father is Hongyang, and his mother is Zhong Nuo, and the original owner has his mother's surname.

Hongyang opened a Chinese medicine clinic, Zhong Nuo was an elementary school teacher, his grandfather was retired and had a retirement salary at home, and his grandmother couldn't stay idle, so she set up a food stall to sell some snacks.

The adults all have income, they are raising the original owner and a child, and the house is their own. The whole family lives a life of prosperity and security.

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