Quick Travel Plane Development Notes

Chapter 168 Rebirth 28 times (22)

In the memory of the black cat, it has been to Fangyuan's villa.

The black cat in the first life was sick and hungry, and was not far from death, which meant that its soul was unstable, and it might have been out of the body for a short time.

Without the protection of the body, the soul is easily affected by various influences.

If the black cat was within the 20-meter radiation range of the plane trader when Fang Yuan was making the designated transaction, its rebirth would make sense.

After verifying her calculation, Yuhua went to the United States and appeared next to Alan.

Alan is not alone. He is in a laboratory. There are eight people with him in the room, all surrounding Alan. Four of them are researchers, staring at the instruments they are responsible for.

In front of Alan was a pile of books and a box of nickel metal.

The panel can only be seen by Allen, and there is also a countdown to the trading time.

The countdown reached zero, and Allen tapped the confirmation button.

At ten forty-five, a series of events took place.

Books and nickel blocks on the floor disappeared.

The transaction points on the panel reached 100 million.

The time starts to reset.

Yuhua had been prepared for a long time, and at the moment of time reset, she tore apart the space and left this world.

At this moment, the sharp fluctuation of the timeline allowed Xi Hua to see what had happened in this world.

On July 6th, in the morning in the east and evening in the west, dozens of huge flying objects suddenly appeared in the sky, distributed over different parts of the planet.

The alien that Blue Star has always wanted to contact has come.

But contrary to Blue Star's good wishes, these aliens are not here to be friendly, they are here to invade, and these huge flying objects are their warships.

The aliens who came claimed to be from the Gaisa civilization, and they announced that the blue star belonged to them in the five main languages ​​on the blue star, and all the blue star people must obey their orders.

There was panic on Blue Star.

The governments of various countries responded quickly, sending requests for dialogue to the Gaisars.

But the Gaisars are very arrogant and tough, and they don't talk to each other. The Blue Stars have only two choices: die or obey.

Obedience is a nice way of saying it, and from the proclamations issued by the Gaisars, we know that so-called obedience is slavery.

Thousands of robots descended from the battleship, armed with unknown light weapons, and attacked Blue Star indiscriminately.

In one minute, tens of thousands of places in Blue Star became ruins, tens of thousands of people died immediately, and even more people were disabled.

The people on Blue Star were naturally unwilling to be enslaved. Some countries, including the country of Hua where You Wen was located, resisted. All countries united together and launched an attack on the warships of the Gaisars.

However, the Gaisars had been prepared for a long time and launched an oscillatory wave weapon at the Blue Star. All the electronic equipment on the Blue Star failed.

The weapons of mass destruction of the Blue Stars were all unusable, and the level of force between the two sides was extremely unequal. The confrontation almost became a unilateral massacre by the Gaisars.

Under such circumstances, some forces on the Blue Planet surrendered to the Gaisars.

In order not to be exterminated, the Blue Stars who were unwilling to surrender gave up their frontal resistance and went underground to continue their resistance.

The Gaisars have taken Bluestar.

They carried out a devastating plunder on the blue star.

The Gaisars thought that the population of the Blue Star was too large, and planned to eliminate half of the Blue Star people.

Most of the remaining half became slaves to work for the Qaisers, and a small part were taken away by the Qaisers.

Those who were taken away by the Gaisars were all babies and young men and women. Later, I found out that the taken away Blue Stars became pets and servants and sold them to various planets.

The underground resistance movement had some success at first.

When the Qaesars come down to the ground, they will be heavily attacked and assassinated.

But because of the surrender of some people, the Gaisars didn't have to go down to the ground. They handed over the mining of resources to the robots and the surrendered Blue Stars.

Unable to kill the Qaesars, the Resistance movement can be said to have failed.

Blue Star was soon riddled with holes, and many Blue Star people died of food shortages and diseases caused by environmental degradation.

So far, Blue Star has been occupied by the Gaisars for almost seven years, and the useful resources on Blue Star have almost been plundered.

The Blue Stars survived, and only a quarter remained.

The Gaisars are ready to attack Blue Star's spiritual core.

The reason for the recovery of Blue Star's spiritual energy is the recovery of Blue Star's spiritual core.

All planetary worlds with spiritual energy have spiritual cores.

Spiritual cores are non-living like living things. There are active periods and quiet periods. When the spiritual core is in the quiet period, the world is in a low spirit period.

The spiritual core is in an active period, and the world's spiritual energy is revived.

The starry sky is full of various energies, but most of these energies are dissociated and cannot or are difficult to collect and use.

The spiritual core can draw these free energies to itself and transform them into spiritual energy. The spiritual core in the active period can transform much more spiritual energy than the quiet period.

The spiritual core is called an energy crystal in the interstellar civilization, because the active period of the spiritual core is calculated in hundreds of millions of years. Even in the quiet period, it can still attract a small amount of free energy.

Theoretically speaking, energy crystals can be used forever and are the ultimate energy source.

From the information provided by Fang Yuan and Allen, especially the historical records provided by Allen, the Gaisans came to the conclusion that the Blue Star might have generated energy crystals.

In many of Blue Star's ancient books, especially in Huaguo's civilization inheritance, there are myths and legends about the existence of spiritual energy.

Because not all living planets can generate energy crystals.

They also knew that Blue Star's current technological level was at the elementary level, so they came over swaggeringly.

The energy crystal is hidden deep in the center of the earth. To obtain the energy crystal, Blue Star must be destroyed.

The Gesa people don't care whether the Blue Star people are destroyed or not.

In fact, even if the Blue Star has no energy crystals, once the resources are exhausted, the Gaisars will destroy the Blue Star before they evacuate, in order to prevent the Blue Stars from growing up to take revenge on them.

In the near future, after the Gazans take away the energy crystal, they will detonate a nuclear bomb on Blue Star.

Blue Star was completely destroyed.

The entire planet collapsed into a patch of dust in the starry sky.

This time overflow world relies on this world to exist.

The Blue Star in this world is destroyed, and this time overflow world will no longer exist.

The moment after the time was reset, Zihua's consciousness entered this world again and landed in Fang Yuan's villa in Haicheng.

At this moment, there were piles of ores beside Fang Yuan, and his finger was pointing towards the confirmation button of the plane trader.

Yuhua suppressed the power of space.

As his thoughts moved, Fang Yuan was restrained before he could make any expression, and his fingers stayed in the gesture of tapping.

Zihua reached out and grabbed a lump of material out of Fang Yuan's brain.

Zihua deliberately did not block Fang Yuan's perception. Fang Yuan could see what Zihua was doing and listening to, but the only thing that could move in his body were his pupils.

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