One Piece: Dark Sky

Chapter 200 The Next Arrangement

Just after Barn arranged for Ali to contact Dorag, Barn walked to his room in the Chambord Islands branch of the trade union on his own, waiting...

Of course, it's not just waiting. After this period of events, Bahn also needs to consider the next arrangement...

Ali moved very quickly, and Drago also happened to be near the Chambord Islands. He did not wait for the day after Bahn said, and on the second night, Drago arrived in the Chambord Islands. He came directly to the Chambord Islands without greeting anyone. Barn's room door.


A tall figure in a dark green voluminous robe stood in front of Bahn's door, and his somewhat dirty hands clenched into fists and forcefully knocked on Bahn's door twice.

"The door is unlocked."

Bahn's voice came from inside, but the tone was not surprised by Drago's early arrival, as if everything was expected.

The door was pushed open, and as soon as Drago entered, he saw Bahn who was a little thinner.

Bahn, who was not fat in the first place, became particularly noticeable when he lost weight. It seems that many recent things have troubled Bahn a little.

Drago didn't say anything, but just silently sat down on the chair in front of Bahn.

"how are things?"

Dorag asked aloud.

"It's very bad. Many things have given me a headache recently."

Bahn replied lightly, as if to match the content of his words, his eyebrows were slightly frowned.

"So, you thought of me."

Drago also said lightly.

"That's right, shouldn't allies lend a helping hand at times like this?"

Bahn said that after hearing this, Drago had a smile on his face, but it was not the kind of smile that was trusted and happy, and seemed to have ulterior motives.

"Well, let's talk about it, what can give us a headache with Master Asura, who is tough and tough with the five veterans of the navy."

Drago said, but Bahn was taken aback for a moment, and then laughed out loud.

"I didn't see it, you are quite vengeful."

"Hehe, I really hate those who act without consulting with me, but I care more about those who have clearly discussed with me but still change their plans privately."

Drago also showed a smile on his face, but he spoke very serious words with a non-serious expression.

"I was wrong about that matter. It is true that I couldn't hold back, but this is the only thing that can make me like this. Don't worry, it won't happen again in the future."

Bahn said with a bit of apology.

"Oh? That would be great."

And Drago pretended to be surprised and said.

"But it also reassures me a lot..."

Bahn's eyes turned to Drago, and there was a bit of deep meaning in those pale eyes.

"What are you talking about?"

"It can be found that the person is a member of Wulaoxing... I still have to take a high look, don't I?"

Faced with Dorag's question, Bane said with a little deep meaning.

Hearing Bahn's words, Drago became slightly serious, and said seriously.

"Although it is a bit troublesome, it is not difficult for our revolutionary army to do this. After all, we exist in this world. In the face of threats from the navy and the government, we always need some capital."

"That's right, I have two things to trouble you here."

Bahn nodded, then said seriously.

"Please say."

Feeling the seriousness in Bahn's tone, Dorag also said a lot more seriously.

"Do you know Doflamingo?"

"Qiwuhai under the king?"

Hearing the name Doflamingo, Drago immediately thought of the hot king Shichibukai.

Bahn nodded and said.

"He's a Celestial Dragon."

Drago was a little surprised, but immediately regained his composure and said.

"It turned out to be true. From all the signs we investigated before, we guessed that he is a world nobleman. I didn't expect it to be true."

Bahn nodded again. This is an affirmation of Drago. It is not easy to do this. Even Bahn believed it after hearing Doflamingo himself say it.

"It's not easy to find out here."

"Then how did you find out about this?"

Dorag asked suspiciously.

"He told me himself."


Bahn's words successfully aroused Drago's curiosity.

"Strictly speaking, Doflamingo is our collaborator now, but I think he has something to hide from me."


Drago asked again.

Obviously curious about what happened between Bane and Doflamingo.

"Well, it can only be said that there is some cooperative relationship, because we have a common purpose with him."

Bahn said lightly.

"Dragon people?"

Dorag tentatively asked, for Doflamingo, he is more of a fog in front of him and Bahn, why did he become a pirate once a Tianlongren, this is a question worthy of people's attention. Questions to think about.

So Dorag asked a question tentatively, making an assumption in his heart, and Bahn's answer just proved this point.

"That's right, he wants to eliminate the Celestial Dragons. Regardless of his motives, at least there is a consensus on this point, and he will also provide us with a smile."

"smile? That artificial devil fruit?"

Drago asked in surprise.

"Did you really know it too? That's right, I haven't lost anything, so why not do it?"

Bahn said with a smile, but Drago was very worried.

"Do you think he can be trusted?"

Drago asked again, this is a very meaningful question.

"I never trust a person easily. In my opinion, he and I are just using each other."

"what about me?"

Hearing Bahn's words, Drago looked up at him, and asked a sharp question again.

Bahn also raised his head, and smiled at Drago, but his eyes were very clear.

"You are different from him."

Drago nodded with a smile, then asked.

"You want me to check him?"

"Well, that's right, I always feel that he has something to hide from me, and I don't believe that he would give me a smile like this for nothing, so I ask you to check it out."

Drago nodded, indicating that he already knew, and then he asked about another matter.

"The other thing you said?"

If the matter of Doflamingo is just a passing question, then the next matter is what Barn is really interested in.

Bahn didn't answer Dorag's question directly, but said a name.


Now Drago was really surprised, he even stood up.

"You did that?"

Bahn sensed Drago's suddenness, nodded with a smile, and said.

"That's right, that's what we're about to do."

"You want me to check the NEO Navy?"

"Wait, you just said 'we'?"

Drago asked again.

"Well, I will go to the new world with you. My intuition tells me that this matter is related to the victory of our revolution."

Drago sat down, although he was still a little unsteady, but seeing the excitement deep in Bahn's pale eyes, he still asked.



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