Quick Travel Plane Development Notes

Chapter 644 I Have a Secret (32)

Duanmu Chengyan took a kind of jelly-like beads produced by alien creatures, and his body has the ability to resist parasites.

This kind of jelly beads can only be obtained if the aliens are voluntary. So far, only two have been produced, and Duanmu Mingying and Duanmu Chengyan each took one.

After Cheng Kaijing learned about this from Duanmu Chengyan, he told the Cheng family. The Cheng family used the news to exchange benefits with other families, and finally handed Duanmu Chengyan over to several laboratories under common control.

Duanmu Chengyan became an experimental subject and was imprisoned in the laboratory. Since then, he has never been out again. He is subjected to various tests every day. From blood to bone marrow, no part of his body is spared.

Finally, an active factor was extracted from his flesh and blood, which can improve the function of the human body and strengthen the ability of white blood cells to swallow spores in the human body.

Potions made with this active factor also work on other people.

This made the top management of the base ecstatic.

However, this active factor can only be extracted from the flesh and blood of Duanmu Chengyan, which is equivalent to a thousand milliliters of blood to make a dose of medicine.

The demand was huge, and there was only one Duanmu Chengyan. His hematopoietic function could not keep up with the extraction speed, and Duanmu Chengyan died not long after.

The pre-extracted potion that the Cheng family had distributed was used by the old man of the Cheng family. Duanmu Chengyan died, and Cheng Kaijing was parasitized before the next batch of potion.


Xi Hua withdrew her mental power. She didn't find anything similar to the alien creatures in Cheng Kaijing's impression.

It's normal if you don't find it.

Cheng Kai has been looking for the capital for five years, and Duanmu Chengyan, a member of the family, plows the house from time to time like plowing the field, if he had been taken away by them.

Cheng Kaijing didn't know how Duanmu Mingying got that ornament, it was either the original one or an afterthought.

So he asked Duanmu Chengyan to stay with Duanmu Mingying, so that Duanmu Mingying would notify him in time after he got the item.

Duanmu Mingying came out of the kitchen with the cleaned thermos bucket, "Lingling, how is your health these days? Are you tired?"

"It's okay." Yuhua took the thermos with one hand, and handed a bank card to Duanmu Mingying with the other hand, "I transferred 500,000 of the money in the card, and I don't need the rest."

This card was given to her by Duanmu Mingying before, and she accepted it when she was short of money.

Duanmu Mingying is also a victim, but she is Duanmu Chengyan's guardian. Duanmu Mingying should bear part of the responsibility for Duanmu Chengyan's big mistake.

The 500,000 yuan should be Duanmu Mingying's liability compensation.

Duanmu Mingying didn't pick up, and said in a hurry, "How can you not use it? You haven't made much money yet, and it's time to use it. Auntie has a lot of money here. I used to buy a house when I had money. I bought it for seven years. As for the eight houses, the rent can be collected a lot every year, and the bakery also makes money.

I went to the hospital to ask about it, and I know that the medicine for this disease is not cheap, so you can’t stop taking this medicine, you know. Your sick aunt has to bear a lot of responsibility, and the aunt can't help you in medical treatment, so you have to keep the money. "

Yuhua put the bank card on the table and pushed it towards Duanmu Mingying, "I only take half a million. Most of the medicine I am taking now is self-made, so I won't need too much money. Someday the money will not be enough. I will open my mouth to Auntie."

It is better to be clear about the money, no more than 500,000 yuan, she took it and gave the original owner a compensation, and Duanmu Mingying would feel less guilty after paying the money.

Duanmu Mingying knew that Yuhua would not accept it, so he didn't push the bank card back, "Then I will put it away for now, if you need money, please tell auntie."

"Of course, I won't be polite to Aunt Duanmu."

Only then did Duanmu Mingying smile, "It must be. By the way, I almost forgot one thing."

She turned and went back to the kitchen.

After a while, I came out of the kitchen, a small and exquisite cake gift box, "I made a mango mousse for Aunt Pang, and I thought I would send it to you later, but you just came and took a piece back."

Yuhua took it over and said goodbye to Duanmu Mingying. Just as she was about to turn around, she heard Duanmu Mingying softly "ah", "Lingling, you said the medicine you take is homemade? You can make it Drugs for cancer?"

This reflex arc already has a certain length.

Yu Hua nodded, "I made it myself."

Now the reputation of Xihuahui's self-made pills has gone out.

It started with my grandmother getting better.

Grandma's health recovered, and people around asked her what panacea she had taken, how could grandma not take the opportunity to show off her good granddaughter, and said that it was the medicine that Xi Hua made for her.

No one can underestimate the elderly's pursuit of health.

Otherwise, why do many of those scammers who only deceive the elderly do so under the banner of health.

Neighbors, old sisters, several people wanted to beg or buy some pills from grandma.

Grandma is kind-hearted, and she can't think too much when she is old. When she is in good health, she also thinks that her old sisters are in good health. She thinks that health pills are just tonics, just like medicated food, and there is nothing wrong with giving them to others.

Fortunately, she didn't give it directly, but told Xi Hua first.

Yu Hua stopped her grandma, saying that if she gave the pills to others, they could sue her for illegal medical practice regardless of whether they took them or not.

Grandma didn't expect it before, but as soon as Yuhua reminded her to wake up, she didn't even show the pills to others.

However, this is a way to make money.

She is not qualified to practice medicine, but she can sell prescriptions.

If the sporozoites have spread into the air, then the most effective way at present is to improve the quality of the body.

Under the same environment, some people will be parasitized, and some will not, because the sporozoites enter the body of some people and are swallowed instead. The white blood cells in a body with good physical fitness have a strong phagocytic ability and can eliminate more sporophyte.

Yuhua checked Xia Duanmu Mingying's body again, and her physical fitness was not good.

Duanmu Mingying went to the hospital for a comprehensive physical examination. Although there was no disease in her body, some indicators were not very good, and the possibility of developing the disease was very high.

She didn't need hospital treatment and the doctor prescribed some medicine.

Now it seems that the effect of taking it is average.

In her previous life, Duanmu Mingying was healthy. When she bound the alien creature, it was more than two months after the end of the world. During this period, she stayed at home, but she was not parasitized.


When Yu Hua returned home, she and her grandma happily finished their meal.

"You can only eat half of it." Yu Hua stared into her grandma's eyes.

She was referring to the mousse cake. Even though Duanmu Mingying specially made a small one, Yuhua still didn't let her grandma eat a whole one at a time.

With grandma's current physical condition, it is not a big problem to eat a whole meal, but Yu Hua thought that in the apocalypse that may come, the higher the physical fitness, the better, and her grandma should not relax too much.

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