The bald chief finally couldn't bear it any longer and warned Dr. Banner: "You'd better not talk!"

Tony Stark said indifferently: "Why can't he let him vent?" He also put his hand on Steve.

Steve opened his hand: "Don't you know why? Don't fool around!"

Tony Stark tit for tat: "I'd like to know, what can you do to keep me out of trouble?"

Steve looked at him provocatively, "Really? You only wear iron armor to show off your prestige. Without iron armor, what are you?"

Tony chuckled: "Super genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist..."

The two pointed to Maimang, and if they disagreed, they would fight each other, and they were very angry.

Tony Stark in Eternal Space also looked at Steve and shrugged, "It seems that we will also dislike each other in the future."

Steve looked serious: "Your performance in the Battle of New York is completely heroic, admirable, but I don't know you well in the video."

The captain won't lie, he's already recognized the playboy after watching Tony Stark's MVP performance in New York.

At this time, the video in the time curtain suddenly fast-forwarded, and fast-forwarded to the scene after Coulson's death. The bald chief found him, Coulson sat against the wall, "Sorry, that god escaped."

"Stay awake and watch me!"

"I can't do it anymore." Coulson's voice became weaker and weaker: "I have to leave my post."

"No, I don't approve."

Coulson left his last words: "It's okay, boss, if you want to make them a team, you have to give them a little bit of movement..."

Before he could finish speaking, he gasped.

Nick Fury informed everyone of his death, and then brought in Steve Rogers and Tony Stark to explain the Avengers plan to them.

Finally, he said: "Colson believed in this plan until he died, he believed in heroes!"

Tony Stark couldn't help but leave first, and Steve was lost in thought.

The video ends here.

On Earth, the audience under the light curtain was talking a lot,

This video exposed the cause of the Battle of New York. It was precisely because S.H.I.E.L.D. secretly studied the Rubik's Cube of the universe that it provoked an alien invasion!

"I've said it a long time ago, all official organizations are untrustworthy, including this bullshit S.H.I.E.L.D., look, their reckless actions will eventually harm us all!"

"No, I agree with S.H.I.E.L.D.'s concept, don't we develop high-tech weapons, aliens will not come to invade?"

"Yes, it is precisely because there are too many threats in the universe, and the technology mastered by those aliens is more advanced than us, so we must continue to research, so as to protect ourselves!"

"I don't care what shit S.H.I.E.L.D. is, but I'm just like Agent Coulson in the video, I want to believe in the Avengers, I want to believe in those superheroes!"

In the eternal space, Tony and the others looked at each other in dismay, and no one spoke first.

In the end, Coulson was the first to break the silence. He smiled and said, "Please, can you stop looking at me with such guilty eyes? I'm still alive and well, aren't I?"

Then he restrained his smile and said with a serious expression: "However, I really believe in the Avengers, I believe you superheroes, you have abilities that are unattainable for ordinary people, as long as you form a team, you will definitely be able to solve all problems, Captain. , Tony, you are all heroes!"

Natasha winked at him and joked, "Have you forgotten me again?"

Steve said: "Agent Coulson, you are also a hero, I will remember what you said, and I promise to protect you and everyone!"

Originally, because of the super soldier serum, he greatly enhanced the kindness and justice of his heart, and because he inherited the inheritance of the Freljord Heart Bron, he went all the way on the road of justice and never looked back.

Everyone praised Coulson, and then waited for the new video and answer, Tony reminded: "I guess this should be the last question."

He guessed right, and the light screen gave a prompt: "The last video is about to be played, please watch it carefully, and you will ask questions after the video is finished!"

Nick Fury nodded, "So far, we have answered all the questions correctly, Natasha, it's just you."

Natasha said with a smile: "I can't guarantee the right answer, and I can't buy anything with 2 points, so I can only open the blind box. The last time I opened a mask that was useless, I wasn't very lucky. "

The prompt characters on the light curtain gradually faded, and the last video began to play. The opening was a lightning strike, and a missile flew straight to the mansion by the sea.

Tony Stark's eyes widened: "Wait, this is my house? My house is going to be bombed again... Why do I have to say it again?"

The missile directly smashed the glass wall, and there was a violent explosion in an instant. Tony Stark in the video was not wearing a steel armor, next to him was Pepper Potts.

Both were sent flying by the shock wave of the explosion!

In the video is a slow-moving shot, focusing on Pepper, her face is full of horror, her eyes are closed, and countless scattered sand and stones hit her like dense raindrops.

Tony Stark's situation was also very bad, but he clenched his fist and made a gesture, and saw the scattered structures of pieces of steel armor flying over one after another, attaching to Little Pepper.

In just a split second, Pepper Potts turned into Iron Man, safe and sound, while Tony Stark fell hard.

"I have to say, you are quite a gentleman sometimes." Natasha winked at Tony.

Coulson was more concerned about the steel armor that could be assembled and assembled by autonomous flight, and shouted: "How cool! Tony, is this armor your future work? It's so cool!"

Tony Stark shrugged: "My tech creations have always been cool, but this armor..."

He could see that in the future, his transformation of the steel armor was very in-depth, and he also showed a high enough technological content.

In the video, the enemy who attacked Tony's mansion obviously wanted to kill them all. After launching the missile, two gunships were dispatched to approach and open fire.

Tony fell hard, got up in a daze, and noticed that there were cracks in the ceiling above his head, the cracks spread, and pieces of gravel fell on his head.

At this time, Iron Man appeared in time and blocked the stones for him. The mask was raised, and Little Pepper was proud: "This time, I will protect you."

"I protected you first! We have to get out of here first."

But they hadn't walked a few steps before the firepower of the gunship spewed out, and the mansion was in jeopardy!

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