Pirates: Mechanic

Chapter 7 Sailing

The experience contributed by a boatload of people allowed Qiu He to be promoted to the twelfth level, and almost to the thirteenth level. Among them, Daniel alone contributed more than one hundred thousand experience, which was three times that of the rest of the people combined. Everything is estimated to be the credit of the devil fruit.

With the increase in level, Qiuhe's blood bar has already been fully restored, and all aspects of attributes have improved, but he still can't use it flexibly.

Tentatively, he opened a white pocket jar and got a level 10 ordinary ring. Qiu He put it on easily. Although it was a white outfit, it could add some defense no matter what.

Then Qiuhe opened all the remaining pocket jars, except that the pink pocket jar required 1,000 gold coins to open, and the inheritance pocket jar and blue pocket jar were free of charge just like the white pocket jar.

The white pocket pot can only get ordinary equipment or nothing, the blue pocket pot can get enhanced equipment or normal equipment, the heritage pocket pot can get a level 15 heritage cloth armor, and the pink pocket pot can get a The artifact, since there is only one pink pocket jar, I don't know if the artifact will definitely be opened.

What was opened was a level 20 artifact. Qiu He had opened it many times when playing games before. Although the level of the weapon was low, it was very popular and the price was very high. Every time it was opened, it could make a small profit. Pen.

The name of this artifact is called, the blade of splitting mind.

Qiuhe was not happy at all when he opened this low-level weapon that he liked most in the past, because it was a Taidao, and it was useless for him to hold it as a mechanic. black.

Turning his attention to the outside world, Qiu He pinched his aching temples, and the auxiliary robot was flapping its pure golden wings and spinning happily around him, sometimes flying in the air, sometimes stopping on him, with its long tail Like burning golden flames, it looks very charming.

This is not just a dull robot, Qiuhe can feel that he has an inexplicable connection with the auxiliary robot, and when he gives orders to it in his heart, it will give feedback and act like a baby to himself, just like raising a pet .

Qiu He liked the appearance of the auxiliary robot very much, it was much better looking than the original Mabus servant, and he suddenly felt that his 10,000 gold coins were well worth it.

As for whether carrying such a pet will scare others, Qiu He said that there is no pressure. Look at the Straw Hats, everyone is not very surprised to have a talking pet. The world of One Piece does not lack these weird creatures .

"From now on, you will be called Xiaojin!"

Qiu He, who named Kushou, directly named it after the appearance of the auxiliary robot.

Qiu He stretched out his hands, and the auxiliary robot Xiaojin gently stopped in his palm, and gently swept Qiu He's hand with its tail, feeling that it was very happy to have a name.

After lightly stroking Xiao Jin's head a few times, Qiu He conveniently put the banknotes and jewels left on the ground into his backpack. The gold in the main body of the jewelry has been recharged, and the remaining gems and agates don't add up to much weight. In addition to the paper money that doesn't weigh much, Qiuhe's backpack can still afford it.

When the depression in his heart was almost gone, Qiu He looked at his backpack again, put on all the equipment that could be worn, gathered half of his body with blue sky and white clouds, and Qiu He opened the skill bar.

All the skills that can be added before level 12 have been highlighted, but it is still level zero, and the skill points needed to add skills are still zero. The somewhat confused Qiu He tentatively clicked on the first skill 'Precise Strike' '.

‘Whether to spend 1000 gold coins to learn precision strike. whether'

After a pause, Qiuhe chose yes.

A memory from nowhere entered Qiu He's mind, and he instantly mastered the skill of 'Precise Strike'.

‘Fire a precise and powerful bullet at the enemy. '

Actively using this skill will consume a small amount of magic power to strengthen the bullet, and a small amount of magic power will spread out.

Let Qiuhe lock the enemy and choose the best attack route.

However, level-1 skill enhancement is limited, and if you want to enhance it, you can only spend money to upgrade skills, so Qiu He ordered a little more.

‘Whether it costs 2000 gold coins to learn precision strike. whether'

"Death wants money."

After thinking about it, Qiuhe chose no. There is too little money in hand, and I don't know where to use it, so it's better to save some money.

There are advantages and disadvantages of spending money to upgrade skills. The advantage is that there is no need to calculate skill points. As long as you have money, you can learn all the skills. The disadvantage is that you spend money. There is too little money now, all skills need to be leveled up first.

However, when the third skill was clicked, Qiuhe received a reminder that the conditions were insufficient. After searching carefully, Qiuhe found the condition introduction smaller than a fly in the lower right corner of the skill introduction.

'Gold coin*1000, space*1, iron ingot*1'

Except for the gold coin, which is bright white, the remaining two items are gray. It's okay for Tie Ding, after all, he is building robots. Although it is difficult for Qiu He to understand the system's inability to create something out of nothing, he has no idea what space means.

"Where is the taskbar?"

Qiu He felt that he was going crazy, the game experience was extremely poor, and this system was completely anti-human.

If this was playing games, Qiuhe probably would have given up on it long ago. With so many games, why bother him, but now he has no choice.


Noisy voices came from outside the house, interrupting Qiuhe's thoughts.

As soon as he walked to the door, the breeze blew by, and a strange stench poured into Qiuhe's nostrils, causing him to retch immediately.

The scorching sun has been hanging high in the sky at some point, the blood on the deck has been dried, the stench is emitted from the corpse of the pirate, a group of seabirds are enjoying this unexpected lunch, the whole scene is like a thriller generally.

Even though he was standing under the scorching sun, Qiu He felt his hands and feet were cold and his hair stood on end.

Swallowing with difficulty, forcibly suppressing the urge to vomit, he quickly ran into the cabin.

Qiu He quickly ran to the warehouse where food and fresh water were stored, filled his backpack, thought for a while, and took a few more bottles of spirits. Run up to the deck, uncork the bottle, and pour all the spirits on the deck.

Lowering the boat hanging by the side of the boat, Qiu He picked up the torch that had been prepared and was still on the deck where the spirits were poured. Seeing that the deck had been set on fire, Qiu He fell onto the boat along the rope, shot and broke the rope connected to the boat, and picked up the paddle and rowed vigorously.


Not long after sailing, there was a violent explosion sound from the pirate ship. The severely damaged pirate ship could no longer support it and began to disintegrate and sink.

Seeing that the boat did not leave any traces, Qiu He nodded reassuringly, picked up the oars and rowed harder. Taking advantage of the good weather, he must hurry to find a merchant ship or an inhabited island.

The person who re-wrote history started his journey.

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