Players Please Get In the Car

Chapter 2129 Stand on the side of justice

There were five people crowded into a small self-service drink shop. After listening to Fang Jing's account of the process of Fu Jie being replaced, Brother Luo and others were a little silent. After a while, Brother Fu patted Xu Huo on the shoulder and said: "I thought it was a blind cat who met a dead rat. I didn't expect that there were so many inside stories. If it was just an ordinary person who was killed, even if the other party had some identity, it would probably not cause a big stir. Just make up some sexy news and it would probably be enough. I can cover up the matter, but if it’s the secretary’s son, I have to investigate even if I don’t want to.”

Even if outsiders can tell at a glance that there is a hidden secret, it is impossible to turn a major issue into a trivial matter. Even if the government does not want to pursue the case, public opinion will force the government to give an explanation. This is the difference between the evolved world and the non-evolved world.

"How about you having a companion?" Xu Huo asked.

"She should be fine after such a big thing happened." Luo Ge said: "The Tian family's tricks are mainly aimed at people in this area, and they will not cause missing persons and murders. After the injection of medicine, the person who was captured was the first person to be taken away. When I wake up the next day, my memory will probably be fuzzy and I won’t be able to trace the case to the Tian family.”

"If this weren't the case, how could we safely let Fang Jing and the others go?" Brother Fu said, "It's a pity that the Tian family came too quickly, otherwise we could have extracted some inside information from the official."

Young Master Tian was not dead over at the bar, so the matter probably wouldn't be a big deal, but now that Brother Luo and others threw the body downstairs without giving the Tian family a chance to deal with it privately, Fang's eyes moved over his companion's face, and then landed on it. Turning to Xu Huo: "No matter who it is now, they should not want to push this matter down!"

"It depends on what effect you want." Xu Huo said: "If you just want to take revenge on the Tian family, it will be difficult to make progress. In the end, Secretary Fu may be the unlucky one."

"Why?" Brother Fu asked immediately: "The city government will protect his face to some extent and put the account on the Tian family's head."

"It should be like this on the surface." Luo Ge answered, "But there is no peace within the secretary. Maintaining face is one thing, but Secretary Fu's son was used as a gift by the Tian family to bribe and win over other officials. It is a personal matter. I can't even swallow this breath. The two families will probably never cooperate again. It is estimated that there will be a new person to replace Secretary Fu soon, and the Tian family will also choose a new partner. No one in his family has died, so it won't hurt to pay some money. Move the bones.”

Fang Jing was very disappointed after hearing this, "It's such a big deal but it has no impact on the Tian family at all. Aren't our efforts in vain?"

"It's not all wasted effort," Xu Huo said: "With so many players in Area 008, there are always people who want to get a piece of the pie." It's just that the development of things is beyond their control.

These words made several people present a little disappointed, which meant that they could no longer intervene in the future. How the city government would handle this matter purely depends on whether the Tian family is willing to cut off the flesh or whether other forces come out to cause trouble. They are angry Having grown up here, I know best what is going on in District 008 and my hometown. The government can suppress players, and the truly powerful player forces have already negotiated cooperation with the government. Anyone who wants to destroy this balance People will be pushed down as soon as they stand up.

"I'm ready to die." Fang Jing suddenly took a deep breath and said, "I don't believe there are really no players who want to compete with the Tian family. Whether it's the Tian family or the city government, they will be traced soon. On me, you send me to the Players Union Building."

Brother Luo's face darkened when he heard this, "Do you think others will believe you are from the player organization if you risk your life?"

In an environment where surveillance is everywhere and all information channels are controlled, it is too easy to find out the identity of Fang Jing. Others are not fools. He is an ordinary person. By then, he may even want to die!

"It's better to pick up your companions first." Xu Huo added at this time: "If others can find out about you, they will not let the other person off easily."

As he was talking, he was about to get up and leave, but Brother Fu quickly stopped him, "Friend, I see that you and the Tian family also have grudges. Why don't we cooperate, just like what happened tonight? It's hard for you to take care of both ends by yourself. If we help, Handle, that little bastard from the Tian family will probably not survive...I'm not questioning your ability. A member of the Three Men Gang, you don't look like a player from the 008 area. It will definitely be more convenient to have local players like us to cooperate with us."

"Let's talk about it later." Xu Huo left their contact information and left the city. He was originally going to visit the Tian family's residence, but suddenly received a message from the painting girl, which was a selfie. The lighting in the place is not very good, but the background in the photo makes people suddenly uncomfortable.

Because there were several rows of open freezers, and in each cabinet was a body that had been specially treated and preserved.

These corpses were numbered and placed in transparent body bags. There were many traces of stitching on the bodies. Some had shriveled abdomens, and some were missing limbs. I don’t know what the mentality of the people who preserved these corpses was, but judging from the details of the processing, it should be They were all carefully stored and were not abandoned.

"When will it come out?" Xu Huo replied a message.

The source of the photo was not the communication device that the painting girl brought with her. She most likely stole the new communication device from someone else. After thinking about it for a while, he turned around and went back to find Luo Ge and the others.

Probably because they wanted to pick up their companions, these people didn't go far. When they saw Xu Huo go and come back, they were surprised and a little happy. Xu Huo didn't talk nonsense and said straightforwardly: "You Are you saying that you are willing to do anything to get revenge on the Tian family?"

Fang Jing stopped Luo Ge and the others and said loudly: "As long as it can take revenge on the Tian family, anything is fine, even if it's as evil as the Tian family!"

The expressions of Luo Ge and the others changed, and then they looked at Xu Huo.

"Do no evil..." Xu Huo shook his head slightly, "You must also have the ability to do no evil."

He handed over the developed photos, "District 008 abides by the law and uses normal channels instead of using private methods. No matter how hard you think, it will work. As long as the law is on the side of justice."

"This was taken from Tian's house?" Brother Luo became excited and immediately said: "I'll go to the city government and report it with my real name!"

Xu Huo did not stop the fight between the three players. In fact, the effect of ordinary people reporting is better than that of players. District 008 is ruled by players, but ordinary people make up the majority, and ordinary people are in a weak position. The education direction of the entire district It is normal and follows human nature. It is easier for ordinary people to gain sympathy from other players than players. Whether it is the city government or the general government of a district, as long as the subsequent impact is taken into account, such a vicious incident will definitely give the public a suitable response. explanation.

He doesn't care what kind of explanation is given, his purpose is just to make the Tian family have no time to do anything.

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