Quick Travel Plane Development Notes

Chapter 654 I have a secret (42)

The time to stop the recording was stuck when the guests had gone through a lot of twists and turns and made dinner and were feasting.

The director and the staff of the program group left space for the guests and left the main room where the living room and the dining room were integrated.

"Oh, I can finally eat for a while." The third resident guest, Jiang Li, said. Even if I'm used to eating under the camera, I don't feel very comfortable.

She is a contemporary floret, not as good as Yin Yijiang in terms of status, but she is very popular with the audience, the only difference is a good representative work.

The meal is still not very safe, because everyone has something to deal with.

Hasn't touched the phone for most of the day, who hasn't accumulated a lot of business? The guests quickly finished their meal, took back their mobile phones, and got busy.

Xi Hua was relatively relaxed, and only had a conversation with her grandmother on the phone.

"Sister Lingling, do you need my help?" Xu Tiantian asked.

In order to show that the guests really did their own food and clothing during the filming, the manager assistant arranged to live in other people's homes and would come over after the filming ended.

After Xu Tiantian gave Yu Hua the cell phone she kept at her place, Yu Hua didn't assign her any more work. She remembered Yu Yue's instructions, went to the program group to confirm the details of tomorrow's arrangement, and came back to tell Yu Hua Explain the things that need to be paid attention to when shooting tomorrow.

"No more. You have been tired all day, go back and rest." Yu Hua said. During the filming, Xu Tiantian was not idle either, and followed outside the camera, so as to avoid any emergencies to be dealt with in time.

"That's fine, sister Lingling, you should also take a good rest, I'm going back." Xu Tiantian walked out of Yu Hua's room.

When she got out of the yard, she heard voices coming from the yard, "Zhong Ling, do you want to go out?"

It was guest Yu Bing who asked the question.

Hearing Yuhua answer, "I'll go out to the village and take a look around, and I'll be back in a while."

"You haven't seen enough during the day, I have seen enough. There are a lot of mosquitoes outside, so go out and spray more toilet water."

"Well, I will."

Xu Tiantian fell back again, and was face to face with Yu Hua who had walked out of the yard.

Xu Tiantian lowered his eyebrows, "Sister Lingling, why don't you call me if you want to come out for a while. What if something happens."

"It's all right, I'll just look around here and not go far." She smiled at Xu Tiantian, "Did you forget that I know martial arts?"

"Oh, yes." Xu Tiantian looked at the completely dark sky and said, "However, Miss Lingling, you still have to be careful, this village is not very safe at night."

Feeling that my words were ambiguous, I quickly explained, "Sister Lingling, don't misunderstand, it's not that the people in this village are not good, it's that the weasels in the village are always making trouble, and they killed many chickens a while ago."

"Hiss." She took a breath, "Weasel, just thinking about it gives me goosebumps."

"Did the people in the village tell you?" After a day, Yuhua had discovered Xu Tiantian's strengths, being good at communicating with others.

"That's right. This kind of mountain village in the mountains is always prone to strange things, so it's better to inquire more." Xu Tiantian's eyes lit up when he talked about it, "I asked several people, and they all said that some time ago in the village There was a weasel, and the weasel was so evil, the chicken that was killed would not be dragged away, and the blood of the chicken would be drunk.

By the way, the villagers also said that you can go anywhere in the village. If you are near the end of the village, don't go near the yard with half-built houses. The owner of that house is Ji Guangfa.

His family was originally an ancestral hunter, but after hunting was banned, he became a forest ranger, running on the mountains every day, not very close to the people in the village.

A few years ago, after his wife and children died of illness, the construction of half of the house stopped, and Ji Guangfa didn't talk to anyone all day long.

He has been getting weirder recently, he doesn't show his face all day long, he is elusive, and at some point he suddenly appears behind people, which is frightening, he looks big and thick, and the villagers are a little afraid of him. "

It seems that Xu Tiantian will not stop until he scares her back.

Yuhua didn't insist anymore, "It's a little scary, I won't go out. Okay, I'm going back to the house." She doesn't necessarily have to go out for a while.

Seeing Yuhua return to the yard, Xu Tiantian couldn't help smiling. Fortunately, the artist she was following listened to people's persuasion, otherwise she would cry if she met someone who insisted on doing her own thing.

The night was getting dark.

Yu Hua slapped an invisibility talisman on her body, and walked out of the room lightly.

The courtyard door made a loud noise when it opened, so she chose to jump over the courtyard wall.

The moonlight is bright tonight, and the sky is whitened by the moonlight, making the outline of the mountains below appear clearer, and even the trees and grass on the mountains can be separated into dark green and light green.

The village under the moon adds a layer of quiet beauty compared to the daytime.

The village occupies a large area, and the houses mainly take the main street as the axis and extend to both sides.

During the day when I was doing the show, I only walked a small half of the village.

The courtyard doors of the villagers' homes are closed tightly, and most of the lights in the courtyard are on. From under the courtyard doors, they shine on the bluestone pavement, reflecting light and shadows of different colors and brightness.

Xi Hua started from the head of the village and walked slowly so that Ye Jian could swallow the sporophytes and purify the village.

The sporozoites in Junqian Village are the most she has seen so far, almost all over the village.

Every time she passed by a house, she would stop for a short time to check whether the family was parasitized.

After the spores parasitize into the human brain, they will pretend to be adult cells and send out the same fluctuating information, deceiving the body's own immune system.

The sporophyte in the initial stage of parasitism is very small, and it is under the protection of the human body, and it can only be found out by careful inspection.

After walking around, the sporozoites in the village were all purified, and Yu Hua found no parasites.

She walked back.

Squeeze, squeak.

The sound of someone shuffling on the bluestone slab came from behind.

Yu Hua turned around and saw the figure of a black iron tower stepping from the dirt road up the mountain to the bluestone slab.

This is a man in his forties, his hair grows wildly, his dark face is full of stubble, and his clothes are worn out. He is carrying a large ripped canvas bag, which contains two hares and a pheasant. .

Yu Hua scanned with her mental power and found that the hare and pheasant had lost all blood, or in other words, the three hares and pheasant had been sucked dry of their blood.

This man is a parasite, a parasite entering maturity.

She checked the personnel information of the entire village, and this man was Ji Guangfa whom Xu Tiantian had heard of.

In Cheng Kaijing's memory, mature parasites have no intelligence, but Ji Guangfa in front of him obviously has his own thoughts.

This does not match Cheng Kaijing's memory.

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