My Simulated Longevity

Chapter 246: Transformation of God into Harmony

After getting the answer he wanted, Li Fan did not leave just yet.

Instead, he is waiting for the transformation of Tuna King to be completed.

After a long time, the tuna, which had grown stronger several times, finally absorbed the essence of its kind.

Satisfied, it shook its body and swam back into the sea.

But he didn't notice at all that the five black figures emerging from the depths of the sea were quietly approaching.

Due to carelessness, tuna fell into the circle of fish kings of previous generations.

Five ugly and ferocious fish attacked it one after another.

The strength of each of these fish kings is not inferior to that of tuna.

Under their tacit siege, the tuna soon fell into dire straits.

Flesh and blood flew everywhere, and he was dying.

At this moment, Li Fan, who was above the sea, passed through a ball of energy in the air.

This is the purest power of flesh and blood essence.

It is the result of the clone's continuous study of the secrets of the human body for this period of time.

This mass of flesh and blood essence obtained from the body of the Foundation Establishment Perfection cultivator is so powerful.

For tuna, it is even more nourishing than swallowing all the same kind before.

In an instant, the injuries on its body recovered visibly.

Moreover, his body shape is even stronger than in his previous heyday.

This unexpected scene immediately confused the surrounding fish kings.

The offensive could not help but pause slightly.

Seizing this opportunity, Tuna, which had been passively beaten, decisively launched a counterattack.

The ferocious body carried a devastating force and slammed into the fish king who had attacked the most fiercely before.

As fast as lightning, unstoppable.

The golden gun pierced the belly of the fish king and stirred wildly.

Dark red blood slowly floated to the surface.

In an instant, the fish king died.

The red-eyed tuna was about to turn around and deal with the other fish kings.

But they found that the remaining four fish kings, sensing something was wrong, actually ran away and ran for their lives.

Tuna, who narrowly escaped death, was a little confused.

It wandered in the sea for a long time, but could not find where the energy that saved its life came from.

In the end, he could only shake his body and swim towards the depths of the sea.

Watching the tuna leave the range of perception, Li Fan showed an inexplicable smile.

He casually cleaned up the traces left by the fight between several fishes, and then returned to Ten Thousand Immortals Island.

In the Tianxuan Mirror, Li Fan sensed the Dantian.

On top of [Huan Zhen], who transformed into a pearl in the sea, sat an illusory little figure.

This little man is very similar to Li Fan.

"The Taishang Sect's secret method is indeed mysterious. This [Jie Shen] has already stored the equivalent of five years of hard training."

"It seems that everyone has made great progress during this period."

Li Fan nodded secretly with satisfaction.

[Body Robbery] is a method that Li Fan found during his preparations for war, which allowed him to store his cultivation level without breaking through.

This secret method is also said to come from the Taishang Original Sutra.

In the ancient world of immortality, occasionally monks would practice too fast, causing their foundation to become unstable.

At this time, monks need to take the initiative to suppress their own realm and consolidate their foundation.

The methods adopted by each sect vary.

The method adopted by the Taishang Sect is to form an illusory figure inside the Dantian to accommodate excess cultivation.

Because Taishang Sect believes that unstable foundation is one of the disasters in cultivation, this illusory figure used to cope with disasters is also called "Jie Shen".

With the Jie Shen, Li Fan no longer has to worry about the cultivation level feedback from Sitting on the Mountain Jue overflowing.

However, the secret method does not state whether there is an upper limit to the cultivation level that the robbery body can accommodate.

So what happens next requires Li Fan to practice it himself before he can know.

"This method of [body robbery] to store cultivation seems to be very similar to the purple pill in the body of Zixiao Sect Zhang Qianmo."

"Perhaps Zhang Qianmo relied on this to suppress his cultivation before."

Li Fan thought this and opened [Sitting and Discussing].

Zhang Qianmo's record has soared to 186 wins and 78 draws.

But still no winner emerged.

This can't help but make Li Fan a little helpless.

But [I am invincible], who had previously made bold claims that he had found a way to defeat Zhang Qianmo, seemed to have disappeared and never appeared again.

"It should be that his method is not ready yet."

Li Fan had no choice but to think on the bright side.

After a casual glance, Li Fan was about to exit, but he couldn't help but be attracted by one of the titles.

"Hedao versus Hedao, the battle of Tianlingzhou is resumed!"

With a thought in his heart, Li Fan couldn't help but click in.

"Neither side has announced the specific casualty results of this battle. However, based on the identities of the sixteen Hedao experts who participated in the battle, and conducting thousands of simulation reviews, it is not difficult to draw conclusions."

"The probability of the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance's defeat in this battle is over 85%..."

"Unless there is a peerless powerhouse comparable to a Hedao monk hidden among the powerful gods who are traveling with him, otherwise..."

Li Fan was about to read, but suddenly found that the message had disappeared.

"The harmony is so fast."

"So, among the pursuit teams of the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance, there really is a fighting force comparable to Hedao."


Li Fan thought to himself.

The further you go in the cultivation of immortality, the greater the gap between each level.

Refining Qi kills the foundation, builds the foundation and kills the golden elixir, and the golden elixir kills the Yuanying.

Peerless geniuses, relying on their talents and magical powers, may be able to do it.

But I want Yuanying to kill the transformed god, and transform the god to kill Hedao.

It's almost an impossible task.

Of course, the situation of a tool man like Zhang Haobo is not within the scope of discussion.

As for talking about Hedao killing Changsheng...

Then the word "almost" needs to be removed.

"The transformation of gods is comparable to that of Hedao. The foundation of the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance is really profound."

"I wonder if I can defeat Hedao Immortal Lord when I transform into a god."

"I think even if we lose, saving our lives shouldn't be a problem."

Li Fan thought for a moment leisurely, and when he saw that there was no information worthy of attention in [Sitting and Discussing the Tao], he withdrew.

After the war, you need to rest and recuperate.

Anchoring the three years of 2017, 2018, and 2019, Cong Yunhai spent the three years in peace and quiet.

Li Fan also rarely enjoyed a long period of retreat.

In the past three years, the phantom of [Jie Shen] has become more and more vivid and real.

The clone jade slips delivered by Zhang Zhiliang have all been learned and mastered.

The second transformation stone has also been completely absorbed.

The performance of the blue crystal in his mind was nearly twice as strong as before, and Li Fan was able to multitask with ease.

As for the "Celestial Medicine Sutra", it is indeed profound and profound.

Several years have passed, and Li Fan has only initially understood an insignificant part of it.

But Li Fan is not in a hurry, he has plenty of time.

After visiting Zhang Zhiliang and passing the test of the Spiritual Knowledge Ball, Li Fan got the second distraction jade slip from him.

Just as he was leaving, Li Fan faintly noticed that Zhang Zhiliang's temperament seemed different from before.

It seemed that some inexplicable changes had occurred in him.


There is one more chapter that will come later


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