One Piece Legendary Family

Chapter 331 This look is really interesting!

Chapter 331 This look is really... interesting!

In a hidden wooden house built inside the trunk of a huge ancient tree.

A light flashed through the mirror, and Charlotte and the others, who had changed into Wano Country clothes, appeared in it.

This is one of the strongholds arranged by Qiqiya so that he can move quickly through his mirror ability.

"Qiqiya, how many places like this have you built?"

Charlotte couldn't help but said.

Qiqiya raised her head, held her delicate chin in her hand, and said with serious consideration, "Not many, there should be hundreds."

Charlotte looked at it and realized that she was really an outrageous woman. She was a cunning rabbit with three burrows, but I had never heard of a cunning rabbit with hundreds of burrows.

"Charlotte, the place we are coming to now is Jiuli Mountain Forest."

Nine miles?

That means this is the territory of the Kozuki family, and Kozuki Oden is the [Daimyo] here, the ruler.

A few people had just walked out of the wooden house hidden inside the ancient tree. Both the trees and the bamboo forest around them were astonishingly large.

At this moment, a violent roar suddenly sounded.

A beast with a golden body and a strangely curly flame cloud shaped like a huge lion.

A red light flashed in Xia Luo's eyes, and at a glance, the red light suddenly appeared, and the domineering and domineering aura accurately covered it.

In an instant, the strange and majestic beast just fell down in fear.

"What kind of strange creature is this?"

Metis couldn't help but ask as he looked at the strange beast that was subdued.

"The special beast of Wano - the Komatsu!"

Qiqiya spoke calmly. As someone who had been lurking in Wano Country for several years, her understanding of Wano Country was quite comprehensive.

"This thing looks like lion. Why is it the name of a dog?"

Charlotte couldn't help but complain, and the appearance was very similar to the image of the stone lion in the ancient building in his hometown before he traveled through time.

He shook his head and didn't think too much. There were many secrets in the country of Wano, and some strange animals could explain it.

"Hey! How about giving us a ride?"

Charlotte spoke calmly.

The Koamu squatted down half-crouched and stuck out its tongue. This look was really... interesting!

The four of them sat on the backs of the Koamu dogs, whose soft fur was very comfortable, and ran wildly toward the outside of the huge mountain forest.

Not long after, everyone stopped outside the mountain forest. A field of grass, rivers and grasslands with wild beasts came into view.

Charlotte sighed at the beautiful scenery here. This place has not been polluted and destroyed yet, and everything looks beautiful.

"Charlotte, that's where Oden City is."

Qiqiya pointed to a high mountain in the distance.

"Let's go! Go take a look!"

Several people left the Komainu back and prepared to secretly set off towards Oden Castle.

However, the Komatsu dog bit the corner of Charlotte's clothes, looking very reluctant to let go.

"Haha! You guy!"

Charlotte laughed heartily and touched the Komatsu's head.

The Komatsu squinted his eyes comfortably and stuck out his tongue. It was very interesting and made Charlotte feel happy for a moment.

He likes this pet very much.

"Don't resist, I'll take you away."

After gently patting the Koinu on the head, the Koinu showed no resistance and was put away by Mitis.

Charlotte and others continued to set off to Oden City in the center of Jiuli.

Now Kozuki Oden may attack Onigashima and have a huge battle with Kaido at any time. Although he is not sure when, this time is definitely not far away.

Naturally, he needs to make some preparations and also wants to experience the beautiful scenery without environmental damage.

Not long!

The residents here live in a peaceful environment, and there is no such miserable embarrassment as in the future.

Large tracts of farmland and abundant water conservancy are enough to illustrate the affluence here, and the people have no worries about food.

"One wrong step, one wrong step!"

Charlotte looked at everything in front of her and spoke calmly.

Several other people looked at Charlotte with blank faces, wondering what this meant?

After all, no one except Charlotte knows what the future of this place will be like.

In Oden Castle!

Charlotte and others saw Oden dancing a funny dance of shame from a distance, surrounded by all kinds of ridicule, and he said the name of "foolish monarch" unscrupulously.

Charlotte understood that Kozuki Oden's prestige was completely over. When he returned to the country, he was given high hopes by countless people to save the country. After five years of such crazy actions, he completely disappointed the people of Wano.

If Kozuki Oden had directly launched a war regardless of the small losses, they would have been unable to withstand the Beast Pirates and Black Carbon Orochi who had not yet established a firm foothold.

After all, the country of Wano has abundant military power, a large number of samurai, Kozuki Oden, the Nine Red Scabbards, Kaido and the others cannot defeat it.

Neither the overall strength nor the well-deserved prestige at the time could compare with Kozuki Oden.

"Charlotte, what do we do?"

Qiqiya had known about this for a long time, so the skirt was not surprised.

"Send someone to leave a note and quietly inform Kozuki Oden's retainers so that they can prepare for war."

Charlotte spoke calmly.

He needs both sides to launch a vigorous and protracted war to obtain sufficient benefits in the country of Wano.

"Then why don't you go and meet Kozuki Oden?"

Qiqiya looked at Charlotte and continued.

"No need." Charlotte shook her head and refused. It no longer meant much to see Kozuki Oden.

So far in this battle, the opponent has completely fallen into a disadvantage.

It's just a matter of giving way to buy them enough time.

"Let's go!"

Charlotte spoke calmly, turned and left.

In the distance, Kozuki Oden inadvertently saw the figures of Charlotte and others turning away. He was a little surprised and felt that they seemed a little familiar.

Before he could think about it, his retainers Kinemon and Denjiro were already at his side.

"By the way, Qiqiya, you said you found out about the Devil Fruit. Where is it specifically and what fruit is it?"

Charlotte asked.

"It's an animal-type devil fruit in the form of the Renren Fruit, Phantom Beast Species, and Great Entrance Form."

Upon hearing this, Charlotte's eyes lit up, this is a fantasy beast species! I didn’t expect that I would gain something as soon as I arrived here.

Sure enough, it was right to make the layout early.

"The location is in the Suzuo area, an area controlled by the Shigetsuki family, and controlled by [Daimyo] Shigetsugi Ushimaru. However, there are wandering warriors everywhere now, and there is the instruction of the Kurotan Orochi behind it."

Charlotte nodded. The two great names of the Shuoyue family control the two areas of Suzuo and Baiwu respectively. They have extraordinary strength and are the strongest among the supporters of the Kozuki family.

Moreover, the strongest samurai that ever appeared in this family - Shigetsuki Ryoma, was deeply respected by the samurai of Wano Country and had a great reputation.

It is understandable that the Black Carbon Orochi chose to secretly expel and wander warriors there, weakening the Shuangyue family's strength.

The early villains still had online IQs. Of course, it might also be because of the guidance from Heitan Muchan and Heitan Chanmaru.

After all, these two old men are still quite strategic, especially the sinister old woman Hei Tan Muchan.

Thanks to the boss of Neerha Robot Doll 2B for the reward.

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