My life skills in Daming Liver

Chapter 678 It’s better to chase the poor bandits with the remaining brave men

As Mu Changzuo was the former Duke of Guizhou, Southeast did not restrict his freedom. He could still see his old troops and subordinates.

He is now also a representative of Yunnan's Constitutional Assembly. As a representative of the Constitutional Assembly, he naturally has to accept local public opinion, so it is more justified.

Mu Changzuo could only lament that this was Southeast's self-confidence, which allowed him, an "old minister of the former dynasty," to live a life.

The person who came to visit Mu Changzuo today was Hou Guangyu, the head of the bodyguard of the Duke of Guizhou at that time. Now this hereditary member of a thousand households has joined the Southeast Army and is about to go to Xuzhou.

This time when he visited his old boss before traveling, Hou Guangyu also made a plan, hoping that Mu Changzuo could take care of his family if he died in battle.

After hearing Hou Guangyu's intention, Mu Changzuo immediately agreed: "Has your son already entered school?"

Hou Guangyu said respectfully: "My family has wanted to have a scholar for generations, but due to military restrictions, now Quanzi can finally go to school. He is still somewhat talented in reading. Even if he works in a factory as a bookkeeper in the future, , it’s better than me working on the front line like this.”

Mu Changzuo nodded slightly. He thought of his childhood dream, wanting to get rid of the shackles of his family and travel around the world. However, in the end, he inherited the title of Duke of Guizhou, fell into the struggle for power within the family, and almost turned against his father.

Thinking that he was no longer restricted, Mu Changzuo thought about waiting until the Constituent Assembly was over, then giving up his identity as a representative of the Constituent Assembly and traveling around the world.

Mu Changzuo nodded and agreed: "I have taken note of your son's affairs."

Hou Guangyu said: "Thank you so much, Mr. Guo!"

Mu Changzuo helped Hou Guangyu up and said, "I'm not in the mood to kowtow now. You should remember this when you are in the army in the future and don't kowtow all the time."

Hou Guangyu still said respectfully: "Master Guo, do you think we, Southeast and Daming, are going to fight in the end?"

Mu Changzuo had experienced many political events. Of course he knew that it was impossible for Southeast and the Ming Dynasty to have real peace talks. All this was just for the people of the world to see.

Nowadays, through telegraph technology, the process of daily peace talks is clearly published in newspapers, which allows all the people in the southeast to see the hypocrisy of the Ming court. Gradually, even old officials of the Ming court such as Mu Changzuo are beginning to express their disapproval of the Ming court. He lost his favor and thought that Ming Ting was just delaying time.

As the progress of the peace talks was further reported, in the newspapers sent to Shandong, the soldiers and civilians of Shandong also saw that the Ming court had no intention of peace talks at all, and all it did was delay time.

Shanhao insisted on the three "bottom lines" and did not accept the opinions put forward by Xu Wei at all. It was not like a peace negotiation at all.

This also made Shandong soldiers and civilians see the hypocrisy of Ming Ting and hated them even more.

When Shan Hao first learned about the newspaper, he was shocked. He quickly stopped the negotiation and returned to Jeju City to meet Li Chengliang.

"General! This negotiation cannot continue!"

Li Chengliang said with some confusion: "It was Mr. who proposed the negotiation to delay the time that day. Why do you want to stop the negotiation now?"

Li Chengliang was actually quite satisfied with the negotiations. The Ming court's troops still needed to be mobilized and supplies needed to be gathered in Shandong. A war with such a large number of people required too many things, and no matter how much time was given, they still felt that the preparations were not sufficient.

Therefore, Li Chengliang still hoped that Shanhao could continue to delay the negotiations, but he did not expect that Shanhao would take the initiative to stop the negotiations.

Shanhao said anxiously: "General, we can't talk anymore! If we talk any more, the world's hearts will be lost!"

Shanhao first said: "I don't know what magic tricks the Southeast thieves used. They published the daily negotiations in newspapers. Now everyone knows that we are not negotiating sincerely. Now the people's hearts have fallen on the side of the Southeast thieves! "

Shanhao finished speaking first, and Li Chengliang said nonchalantly: "At this point, it doesn't matter what the people's sentiments are. As long as we can have more time to prepare for war, it will be good."

Shanhao was about to open his mouth to continue admonishing, but Li Chengliang took his hand and said:

"Sir, our Ming Dynasty is not ready yet. Shanxi's army has not yet been transferred to Shandong. There are still a lot of supplies in the capital waiting to be transported. I would like to ask you to delay for a while."

Shanhao asked first: "Didn't the transportation of supplies from the capital begin long ago? Why haven't they been completed yet?"

Li Chengliang said angrily: "It's not those factories in the capital! Since I left the capital, there have been strikes in several arsenals in the capital. There have also been strikes to varying degrees in the capital's water transport and Shandong water transport. I have ordered people to suppress them. But even if these workers don’t go on strike, they are still acting in disguise, and the transportation of materials is very slow.”

"I have ordered Rubai, who is staying in the capital, to arrest Yan Jun, the leader of the strike, and kill a few more strike organizers to scare these workers!"

Li Chengliang took his son Li Rusong with him on this expedition, leaving his second son Li Rubai to take charge of the logistics work in the capital.

In fact, the last time Li Rubai failed to promote currency reform in the capital, his score in Li Chengliang's heart dropped sharply, but Li Rusong's performance in Liaodong was even worse, and Li Chengliang now had no one available to him.

Li Chengliang himself had very little foundation in the capital, and the officials in the capital were more afraid of him. His act of disbanding the Sixth Section Metropolitan Procuratorate also offended the Juche Qingliu faction of civil servants. Therefore, when Li Chengliang left the capital and went to the front, he had to leave a confidant behind. People stayed in the capital.

This time when he went to Shandong, Li Chengliang also brought a large number of officials from the capital to prevent them from constraining him after he left.

The only one who can do this at this time is Li Rubai.

However, since the failure of the last currency reform, Li Rubai has also suffered a big blow, and he has become cautious in doing things. He has to send someone to report everything to Li Chengliang and ask for Li Chengliang's decision.

This strike in several large military workshops in the capital was a strike under the leadership of Yan Jun. Because these workshops were related to frontline logistics issues, Li Rubai did not dare to handle them without authorization and sent someone to ask Li Chengliang for his opinion.

But as time went by, several more days were delayed. Now the water transport was also on strike, and Li Chengliang sent the army to take over, which wasted a lot of time.

Therefore, he needs Shanhao to negotiate the delay first.

Shanhao Xian's mood became even heavier. Ming Ting's appearance was a prelude to the collapse of the building.

But he had no choice but to bite the bullet and continue to go to the front line to argue with Xu Wei. The two sides talked in silence for three days.

After this period of reporting, it is now clear to both sides that Ming Ting's negotiations were insincere and were purely for delaying time. This allowed those who had pinned their hopes on completing unification without a war to see the reality clearly.

In early May, Su Ze published an article in a newspaper, calling for a final battle against the Ming Dynasty. As the saying goes - "It is better to use the remaining courage to chase the poor bandits, not to use the name of the academic overlord!"

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