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Chapter 373 373 Curiosity

Chapter 373 373. Curiosity

"You seem to regard yourself as a god."

Qianyun asked from the side.

Creating life, developing civilization, and giving knowledge, what this camera does is like a god to the humans in the wall.

"Definition, what is a god?"

The red light in the camera lens flashes.

"If it is explained from a human point of view that the Creator is a god, then I can indeed be regarded as a god of these humans. If we use a broader definition of a foreign land and have sufficient knowledge to be called a god, then I am not a god. According to my own From a perspective, I think I’m just an observer.”

"Why do you want to cultivate civilization according to the history of the Citadel?"

Qianyun asked again.


The camera paused for a moment before answering.

"Just as humans explore history, I also want to know the history before the birth of our civilization."

"Did you spend tens of thousands of years just for curiosity?"

Qiao Mu felt that the life of this machine was comparable to that of an immortal Penglai person like Ah Xin.

"To be precise, it was 123,712 years. Regarding your answer, my answer is, yes, just out of curiosity."

The camera said coldly and clearly.

“It’s not surprising that humans can stick to simple things their whole lives.”

"Then how will you treat these people after they develop civilization?"

Qianyun asked again.

Obviously, if what the camera says is true, then it is just curious about how humans develop rationality and civilization. It should already know everything after that. Then these humans are like guinea pigs who have completed the experiment. Qianyun was a little curious about how it would deal with these people.

"I can still observe them for a while, and when the doubts are completely answered, I will deal with them all."

The camera flat said nonchalantly.

"Does processing mean elimination?"

Qiao Mu also roughly knew the answer.

No matter how precious the experimental sample is, after completing the experiment and achieving the goal, it cannot escape the fate of being disposed of. The most merciful thing is just to let it die of old age naturally.

For hundreds of thousands of years, this camera has been repeatedly creating and destroying civilization, and it may have become numb long ago.

What's more, it never thought that A Guang's humans were humans.


The camera responded, and the red light of the lens flashed for a moment.

"I can understand how you view me."

"Just like in ancient times, human civilization has something called video games. Many people will sit down and start a game, and feel joy or frustration from it. They may play it over and over again, but no matter what, when the game is cleared, No matter how powerful the characters are, they cannot survive because their stories are over.”

"Please don't get me wrong. The reason why I explain this to you is not to gain your understanding or to make my behavior reasonable in the eyes of you humans. It is just out of politeness."

After hearing what the camera said, Qiao Mu and Qianyun looked at each other.

"Are you the ruler of this world now?"

Qianyun asked aloud.

"Ruler? If according to human standards, then my answer is, no, I am just an observer."

The camera's red light flashed.

"According to the definition of our civilization, I am a mechanical life of the fourth level and can only control the resources of no more than ten galaxies."

"Fourth Estate."

Qiao Mu thought for a while. The previous machine dragon said that he was at the sixth level, which meant that this camera was two levels higher than the machine dragon, and there were three levels above that.

Even so, it is capable of controlling close to ten galaxies.

Simply looking at the scope of influence, the current mechanical civilization in the academy is indeed far beyond imagination.

Qiao Mu's own world aside, Penglai and Gucheng were both the size of a planet, while the Academy was already at the level of galaxy colonization.

In this case, the mechanical life behind the camera only used one of the hundreds of planets in ten galaxies to conduct experiments.

It's really not that distressing.

"In other words, your body is not actually here, right?"

Qiao Mu asked, since the machine dragon has a core, then this camera must also have a core.


The camera paused.

"If you're thinking about using the artificial intelligence you carry to reverse hack into the devices here, my advice is don't try it."

"how could be."

Qiao Mu waved his hand. Although logically speaking, he should help Ah Guang and the others, who are also humans, this is a foreign land after all. Even if Qiao Mu can somehow make this planet temporarily out of the other party's control, he can control it. After detecting the cameras on these planets, other machines will still be sent to clean the planet, achieving the same goal by different routes.

What's more, many of the missions in the Chosen game have difficult-to-change endings.

"Please don't have too much moral burden. For human beings, after decades of life, everything will return to nothingness. For human civilization, the history of tens of thousands of years will come to an end, and all the waves will also come to an end." Returning to peace, the final result is the same."

What the camera means is that, regardless of its involvement, human civilization on this planet will eventually be annihilated.


Qiao Mu nodded. He thought for a moment and then continued to speak.

"It's just that I have a proposal."

He told his proposal, causing Qianyun to look at him, and the red light of the camera flashed slightly.

"According to my calculations, no matter how it develops, the final outcome will be the same."

After listening to Qiao Mu's suggestion, the camera quickly gave its answer.

"Just think of us as friends. You don't care about them anyway, right?"

Qiao Mu said.

"I accept your offer."

The camera moved slightly, as if nodding.

Aguang sat on the collapsed stone slab and stared at the sky.

"Are you thinking?"

Kiriyama stood aside and asked.

"No, I didn't think about anything, I was just in a daze."

A Guang withdrew his gaze and looked at Wushan.

"I found that since a long time ago, I have seldom looked at the sky in a daze like this. I am always thinking, but I have no time to rest."

"Have you given up?"

Kiriyama has been vaguely aware of the reality of this world, and he believes that Aguang can also realize the same thing.

"You know, when I was calculating rockets, I discovered one thing, that is, the sun hanging high above our heads may go out in a few billion years. By that time, no matter what the people in this place do, Even if you struggle, you will die."

A Guang was silent for a moment before speaking.

"To put it at a shorter time, in a few decades, I will be buried in the ground. Death is just an established fact that no one can change."

"That's why I asked why birds fly."

Kiriyama has understood Aguang.

Maybe this is what humans are.

At this time, the phone rang, it was a communication from Qiao Mu.

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