My portable gaming girlfriend

Chapter Three - First Battle (1)

"The airship has arrived in the area 'Danlin', warriors, I wish you success!"

After a few minutes of flying above the clouds, we were in the process of falling again and saw a boundless ancient forest below.

The battles in the game mainly take place in countless areas called 'hunting grounds', and the forest in front of you is one of the 'hunting grounds'.

The flying time just now was not too long, but when I turned around, I couldn't see the shadow of 'Fengcheng' at all. This is because the spaceship entered a different space than Fengcheng and the hunting ground when it was above the clouds—that is, it is similar to the space used to 'load the map', so now our position is very far from the starting position.

This design is to save travel time on the basis of maintaining a real experience. After all, if you have to wait for half an hour every time you go back and forth to the city, most players will not be able to bear it.

Next, the airship will fly along the edge of the forest for up to half an hour, and players can choose where they think they want to land.

Of course, the best situation is to fall directly to the monster, and no other players will fight with us, but that requires luck.

We waited until everyone else left the airship before landing on the ground. According to the information we have obtained so far, Juji is a hedgehog-shaped monster that can release steel needles and sweep the enemy with its long tail.

After Ye Yin stood firm, he let go of his hand, and a green bird flew out from his palm. This is a stalker, a prop that can lead the player to find the nearest monster.

As soon as the tracker bird flew into the sky, it stopped on a certain branch, and it was facing us.

"Why is it staring at us? Does it want to eat?"

Sakura thought it was an ordinary bird and looked at it curiously.

The stalker opened its mouth and made a 'chirp' sound——

"It's a prop, it won't be hungry and doesn't need to eat, but there's only one possibility for it to stop still... Maybe it found the target?"

After Ye Yin finished speaking, everyone looked at each other with weird eyes.

The stalker sang in the direction behind us, that is to say—everyone turned their heads slowly in unison.

A strange creature is staring at us with icy eyes.

It is silver in color, with a body length of about two meters, but its tail is also two meters long. Except for the soft short hair on its belly, the rest of it is covered with a steel shell, and there are countless steel needles with a length of 20-30 cm stuck on it. It looks like a metal hedgehog.

In addition, the steel head shell also covers the upper half of the face, and the eyes are replaced by red cameras, but its mouth is still made of flesh and blood. When it opened its mouth, some saliva flowed down.

"Is this Juji? It looks like a big hedgehog."

Sakura uses a hedgehog to describe it, which is very appropriate. The monster watching us slowly lowered itself.


A Pyro-explosive bomb hit the back of Juji in front of him, sparking a ball of sparks... It was hit back a little, and then let out a roar at us.

"What are you doing?"

——Don't worry about launching this wave of reckless attacks is Shen Qing again. This guy's usual calm appearance is all an illusion, and when it comes to fighting, he turns into a hot-blooded fool and attacks at any time. No wonder I haven't made progress in fighting after playing so many games, so what's the difference between attacking rashly and dying.

"Don't you understand, I'm attacking."

Shen Qing's face was as usual.

"Of course I know... But can we wait until everyone is ready before attacking?"

"It's just an intermediate task."

"Forget it... let's go together."

Seeing her confident face, I had no choice but to draw out the [Eight Desolation Bow·Ji] on her back and make a good pose.

The bow body of this bow is made of black wood and red keel, and golden liquid is faintly flowing in the keel.

I took an armor-piercing arrow from the quiver and put it on the bowstring.

The bow in the game is made of monster horns, bones, wood, metal, and elastic rope, and its damage depends on both the bow and the arrow.

The bow itself can be strengthened in various directions such as [Rapid Fire], [Multiple Shots], and [Power Storage], causing different degrees of damage.

The damage of the arrow depends on the arrow itself. The advantage of the armor-piercing arrow is that the arrow and the arrow body are very hard, which can leave scars on the hard armor of the enemy. Force] strengthened [heavy] bow launch, the range and damage are very limited. Another example is that the molten iron arrow is coated with hot iron powder. As long as it starts to fly, it will become hot and even red due to friction with the air, which will cause great damage to certain enemies.

As for the [heavy] attribute, it is actually determined by the material of the bow itself. If it is made of the material of a monster with small bones and light weight, it is often [light], which is more suitable for [rapid fire] to strengthen the shooting of objects with a weight below normal. Arrows, that is to say, this attribute has been determined at the beginning of the bow's manufacture.

In addition, although there are some supernatural elements in the game, it is a pity that the arrows cannot be carried infinitely... So in the game, when the bows and arrows are used up, they can only be made in time with the props in the backpack space. Making weapons on a battlefield surrounded by monsters is a very dangerous act, so players must accurately shoot the enemy's weaknesses to increase a single damage, which is different from melee weapons that can cut infinitely.

In just these two seconds, Ju Ji had already rushed in front of Shen Qing——

It opened its mouth to reveal a pair of pale teeth, spit hot air and bit Shen Qing's head. Shen Qing wanted to jump back to avoid it, but the opponent's speed was too fast.


Ye Yin threw the gun shield in his hand onto Ju Ji's face, the gun shield is also a heavy weapon, this time the monster was not lightly hit, and it rolled away on the spot in pain.

However, during the rolling, its long tail swung in a circle. Of course, Shen Qing had already reacted at this time. She rolled in the opposite direction out of the range of Ju Ji's tail, avoiding Ju Ji's heavy attack.

Ye Yin confronted Ju Ji cautiously, his gun shield was inserted within the monster's attack range, as a teammate, I had to find a way to attract Ju Ji's attention and let him take back his weapon...

I took out 8 light-feathered arrows. The advantage of this kind of arrow is that it is very light in weight and suitable for rapid fire. But my current [Bahuang Bow·Ji] is a heavy bow. I can only say that I didn't expect to cause any damage to Juji, just to attract its attention with high-frequency attacks.

Hum——The bowstring trembled slightly, and the arrows were like meteors. In an instant, 8 light-feathered arrows flew towards the monster with steel needles one after another.

The monster roared, and sure enough, its attention turned to me.

It raised its tail, obviously there was no one in its attack range, so this is...?

call out--

A few steel needles shot out from Juji's tail, the speed of stabbing me is afraid that I will lose half my life! I dodged the attack by rolling sideways on the spot, and the steel needle was almost half buried in the ground.

"It can shoot steel needles, everyone be careful!"

Juji missed a single blow and ran towards me, and I also stood up and retreated. This time Ye Yin could finally get back his gun shield.

"Don't chase...your opponent is me."

Ye Yin picked up the gun shield and stood in front of me. He pressed the hilt of the sword slightly and exerted force outwards to separate the gun and shield, turning into a state of holding the shield in his left hand and the gun in his right...


The person in front of him seems to be a little different from the usual him and the him in the maid cafe...

If it is different there, it is probably because he is more confident at this moment, making people believe that as a Tank, he can definitely protect the people behind him?


Ju Ji rushed towards Ye Yin, Ye Yin rolled on the spot to avoid the impact, and then immediately raised his shield to block the steel needle, this series of actions was flawless, if I faced him in the arena, I would not be sure that I would win.

Shen Qing was shooting with armor-piercing projectiles, and I also replaced with armor-piercing arrows.

Juji was completely enraged by the concentrated fire attack. Its tail swept across the air in a circle, leaving a large trace on the ground!

"Sakura, increase our combat power!"

I yelled at Sakura.

"Okay, okay..."

Sakura hastily opened the sheet music, and played very unskillfully according to the above content. After finally playing a song, she put down the lyre and looked at Shen Qing expectantly, but——

"It didn't work."

A minute passed after Sakura finished playing, but I still didn't feel my strength increase. Failed to play...

"The enemy is rushing over, be careful!"


The sound made by this old-fashioned camera when it rotated came from the monster in front of him. Ju Ji turned his head because of Shen Qing's attack, and as soon as his eyes caught sight, he turned around and rushed towards her.

Ye Yin immediately reminded Shen Qing to avoid, but——


Shen Qing did not run away, but raised the musket that had just been filled with five explosive bombs...

Shoot in the face when the enemy is rushing towards you? I don't even know if this guy is stupid or hiding something...

Not to mention how long it would take for the five explosive bombs to be fired, even if they were fired, it would be almost impossible to hit them straight, and they would be held down and beaten by monsters.

The monsters with a total length of four meters rushed towards her, but Shen Qing's face was normal, she was definitely confident, I thought this young lady might have some krypton gold props that could turn the tide of the battle... Only this explanation makes sense.

Bang, bang, bang...

The third explosive bomb had just hit Ju Ji's body, and a burst of flames erupted, and Ju Ji had already slapped Shen Qing's body.

Under the tremendous force, her body was as light as a feather, flew into the air, and then landed on the ground five meters away...

"Shen Qing!"

Ye Yin, who was chasing Ju Ji, just drew out his sword at this moment, and he slashed at Ju Ji's back with all his energy. This hedgehog-like monster roared loudly, and I took advantage of this rare opportunity to run to Shen Qing's side.

"Shen Qing, are you okay..."

"No... nothing."

She tried to stand up on the ground, but she couldn't do it.

"Is it okay to have so much blood on your stomach? It's a serious injury! Wait a minute, I'll give you medicine."

I found a hemostatic drug from my fanny pack and applied it to her stomach, and the bleeding stopped.

"Just now, it was clear that five rounds of armor-piercing bullets hit 'hard straight' and would not be injured."

"The attack speed of armor-piercing shells is slow, and it is obvious that there is not enough time for five rounds. Even after five rounds, it will not be 'stiff'."

" could it be."

"Keep fighting."

I stood up and wanted to pull Shen Qing up, but I thought she would most likely refuse and despise me, so I didn't make that unnecessary movement.

I had an idea in the battle just now, and now I secretly made 10 'Lightning Arrows' and put them in the quiver.

It was a type of arrow whose arrowhead was placed separately from the Arrow God. After all, it was an arrowhead made of ground Thunderbird claw bones. Once it was combined with the arrow body, it would start to discharge. I suspect that this kind of arrow will do extra damage to enemies with a steel shell and a mechanical core.

"let's go."

Ye Yin, who had already been prepared, nodded to me. He put down his shield and made a gesture of raising his hands.


As soon as Luo Yeyin spoke, the tip of Luo Yeyin's gun lit up red, indicating that he used the heavy attack stunt of the spear.

The difference between a heavy hit and a light hit, simply put, is the power or the forward distance of the gun.

If the shot is aimed at the air, then the forward distance of a heavy hit is 5-10 times that of a light hit-it is likely that the attacker himself will fall forward.

It was also in order to prevent the air strike from making him stiff, Ye Yin took the action of separating his feet and stabilizing his lower body before attacking.

As for why Ye Yin read out the name of the skill, this is also the reason for the game mechanism-the helmet interacts by scanning the electrical signals of neurons, and the signals that command body movements are stronger.

Words are part of physical action, even in virtual worlds. In order to call skills more sensitively, reading the skill name is the key to casting certain skills.

"Cloud piercing!"

The spear in Ye Yin's hand stabbed at Juji's body, and it was only one gun away from Ye Yin.

My lightning arrow touched its body.


Ye Yin's spear pierced its soft abdomen, and he rotated around the center of the spear to divert the huge momentum. Juji, who was severely injured by this, let out a long roar and wanted to flick his tail to attack Ye Yin, but the arc had wrapped around his armor...


Shen Qing's attack followed. It's still a bullet.

bang— bang—

"It fell!"

After suffering a series of injuries, it suffered a second stiffness, rolled over on the ground, and was also wrapped in a 'ZiZi' electric current...

I took out the gunpowder, ignited the fuse with a flint and threw it on it. It took a long time for the gunpowder to detonate, but the damage was much higher than that of ordinary weapons.

After waiting for 2 seconds, the gunpowder exploded with a deafening sound, and the white smoke from the burning enveloped the monster's body.

"Successful? Where did it go?"

We obediently waited for the smoke and dust to clear, but we didn't know that we were too naive.

"Get out of the way!"

Ye Yin shouted suddenly, I don't know where the danger came from, but I instinctively sank and fell to the ground...

Shen Qing and Ying didn't react so quickly, they saw thousands of steel needles shooting out in a horizontal line from the smoke, like blooming steel flowers...

Shen Qing immediately lay down to avoid these steel needles, but it was already too late.

The steel needle had pierced into the part of her body where there was no armor. As for Sakura... Her skirt was almost defenseless against this kind of steel needle.

I saw my two teammates fell to the ground, their bodies gradually became transparent, but there was nothing they could do...

On the other side, after the thick smoke dissipated, a frightening shadow became clearer.

Juji's eyes were brighter than ever before, and the thorns on its tail seemed to have been fired in one breath just now, and now it has become a strip of bare metal with movable joints.


Before the battle, I knew that Shen Qing and Ying would have very low defenses, but I didn't expect that just the monster's transformation skills would make them directly eliminated, and there was no chance to even save them.

"There is still hope... at least the steel needle on Juji's tail is gone, fix it as soon as possible."


Ye Yin responded to me, but still frowning.

A tiger is still a tiger without its fangs, and a cyborg monster without a steel needle on its tail is no less threatening—it can still bite, claw, and bump, and it’s far from our time to relax.

I shot the Lightning Arrow, and Ye Yin used light strikes and heavy strikes alternately, fighting the monster inextricably.

The steel needle was fired again, and this time there was not even a single steel needle left on its body, and it seemed to have become a wolf in smooth steel armor without all the thorns all over its body...

With Ye Yin's move of 'light tap·splash water', the tip of the gun pierced the jumping Juji, the monster's front paws lifted off the ground and roared to the sky, then fell towards Ye Yin, but Ye Yin retreated with the reaction force of the attack The empty monster suddenly lost the strength to stand still, and fell to the ground...


No, no, its eyes are still lit...

It stood up, and the half of its smooth body that was in contact with the ground slowly erected a row of steel needles.

"When I was lying on the ground just now, this guy recovered the steel needle it shot... Isn't it too unbalanced, this skill?"

Unexpected skill, we were stunned for a while, but... It roared and we quickly reacted.

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