Pollution throughout the territory

Chapter 1 The world is going to end!

Blue Star is a beautiful planet. Humanity explored all continents during the Age of Discovery more than 1,500 years ago and formed alliances. After further development, the world's highest alliance government was established and police inspectors were established. and the Dispute Arbitration Court to safeguard the life security of all people. From then on, the concept of a country disappeared and was replaced by the same goal of all mankind. However, due to geographical relationships, under the alliance government, continents were still divided, and each state had some unique characteristics. Acts Ordinances.

The year in which the Supreme Alliance Government was established was known as the New Era.

Now, it is the year 1106 of the New Era.

It is summer in Dongzhou area.

"the weather is hot."

In mid-July, the hottest time of the year has arrived. Even if you are hiding in the shade of a tree, you can still feel the heat wave hitting your face.

Xia Qiudong had lunch and hurried back to the company. It wasn't until he entered the air-conditioned office that the feeling of heat in his body gradually faded away.

Most of her colleagues took advantage of this time to lie down on the table and take a nap. She took a glass of water and returned to her seat. Just as she was about to sit down, her phone suddenly vibrated.

It's a landline number, and it's an unknown number.

With an unknown premonition rising in her heart, Xia Qiudong looked around, walked to the corridor outside, and answered the phone.

"Hello? Are you Ms. Xia Qiudong?"

"Yes, are you?"

She was a little confused. Since she knew her name, it meant it was not an advertisement. Could it be that it was a treasure store that wanted to praise it? But I haven’t bought anything for more than half a month.

"Ms. Xia, you have a younger brother named Xia Ren, right?"

This question directly made Xia Qiudong's heart tremble for no reason.


The ominous premonition became stronger and stronger, and this time, she answered a little reluctantly.

"We are here at the Third People's Hospital. We regret to inform you that your brother's condition suddenly worsened during his follow-up visit. We have tried our best to save his life, but we were still unable to save his life..."


The phone fell to the cold floor. Xia Qiudong was confused, and tears burst out instantly.

She wished it was a scam call, but it wasn't.

Xia Qiudong didn't know how she came to the hospital. She only had one thought in her mind.


Xia Ren has always behaved very normally and never told her about being sick. Before she went to work in the morning, her brother even said that she would go to the library to check some information.

It's fine this morning,

It's obviously fine in the morning.

"Where is my brother?"

Xia Qiudong held back her tears and asked.

A young doctor led her to the basement. At the end of the corridor, the word morgue was very eye-catching on the sign.

As she got closer step by step, she began to resist, unwilling to move forward.

She tried to force herself to calm down, but she couldn't stop her tears.

The doctor sighed when he saw this, feeling very sad.

"Xia Ren was diagnosed with interstitial chordoma two years ago. By the time of diagnosis, it had already undergone malignant transformation and was basically incurable. Such patients usually die within a year. He voluntarily gave up treatment, but he still gets cancer every once in a while. After a few months of checking up, I don’t know how he persisted until now, let alone that he didn’t inform his relatives..."

The young doctor took out the key, only to find that the door to the morgue was unlocked. It opened with a push, and the cold air overflowed from the crack in the door, making her shiver.

Staff would never make such low-level mistakes normally.

She quickly walked into the morgue and was stunned when she looked at the empty beds inside.

"The body is gone!"

"It's so hot——"

The sunset has begun to set, and the clouds in the sky are as red as blood. In the scorching temperature of mid-July, pedestrians on the street are walking in a hurry.

Xia Ren didn't know how long he had been walking. He was exhausted and extremely weak. In such a hot weather, he couldn't sweat even a drop.

"Where should I go?"

He suddenly stopped where he was, his consciousness a little hazy.

"Right, go home."

He figured something out and his eyes cleared up a little.

"But where is home?"

He had a puzzled expression on his face, as if his thoughts suddenly stopped somewhere and couldn't be picked up.

Suddenly, his head seemed to have been hit hard by a heavy hammer, and the vision in front of him suddenly blurred. In a trance, he saw a huge shadow in the distance entwining the sky, with countless tentacles. The organization crawled and squirmed among the tall buildings, seeming to be looking for something.

I almost fell over, but luckily I held on.

When Xia Ren looked up again, he could only see an orange-red sunset slowly sinking into the building.

"A hallucination?"

"But why are there hallucinations?"

"Now that I think about it, I have a tumor in my head."

"who I am?"

"I'm Xia Ren."

It was as if the gate was slightly opened at some angles. Along with his questions, more memories emerged. However, at every critical point, they were abruptly cut off again. Large pieces of fragmented information collided with each other in my mind, and I could never piece together a complete memory.

He knew he was going home, but he didn’t know where home was;

He knew his name was Xia Ren, but he didn't know who Xia Ren was or what his position was in society.

"Speaking of which, why am I here?"

The dull pain in my head continued, which felt very bad.

"The world is going to end."

A faint voice sounded in his ears, and along with it was the delicious smell of a girl.

Xia Ren turned around and saw a young and beautiful girl standing next to him, her face almost close to her ear, her movements intimate.

She has a delicate face and is probably in her early twenties. She is about 1.65 meters tall. She is wearing a white dress, revealing two slender white legs and a pair of red high heels. The afterglow of the setting sun shone down, and from such a close distance, Xia Ren could see the soft and slender down on her face, as if coated with a layer of golden light.

After being stunned for a moment, Xia Ren took two steps back, and then asked: "What's going on when the world is going to end?"

"That's literally what it means."

The girl smiled and did not explain too much about this issue. Instead, she took the initiative and asked, "Do you want to rent a house?"


Xia Ren shook his head subconsciously.

He has a family and he wants to go home.


The girl blinked.

"It looks like you have nowhere to go back to."

Xia Ren wanted to retort, but when the words came to his lips, he suddenly fell silent.

He wants to go home. The problem is, he forgot where his home is.

"Our house has always been vacant. If you don't mind, you can go and live in it first."

The girl invited.

"Our house?"

Xia Ren repeated, "Who are you?"

"I am Zhao Mingyue."

The girl showed a miserable smile and said, "You forgot."

Xia Ren tried hard to think about his relationship with her for a long time, but...he really couldn't remember.

He felt more and more that Zhao Mingyue was mysterious. He couldn't understand a word of what the other party said, such as "The world is going to end." No matter who heard it, they would feel inexplicable.

Xia Ren stared at the girl's face. She didn't know if it was an illusion, but there seemed to be an indescribable sadness in her eyes, as if... someone had just died.

"Come with me."

Zhao Mingyue said, walking in front.

He really has nowhere to go now, and she is really beautiful. Xia Ren can't think of a reason to refuse.

"Jingwan Community."

The two of them walked not far, and when they entered the gate of a community, these four words automatically appeared in Xia Ren's mind.

In my impression, this community is not too far from my home. It takes about twenty minutes to walk.

But he still couldn't remember where his home was.

"If you have time, walk around the area and I'll probably be able to remember it."

Losing part of his memory didn't seem to make him feel very anxious. Xia Ren vaguely felt that his current state was a little abnormal.

This community was built relatively early, and the buildings next to it looked relatively old. Following Zhao Mingyue's footsteps, most of the people I encountered were elderly people.

They stopped in front of a seven-story building. The residents here were not very aware of safety. Of course, it might be because the facilities were aging. Anyway, the corridor door was open, and the slightly dim sunlight shone slantly into the corridor entrance. The space is divided into two distinct parts. Inside is a thick shadow that seems to be irreversible. The walls are peeling off and layers of small advertisements are squeezed together. It is messy. With the dim sunset, this entrance always gives people a sense of place. A bad premonition.

Just when Xia Ren concentrated his energy to see the scene clearly, he suddenly discovered that at the junction of shadow and light, darkness seemed to be boiling, and tiny threads stretched out and twisted crazily, heading towards him along the wall. spread in the direction.

"The room is on the fifth floor."

Zhao Mingyue turned around and said to Xia Ren.

Xia Ren was startled and regained consciousness. When he looked again, everything was back to normal.

"Is it an illusion again?"

"Are you okay? You look very pale."

Zhao Mingyue said with concern.

Only then did Xia Ren realize that the other party's skin was also very white.

The kind of white that seems to be the opposite of darkness.

"It's okay, let's go up."

After she finished speaking, she didn't ask for Xia Ren's opinion and walked up the stairs on her own.

We're all here, we can't go back, and there's no place to go back to. He glanced at the junction of the eyes and shadows again. Although he was confused, he could only follow.

"This is our house."

Zhao Mingyue stood in front of the door and introduced to Xia Ren: "Although no one has lived in it for a long time, it is still clean. There are also my things in the bedroom. Just clean it up yourself."

"You won't live with me?"

Xia Ren blurted out.

After asking this question, he felt something was wrong, but looking at Zhao Mingyue's expression, he didn't seem angry.

"What is the relationship between you and me?"

Zhao Mingyue did not answer this question. She just raised her head and looked behind Xia Ren.

"Is there something behind me?"

Xia Ren turned his head, and when his eyes moved halfway, he was suddenly startled.

An old lady stood behind her at some point. She was hunched over and her face was full of wrinkles. Her gray hair covered most of her face. In her deep-set eye sockets, a pair of cloudy eyes were staring at her with mischievousness. The old lady's lips moved, as if she wanted to say something.

When their eyes came into contact, an inexplicable coldness gradually climbed up Xia Ren's spinal cord.

At this moment, there was a "click" sound, and Zhao Mingyue suddenly opened the door, and a cold wind blew out of the room. The old lady opened her eyes wide, as if she had seen something extremely terrifying, and her eyes were full of fear. Incredibly, she then opened the door on the opposite side of the room with her legs and feet in a posture that was not suitable for her age, and slipped in quickly.


Zhao Mingyue thrust a bunch of keys into Xia Ren's hand.

"Good luck."

She then walked downstairs and left without explaining anything.

Xia Ren came back to his senses from the shocking scene just now, and he was the only one left in the empty corridor.

If the touch of the key in his hand hadn't been so real, he would have even doubted whether Zhao Mingyue had appeared.

There was a faint rotten smell floating in the air, but when I smelled it carefully, I couldn't smell anything.

Turning around, the door has been opened, the curtains on the balcony are tightly drawn, the air conditioning is constantly leaking out, and there is no light in the house.

"How did she open the door just now?"

Looking at the thick layer of dust on the door handle, Xia Ren hesitated to go in.

"Anyway, we're already here..."

He comforted himself, and then he made the decision he regretted most.

The moment his left foot stepped into the door frame, a clear text unfolded in his mind.

[The twisted dream will eventually wake up, or fall into eternal silence. Ten thousand people will die, and one person will not be able to escape...]

Simply bald...

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