Quick Travel Plane Development Notes

Chapter 409 Becoming a Master in the 1980s (15)

The cafeteria does not serve roast chicken. It should be that Zhang Chuankui heard about her jumping into the river and went to sue Lu Jianyong.

I want to use this to comfort and appease the original owner.

If Yao Shuli hadn't gone to the cafeteria to buy food, Zhang Chuankui would have brought it to her.

Zhang Chuankui was the first person to affirm the original owner, saying that she was spiritual in cooking, studied hard, worked hard, and would have great achievements in the future.

While flattering the original owner, he was also grateful and treated Zhang Chuankui as a master and grandfather.

In the last life, after Yao Shufang was almost taken away by He Yongchao, the original owner didn't have the heart to learn to cook anymore. In order not to give Yao Shufang a chance to run away, she picked her up every day, took care of a bunch of people at home, and often asked for leave .

When I was at work, I often thought about family affairs, and became inattentive when cooking. At the beginning, Zhang Chuankui understood her situation. After a long time, the original owner never changed his mind, which made Zhang Chuankui feel cold and no longer intends to teach her up.

After Zhang Chuankui retired, he opened a Zhang's restaurant, which eventually became a chain enterprise. In this era, there is no such thing as packaging. Whether the food in restaurants is good or not depends on word of mouth.

It can be seen that Zhang Chuankui's cooking skills are quite good.

With roast chicken, dinner becomes hearty.

No matter how big things happen at home, as long as the courtyard door is closed, the home is relatively normal and safe, and the impact on children is not as great as adults imagine.

Yu Hua was like a normal person, which reassured Yao Shuli, who was secretly observing.

Yao Shuli ran to the kitchen to get the bowls and chopsticks, and she was very surprised to see Yao Shuwei brushing the chopping board in the kitchen.

The next glance was distasteful, because the kitchen stove, chopping board, and floor were all filled with water, which was even more messy than before she went out to buy food.

Seeing Yao Shuli coming in, Yao Shuwei threw the brush in his hand, "Shuli, come and wash it quickly, I've been washing it for you for a while."

Yao Shuli knew what was going on as soon as she thought about it, the elder sister asked Yao Shuwei to wash it. She rolled her eyes at Yao Shuwei, "Why do you ask me to wash it. I'm going to buy food."

He took out clean dishes and chopsticks from the cupboard, and carried them out of the kitchen.

Yao Shuwei stared angrily, but he really didn't dare to give up.

After a while, I heard Xi Hua calling him, "Come over to eat first, and then wash together after eating."

Yao Shuwei automatically ignored the second half of the sentence, and ran into the dining room in a gust of wind when he heard that it was time to eat.

Both Yao Shuwei and Yao Shuli were hungry, and with the smell of roast chicken, they ate deliciously.

Before eating, Yuhua divided the torn roast chicken into four portions, one for each person.

Yao Shufang didn't come back for dinner, which was a common occurrence.

Yao Shufang had evening self-study in the third grade of junior high school, and there was only 50 minutes to eat between school in the afternoon and evening self-study. Sometimes Yao Shufang bought food in the school cafeteria.

Xi Hua set aside a portion of the other meals.

Yao Shufang is in a period of rapid physical development, and is prone to hunger, and usually has to eat something after returning from self-study in the evening.

After sitting down, Yao Shuwei glanced at the other two roasted chickens, but seeing that Yu Hua didn't give him any more intentions, he just pursed his lips and ate his own.

Xi Hua also ate with relish. The taste of this place is very suitable for her taste, and the food in the cafeteria makes her feel comfortable.

It should have something to do with her letting go of her physical desires.

After eating, Yuhua announced, "From now on, Yao Shuwei will wash the bowls for lunch and dinner."

Yao Shuwei mumbled his opinion, "Why don't you let Shuli brush it?"

"She is younger than you. Moreover, she has been doing housework since she was seven years old. You haven't done it until you are eleven years old. Make up for these four years of work first."

Yao Daqing and Song Juan ignored the original owner, but they didn't catch the original owner's oppressive parents. The original owner did the most housework, but Yao Shufang and Yao Shuli also had to do it when they grew up.

Only Yao Shuwei didn't do it.

Yao Shuwei still refused to accept, "Second sister is older than me."

"Shufang has been doing housework since she was six years old. Compared with her, you can make up for nine years of work before you talk."

Yao Shuli sucked her lips, trying not to laugh, but her slightly curved eyes revealed her thoughts.

Yao Shuwei saw that Yu Hua looked at half of the shovel handle, and quickly stood up to put away the bowls and chopsticks on the dining table, muttering, "Wash it, just wash it."

Make a clanging sound.

Yao Shuli didn't sit idle and helped Yao Shuwei tidy up.

The two each took some bowls and chopsticks and went to the kitchen. After a while, Yao Shuli came out of the kitchen, and the sound of tinkling and light came from the kitchen again.

Yao Shuli returned to the dining room, picked up a rag and wiped the dining table.

Said to Yuhua, "I'm going to do my homework."

Back to his room.

Before, Xihua asked Hu Di to inquire about the news, but just now Hu Di came back, but they were all eating, so Hu Di squatted back to the corner.

Seeing that there was no one in the room, Hu Di came over to report, "Lu Jianyong hasn't been arrested yet, and his car won't come back until tomorrow.

Lu Liang, Lu Yao, and Lu Guang were taken to the cafeteria by people in the factory to eat at noon, and also at night.

The three children were left unattended. The factory discussed with the police station, and let Diao Xiuju go home first, and put her under residential surveillance.

Diao Xiuju will be back later. "

As for the matter of money and housing, Lu Jianyong, who personally participated in it, will be fine, and Diao Xiuju will be fine because of the proof.

Diao Xiuju wanted Lu Jianyong to cook cooked rice with the original owner, but what she wanted was to let Lu Jianyong get in touch with the original owner first, and then find a chance to get the original owner drunk when the original owner loosened up, and then let the original owner and Lu Jianyong half push and half leave do good things.

In this case, the original owner will not be able to go back on his word.

However, Lu Jianyong detested the ugly face of the original owner, and was unwilling to go with the original owner in the same way as the object, and directly violated the original owner. In his heart, he thought that once he got a woman's body, he got a woman.

Diao Xiuju found out about this after the fact. She took remedial measures and brainwashed the original owner in the past, so that the original owner gave up the idea of ​​suing Lu Jianyong.

Diao Xiuju is an insider, not an accomplice, so she can at most be judged for covering up in the future.

She is also over 60 years old, and has a guarantee from the factory. Diao Xiuju confessed quickly, and also confessed other crimes of Lu Jianyong and Tian Erdong on her own initiative. .

Now Lu Jianyong was completely unable to turn over.

Not long after, there was movement next door.

It was Diao Xiuju and Lu Jianyong's three sons who came back.

Yu Hua told Hu Di, "Go and find another wandering soul who is cleaner, and follow Yao Shuli from now on."

As far as the current situation is concerned, the original owner's three younger brothers and sisters are all bad in nature. Yao Shuwei has been favored since childhood and has many problems, but it is not impossible to correct it.

In the previous life, the four siblings were divorced, and the original owner's bad life was rooted in Lu Jianyong. Without him, the four siblings would have the possibility to gather together from the scattered sand.

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