Popular science physics, teach a magic god?

Chapter 201 [This is the enemy] (3 updates)

Two days later, Ren suddenly remembered this incident: "Harry, I asked you to deliver a letter to Baroque before, have you done it?"

"Yes, the official document has been sent." Harry nodded seriously.

"There's no threat in the official document right from the beginning, right? If you say you're willing to release someone, you'll pay a ransom, right? Remember, we can only consider the next step if the other party doesn't comply."


"Speaking softly but with a hint of hardness, there is a needle hidden in the cotton, right?" There were too many mistakes, so Renn asked again worriedly.

"Yes, I did exactly that."

Seeing Harry look so confident, Ren was relieved.

He turned to Flora: "I've asked your senior brother Harry to take care of your family matters. I will communicate with Barok first. If he is willing to let him go, and the price is not too outrageous, I can help you with something." It’s not impossible.”

"Master, you are spending too much money."

"You are my disciple, so I will naturally take care of you. Yes, to be on the safe side, please transfer a small piece of your family's fiefdom to me. It doesn't need to be big, just open a portal."


As soon as Ren left, Flora suddenly realized that she had forgotten to ask how much land would be needed to open the portal. She called her female assistant: "Master, how much land did he ask for in the last portal?"

"Grand Duchess Sophia gave all the land in a circle outside Marino City to Archmage Tesla! I remember that there was a lot of land in Swetland and Lamanche before."

Flora understood immediately. She gritted her teeth and waved her hand to sign the land deed in the name of the acting head of the Ashfield family and the temporary countess, and assigned the hilltop near the sea to her master.

Just like this, a week passed without any danger, and the Laiyang Steel Shield team arrived at the beach of the Southern Federation.

They were very thieves. They didn't foolishly find Baroque. Instead, they found a wine merchant named Ortega at Casa Port, which was closest to Baroque's home.

"Hello, everyone, I heard that there is a big deal coming to me. What kind of deal is it?"

"We are here to talk about [reason]!" Erwin showed the [reason] sword.

The wine merchant was stunned on the spot.

[Li Zi Sword]!

In the southern countries of the mainland, except for those who have little information, there is no one who has not heard of [Lizi Sword]. Not only is its shape unique, but the magic power contained in it is difficult to imitate. The key is that the sect that took over the [Lizi Sword] either had its backbone broken or was beaten to ashes.

How did the physics school gain its reputation?

Typed out!

You can't pretend to be dead when you receive the [Li Zi Sword], otherwise you will lose face, and the god of death from the physics school will come to make you look decent.

The wine merchant was numb, and he had to squirm for a long time before he managed to squeeze out the words: "I, I don't seem to have done anything to offend the school of physics, right?"

Erwin's smile was a bit ferocious: "Haha! Seamaster Baroque's poor place doesn't produce wine. Isn't it possible that every time he drinks seawater when he entertains his men after a robbery?"

Winemaking requires grain.

It’s pretty good that the island is self-sufficient in food, but it also makes wine?

What a liar!

If this wine merchant becomes big, in addition to selling wine, he probably also does some dirty things like selling stolen goods to pirates.

Erwin threw the explosive bag in his hand: "This is dwarf explosives. My people have put things in your manor and your wine cellar. If you don't want your family and the wine that has been collected for many years to explode into the gutter, just Send a letter to Baroque Roberts for our physics department."

Can wine merchants still say no?

His thugs couldn't offend a group of high-level professionals, let alone the physics school behind them.

Taking advantage of the time to secretly deliver private wine to Baroque the next day, he bit the bullet and delivered the 'letter' himself.

When he arrived at Amamba Island, he was immediately led to the main hall by the sea commander's men as he was familiar with the people.

Baroque was just a "merely" sea captain, but his palace was excessively luxurious. Gold sculptures of different styles were lined up on both sides of the avenue in front of the palace. These were the trophies of his voyage across the sea.

The door of the majestic golden palace, which is 12 meters high and more than 6 meters wide, is actually covered with dead bones. No, the latest one is still in a semi-rotted state. Apparently this victim was only a month or two ago.

You can smell the horrible stench just walking by.

Entering the main hall, the wine merchant saw his father and grandfather, and couldn't help but muttered: "Dad, old man, you look a little pale! Maybe I will become pale soon."

As he walked past, a small fire seemed to light up in the skulls of the two "empty-eyed" skeletons, staring at the children and grandchildren who had to kill them to show their loyalty to Baroque.

As the pirate marshal's men entered, the wine merchants saw grim-faced men naked, wiping the wine vessels made of human heads with rags, while their wives and daughters were naked and talking to the pirates. They forced a smile.

This group of inhuman pirates tortured them wantonly, insulted and whipped the male servants at will, and ravaged the noble ladies.

There are a large number of treasures piled randomly in the corners of the hall. These things once belonged to these poor prisoners.

On the throne of the king who once belonged to the island country of Cassano a hundred years ago, sat a huge man.

He generally has a human appearance, with a height of about two and a half meters, but his body is a weird brown-black color, his overly long arms are thicker than cow legs, and he has a demon head that looks like a buffalo head with a long With a huge horn extending forward.

This fully demonstrates his demonic bloodline as a descendant of the giant bull demon.

You must know that the challenge level of any giant bull demon will not be lower than level 16. The authentic Giant Bull Demon is the size of a house and is a siege weapon favored by all demon lords.

Baroque Roberts raised his lips: "Hey, isn't this my royal wine merchant? What good wine did you bring me today? I hope you will satisfy me."

If not satisfied, someone will die!

Ortega grimaced: "The damn Physicists sent people to hijack my wine cellar, and then forced me to give this thing to the Supreme Lord Roberts."

After saying that, he raised the 'official document' in his hand tremblingly.

Until this moment, he had not forgotten Erwin's instruction to make the end of the document box with the words 'This side faces the enemy' facing Baroque.

The noisy hall suddenly became quiet.

How many years has it been since the last desperate rebel appeared?

ten years? Twenty years?

After a brief silence, the pirates burst into loud laughter.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

"What school of physics!?"

"Those guys who don't care about life and death! Do they really regard the sea as their home?"

At this time, the wine merchant who was betting on both ends also warned: "Be careful, sir. I always feel that this box has a trap."

Without Baroque's orders, a small pirate leader suddenly threw a throwing spear.


The spear passed through the wooden box and nothing happened.

Another pirate went over to open the box, casually dipped his hand into the cotton on it, and licked it: "Boss, it's not poisonous."

Only then did the pirate bring the box to Baroque and read the contents for him.

"Damn it, the price for redeeming an earl is only 100 gold coins!?" Before he finished reading the letter, Baroque became angry. He slammed the armrest of the throne: "What are you putting there! I'll take that little bitch right now." Kill my brother!"

Who knows, before he finished speaking, Harry's projection suddenly appeared on the seemingly ordinary 'official document'.

I saw Harry's phantom spreading his hands: "Oh? Then there's nothing to talk about."

The next moment, the seemingly ordinary box suddenly shot out countless thin needles at an astonishing speed of 800 meters per second. Just looking at the density, it looks like a group of archers are gathering fire to shoot.

Everything happened so fast that no one could react. Such a big Baroque turned into a porcupine!

Countless steel needles pierced his huge body, and even the throne and even the stone wall behind him were riddled with holes!

The pirate lair exploded on the spot!

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