My players are so fierce

Chapter 548 547 Lines Thief Murphy: My open hands will reward my friends and scare my enemies.

Chapter 548 547. Line Thief Murphy: My open hands will reward my friends and scare my enemies.

"There is a lot of war fog ahead! These damn things have almost cut off the traffic between this valley and the outside world. No wonder these guys are trapped here but no one comes to save them. In this case, no psychic communication can be sent out."

Amid the flapping of the wings of the vulture, Laoqu, as a scout, had already circled around the battlefield. He basically discerned the current situation, and within the framework of the team, he moved towards the vampire army and the servant army that were advancing towards the rear. Report to:

"I couldn't find the two warring parties in the fog, but judging from the scale of the fog, it was definitely a staggering number. In addition, there were psychic fires beating in the fog. I suspected that they might be fighting.

The good news is that the valley is not big and we can bring those poor souls back if we rush in.

The bad news is, I don't think the cultists here will be happy to let us in.

Plus, there seems to be something else here! My vulture is very restless, it seems to feel some strange power. "

"Huh? Are the wind eagles even scared?"

Brother Meow Meow's voice sounded in the team framework, and the reserve red knight said doubtfully:

"Don't the mountain people say that the phoenix is ​​the most daring bird? When they are in groups, they even dare to harass the thunderbirds. They are the tyrants of Feiyu Valley. Is there anything here that can make the bold and bold? Is the eagle feeling scared?"

"I can't come!"

Lao Qu replied helplessly:

"As I said, this damn fog of war blocks everything. Obviously, the cultists don't intend to let outsiders know what they are doing. I plan to walk into the fog area to conduct reconnaissance. How long do you need?"

"It takes about 20 minutes to get there."

Happy Stick, who was selected as the commander because of a series of outstanding achievements in the past, then said:

"Be careful. Based on the strength of the main race line last time, this battle won't be so easy. Go in and take a look first, don't get yourself trapped. I have already commanded a group of hunters to support you.

Lord Murphy's order to us is to end the fighting as soon as possible, and if that doesn't work, we can choose to hold on outside the valley.

He has already sent a message to the Blood Alliance knights stationed at Black Flame Pass. The Blood Alliance has made it clear that they will send reinforcements, but they are a bit far away. Under the most optimistic scenario, it will take two hours for reinforcements to arrive.

But since the development team has arranged reinforcements for the mission, I think we should be prepared to fight to the death here. The difficulty of this mission is estimated to be very shocking, and the development team will not allow us to rescue the Blood Terror Clan so easily. "

"I don't feel like something's right."

The third person to speak was Mrs. Shui, the wisest person recognized as the most beautiful among the players. She didn’t know that she had become a member of the Black Hand clan. She said in a solemn tone:

"I have read Mrs. Adele's battle report before. The battle report clearly stated that there are earth priests on the Blood Alliance clan's position to help them monitor the entire barren mountain. It stands to reason that everything that happens on this land cannot be hidden from the servants of Gaia. .

But according to the mummy, it has been several days since the attack here, but the Blood Alliance clan has not responded at all.

Either the blood alliance knights sit back and watch the blood fear collapse, or their sense of the earth is blocked by some kind of force.

I personally prefer the latter.

And I think this racial main quest is likely to be a branch for us to enter the Black Catastrophe expansion pack. Just like the branch of Shadow Valley, the development team hopes that we complete these branches to ensure Transia’s success in the Black Catastrophe. The strategy went smoothly.

So my suggestion is that if possible, we should try to ensure the integrity of this Blood Terror army. They are likely to play miraculous effects in the subsequent Black Disaster. Moreover, this is a new camp and may appear like the Thorns Clan. A new vampire template is here.

This is a major matter related to the gaming experience of all players and cannot be taken lightly. "

Mrs. Shui's analysis makes sense. Others who were invited to the team framework called "Command Headquarters" had no objections. After they all finished speaking, the "real veteran player" who was respectfully called "Master Qin" The last one to speak.

When he spoke, the others immediately fell silent in unison.

Obviously, although Master Qin has been reluctant to reveal his identity, in the eyes of these old players, Master Qin is definitely a capable person.

Even Brother Bang admits this.

He felt that in terms of command and understanding of war, he was not qualified to carry Master Qin's shoes. If Master Qin had not been unwilling to join the Hussars, Brother Bang would have been willing to "abdicate his position and make way for others".

"Have you considered the possibility that this matter itself is a trap?"

Uncle Qin, the concierge, said slowly:

"I have only been in the game for a short time, I am old, and my brain is not sharp enough. I will not be able to distinguish the complicated relationships between these vampire factions for a while, and I also have a little understanding of the Black Disaster DLC you have been talking about.

But based on what I saw in Swamp War, I can tell you clearly that the intelligence of the NPCs in this game is definitely no worse than that of living people.

Therefore, all kinds of strategies that living people can adopt, these NPCs will definitely use.

As far as the matter itself is concerned, in my opinion this is a typical "encirclement and support" model!

Those cultists chose a perfect time to isolate the Blood Terror clan from the outside world. The crazy mummy lady said that when she escaped, everything was still normal in the valley. In a few days, the fog of war has grown to this point, which shows that the other party is consciously strengthening the battlefield cover.

They're hiding their strategic agenda, kids.

If I were the opponent's commander, then in the past few days I would have definitely created a death trap in the valley, waiting for reinforcements to rush in. Although I don't know what is in the valley, I feel that as long as we Once you get in, it’s not that easy to get out again.

So keep your eyes peeled and jump in now to suit your interests. "

It was indeed unusual for Mr. Qin to open his mouth. Everyone else in the team structure remained silent. After a few seconds, Brother Bang said:

"So, you're saying we should be smarter?"

"You might as well speak more clearly, Happy Stick."

Mr. Qin laughed and asked:

"You are the commander that everyone admires. Old man, I just want to make a suggestion. Tell me, how do you plan to fight?"

"My previous idea was to detach people to disrupt the enemy, choose a main attack point to break through gradually, pick up the people and leave without wasting time."

Brother Bang said honestly:

“But after your input, I decided to change my strategy.

First go to the rear of the opponent's position and then wait for the blood alliance reinforcements to arrive. With the assistance of those high-level NPCs who specialize in charge and defense, choose a position to storm. After opening up a line, ask the trapped party to take the initiative to move closer to us, so as to mobilize the battlefield. strength.

If it is a trap, as you said, the result of our reckless rush in will definitely not be very good, but we must seize the initiative on the battlefield under any circumstances, and we have the final say whether to fight or withdraw. "

"Hey you kid"

Master Qin was obviously very satisfied with this answer. He sighed and said:

"It would be better if there is air force support. When facing this kind of encirclement and reinforcements, we need to use saturation firepower to open the communication line. But now we don't have that condition, so we will do as you say. Each team will send your assassins and hunters They were gathered together and sent to me. They and I served as a sharp knife platoon for armed reconnaissance, so that others should not act rashly.

Xiaobang went to assign them tasks and they must act according to the plan.

You guys are too rough in fighting!

It's fierce, but there's no skill at all. "

"I will collect all the small tubes and use them, Mr. Qin."

Brother Bang responded:

"After you send us the signal flare, we will provide fire bombing in that direction. Please be careful to avoid it. The support time is three minutes."

"Okay! Let's do it. You good boy has been to Africa before, right?"

Lao Qin asked:

"Can you tell me what you are doing there? Don't tell me you are keeping peace there. Peacekeepers cannot develop this kind of battlefield intuition."

"Master Qin, don't ask, you know the rules."

Brother Bang replied helplessly, and Lao Qin stopped asking any more questions. But seeing these two guys finalize the battle plan in a few words, even a female like Mrs. Shui could feel a "professional" atmosphere.

I originally thought that Brother Bang was very fierce, but seeing that Brother Bang, who had always been mighty, behaved like a chicken in front of Master Qin, it was not difficult to guess that the origin of this concierge, Uncle Qin, was absolutely terrifying.

Murphy, who had been hiding in it and "peeping at the screen", nodded with satisfaction.

With a guy like Lao Qintou presiding over the frontal battlefield, he, a third-rate commander, finally no longer has to worry about micro-management.

Talent is the most important thing right now.

The Blood Eagle Clan has just been revived, and there are too few NPCs. Murphy is reluctant to waste the clan members he has carefully accumulated on saving other clans.

"Andre, give some of your assassins to my commander, Mr. Qin, for deployment."

Murphy turned back to the Earl of White Mountain beside him and said:

"Want the best Nightcrawlers, and I demand unconditional obedience."

"That's a little hard, Murphy, you know what we vampires are bad about."

Earl Baishan went down to give orders, and then said to Murphy:

"It's okay to let them obey the command, but they will not be convinced by a human being at the critical moment. What I mean is, if you like that commander, why not make him your heir? The heir of the Governor of Transia has a high enough status that he can Save yourself a lot of trouble.”

"That's only possible if people are willing."

The vampire lord complained:

"We, the Blood Eagle Clan, do not bully men and women or earn money for people to go to the mountains. You know, you and I will go into the valley to take a look later. We need to explain the situation to the leaders of the Blood Fear Clan first. If As you said, we vampires do have a lot of troublesome bad habits."


Earl Baishan nodded, then looked in the direction of the Black Flame Valley in the distance, and said to Murphy:

"What did Lord Heather say?"

"The female dwarf vampire said that we were looking for trouble for her, but she still sent a team of shield cavalry to assist us. There are about 200 people. With them, we don't have to worry about our defense line."

Murphy waved his hand and said:

"Just leave these things to Adele and Femis. My warriors have honed a system in war after war. They can do this by themselves without my intervention."

"Yes, your warriors make me extremely jealous. Even Mrs. Shani can see their potential."

Andre laughed and said:

"I hope there will be such warriors in my faction, so when I recruit them, don't do evil things in secret, I can pay for it."

"Hey, once you have money, you'll have a hard time talking about it."

Murphy teased.

The Earl of Baishan smiled and said nothing. It was obvious that the first installment of the dividends from Booty Bay really satisfied the Earl who wanted to prove himself.

Thirty minutes later, the players and the NPC army arrived at the outskirts of the trapped valley, and began to spread out and form temporary positions according to their previously prepared combat plan.

The hunters and assassins were all transferred to Master Qin. Brother Bang personally directed the players with small tubes to set up artillery positions on a high ground, while Brother Meow Meow and Uncle Fording led the warriors who charged into the battle. The caster psionicist Under the leadership of the eldest lady Femis, the state blessing and undead awakening are being carried out.

The most important healers were assigned to the Silver Moon Regiment and were commanded by Lady Water.

It's like a machine that is in the running-in period and starts to run slowly. Although the process is still a bit difficult, once it spins to the highest speed, any obstacle in the way will be ruthlessly crushed.

The newbies are not very accustomed to this group battle mode. For example, Brother Huozi wholeheartedly stays with his wife as her "guardian angel", but unfortunately he is just a Druid apprentice now and can't even transform into a bear. , so he was enlisted as cannon fodder under Brother Ming Miao.

Brother Yuan was holding a shield and walking around behind Lan Huahua. Lan Hua disliked him for being clumsy, but when she saw that Brother Yuan didn't even know how to hold the tower shield, Lan Hua had no choice but to step forward and help him as soon as possible. Master the correct use of this large shield.

But it can be seen from the strange smile on Brother Huozi's face that maybe Brother Yuan is pretending to be stupid on purpose. Hehe, when men pursue girls, their IQs are always comparable to Einstein's.

"The sharp knife platoon has set off, let's go too."

Murphy saw Master Qin leading a group of assassins and hunters toward the fog of war in the valley in a stealthy way. He immediately stood up and flapped his wings to take off.

Andre was unable to fly and refused Murphy's "air express" service, but the Earl of White Mountain was a nightwalker taught by Mrs. Shani herself. It was not a big problem to cross enemy positions shrouded in the fog of war in a stealth state.

So Murphy went first.

Relying on his terrifying flying speed and mastered shadow escape skills, it took him a few minutes to pass through the fog of war and enter the valley.

"There's something weird about this fog of war!"

After Murphy found that his perception was distorted and blocked by the fog, something bad arose in his heart.

This is not an ordinary fog of war. The Twilight Believers have added some other "things" to the fog, which has doubled its suppression of psychic perception. It is almost like a "large-scale silence zone."

But this could not stop Murphy's wings, especially with the precise navigation of the spiritual vulture Revno, he quickly found the position of the Blood Terror clan.

Then, Murphy was startled by the misery of this position.

The Blood Terror clan obviously planned to build a strong line of defense in the valley to ensure their survival in the black disaster. These guys made great efforts at the entrance of the valley. Unfortunately, it has been occupied by cultists. From a high altitude, I could see guys in black robes walking around on the damaged high walls.

There are humans, dwarves, and gnolls, as well as goats and other races that Murphy has never seen before. There are even strange centaur-like creatures holding war bows guarding the guard tower.

Dozens of Blood Terror members dressed as pirates were tied with ropes to the collapsed high wall. Those guys were hanging in the air in a miserable state, but they did not die but were shouting, using words that made Murphy blush when he heard them. Vulgar words were used to insult the Twilight believers, and a dedicated executioner was waving a whip to beat these guys.

This was obviously adding pressure to the recalcitrant vampire.

In the center of the valley, the ground that separated the two positions was plowed hard by something invisible.

Large tracts of soil turned up like an earth dragon turning over here. This is obviously some kind of strange tactic, but it is very useful, because in the traces of the soil, you can also see that the two positions of the Blood Terror Pirates were covered by this. Tear it apart in a brutal way.

The blood-dread pirates are still holding on.

But their situation was really bad. They had lost two-thirds of their valley position and now they could only huddle in the fortress in the deepest part of the valley.

This should also be a fortress left over from the previous Black Disaster War, occupied by the Blood Terror pirates.

The good news is that the fortress is strong, the bad news is that it seems to be on its last legs.

When Murphy fell, he could even see the purple filthy fire burning on the walls of the fortress. Ugly traces were all over the walls. They were traces left by some high-level magic. A few more burns would be enough to burn them down. The entire wall burned down.


The moment Murphy fell from the fog, more than twenty-seven guns and seven harpoons were aimed at him. A group of tired but still shouting and playing cards and playing old sea dogs stared at him with sinister eyes.

There was also a vampire pirate who was blind in one eye. He put his sword in front of his mouth and licked it with his tongue, deliberately showing a very perverted expression.

This seemingly evil but actually funny action made Murphy feel disgusted.

No, brother!

Your knife is rusty. You might as well wipe it before licking it. Isn’t it disgusting? I also suggest that you buy yourself some tetanus insurance in advance, but I don’t know how the welfare of your fleet is?

If you don't reimburse me, just pretend I didn't say anything.

"Get your leader out!"

Murphy did not fight back but pretended to be holding a staff and sword. After all, he came here as a messenger. At this time, he displayed the arrogance of the old blood clan Zhengheiyeqi and scolded expressionlessly:

"The Blood Terror clan has been exiled for 200 years, and the ancient traditions have been forgotten? Two nobles of the blood clan have come with the good intention of saving, why don't they come out to greet them? Do you think you are stupid for being a pirate? It's really a bit of a vampire. No shame!"


The perverted knife-licking seal glared at Murphy with a malicious look, spat rudely at his feet, and cursed:

"As expected, landlubbers can only talk big words and bullshit traditions! Although I am not a vampire, I still know that you were not so elegant when you exiled us, and now you come here to talk about traditions?

You bunch of bitches, who the hell would do that?"

"Well, I advise you to think carefully about what you are about to say, my overly rude countryman."

Andre's insidious voice was accompanied by the cold blade of the Gray Claw Sword pressed against the neck of the rude pirate. He who had looked fierce just now would immediately raise his hands.

The surrender posture is extremely standard, and you can see that it has been practiced for a long time.

"Well, the captain is playing with the first mate in the house. If you want to go, go alone. I don't dare to disturb his enjoyment."

The old sea dog whispered:

"This is the rule of our Blood Terror clan. It's different from you landlubbers on the shore. So, can you please keep your dangerous sword away? Look, I'm scared to death."

"How obscene!"

The Earl of White Mountain withdrew his sword with a look of disgust, and Murphy also comforted the astral wolf at his feet who was so fierce that the fur seals' scalps went numb.

He no longer paid attention to these silly things like changing faces and turning pages of a book, and walked towards the fortress room with Andre. Before he even got close, he heard a woman's harsh and undisguised scream and a man's low breathing inside.

This caused the two distinguished men to exchange glances.

They suddenly realized that their understanding of the Blood Terror clan still seemed to be 200 years ago.

Ah, 200 years is indeed enough time to change a lot of things.


The door opened, and a middle-aged vampire wearing a black pirate captain's hat and a beard leaned against the door with half a bottle of wine. He looked at the two luxuriously dressed compatriots in front of him. Behind him, he could see a naked man. The naked vampire woman wearing a pirate hat was walking to the balcony with a bed sheet on her back, not caring about the leak of her erotic beauty.

"I said, man, are you here to save me?"

The guy in front of me took a sip of wine and said drunkenly:

"How much is my dog's life worth? If it's too expensive, forget it. And this kind of thing must be agreed in advance to prevent you from defaulting on the bill later."

"Well before discussing this issue."

Murphy glanced below. He and Andre turned their heads in a gentlemanly manner and said:

"Can you put your pants on first? I understand, it's not your fault that the thing is small, sir, but it would be unseemly to let it parade around, don't you think?"

"Ha ha ha ha"

A large pack of unscrupulous seals laughed and whistled all around.

These bitches suddenly began to like this young vampire nobleman. Look, look at this little white-faced landlubber. He actually has a poisonous tongue that only a good man who fights in the sea can have. Look, the captain's face turned green with anger.

What a relief!

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