My life skills in Daming Liver

Chapter 645 How many soldiers does the Pope have?

The fifth year of the New Calendar, the third year of the Wanli Calendar, December 24, 1567 AD.

This has not been a comfortable year for the King of Spain.

First of all, it was the resistance of the Netherlands. The despicable Prince of Orange violated the sacred contract of being loyal to the monarch as a noble and led the mud-legged people of the Netherlands to resist the king's tax collectors and inquisitors, setting off a uprising in the Netherlands. Protracted resistance.

As a defender of Catholicism, the King of Spain naturally immediately sent mercenaries to suppress it. Port cities such as Amsterdam were helpless in the face of the Spanish fleet. However, the Prince of Orange led the rebels to retreat into the countryside and provided tenacious resistance to the mercenaries. They brought greater casualties, and Spain's military expenditures were rising rapidly.

Another headache comes from America.

For a long time, Spain regarded the Americas as the biggest pearl in its colonial career. The fleets in the Americas maintained a huge kingdom, providing massive amounts of gold and spices for the enjoyment of kings and nobles.

But now in the New World, Spain also encountered competitors.

Queen Elizabeth of England issued privateering licenses to the so-called "free navigators", and British pirates began to frantically rob Spanish "treasure ships" brought back to the country. This greatly affected the speed of blood transfusions in the American colonies to the Spanish mainland.

And more Spanish fleets need to perform escort missions, and merchant ships need to gather together before they can set off in a unified manner, which slows down the pace of trade in the entire New World.

These damn Protestants!

The King of Spain cursed.

With two bottomless pits of money to deal with at the same time, Spain's losses in the Far East are not that important in comparison.

The loss of the Manila colony was but a trivial matter in the eyes of the Spanish king.

The East has a powerful fleet, advanced artillery and muskets, which are still too far away for the monarchs of Europe.

Can that big Eastern country still reach Europe? The first people to fear were the Ottomans.

The King of Spain decisively gave up on the development of the East. Anyway, Spain's investment in the East was far less than that of Portugal. It angered that big Eastern country and affected Spain's purchase of tea and silk. It was really not worth the loss.

The King of Spain decided to give up his pioneering and missionary work in the East, recalled all missionaries and government employees, and ordered all Spanish captains and commanders not to mess with Eastern ships.

Next came the letters between relatives.

In Hungary, the Habsburg family once again blocked the Ottoman attack, but this time it was good luck. During the expedition, Suleiman the Magnificent, who had terrorized Europe for more than half a century, finally died.

Suleiman the Magnificent died on the front line. In order to rush back to the castle as soon as possible for the succession ceremony of the new emperor, the Ottomans hurriedly withdrew the army that surrounded Vienna, and finally signed an armistice agreement with the Habsburg family.

This is undoubtedly good news for the European continent. The Ottomans' bloody inheritance system will inevitably cause domestic chaos. It is impossible for the Ottomans to continue to attack the European continent in the next few years.

As a relative, Philip II was sincerely happy for the Vienna family. The Austro-Hungarian Empire had driven away the Ottomans and could continue to hold back the French. Tomorrow, diplomats could be sent to the French court to warn France not to interfere in the uprising in the Netherlands. .

The King of Spain picked up another letter from the table.

This is a beautiful letter. This kind of pure white paper can only be produced in the East today. Any moisture during transportation will cause the paper to lose its pure whiteness, so this kind of paper often needs to be sealed in porcelain filled with tea leaves. Transported from the East with great care.

Even so, only less than one-fifth of the paper can maintain its pure white color and be transported back to Europe. The high transportation costs make this kind of paper very precious in Europe.

The seal on the white paper showed that it was a letter from the Holy See.

This is a letter from Pius V.

Known for his firm moral stance, the pope brokered the formation of the Holy Alliance against the Ottomans (France did not join).

After reading the Pope's letter, Philip II had a splitting headache.

The letter from Pius V asked the King of Spain to cooperate with the Pope and ban the spread of basically Eastern books in Europe.

Among them, the "New Calendar of Time" written by the new ruler of the East was listed by the Pope as the highest level of banned books. All books circulating in Europe were required to be burned, and the captains who brought this book back to Europe were severely punished.

Along with this book, the book listed as heretical by the Vatican was "Heliocentric Theory" written by Copernicus decades ago.

Philip II had a headache. Who was Copernicus? Copernicus was just a priest and doctor. Although his "Heliocentric Theory" was published, not many people read it as an astronomy book. If it was banned, it would be banned. .

Who is Su Ze?

The Central Plains is the overlord of the Far East with a powerful fleet, and it is the golden country that controls the production of luxury goods in the entire European continent.

Moreover, the "New Calendar of Time" was brought back by the navigators and merchants on their own initiative, and it quickly spread across Europe.

This book is not only an introduction to astronomy, but also an accurate calendar, which is far more advanced than the calendar and time telling methods currently used in Europe!

An advanced set of calendars and timing books were extremely useful to navigators, and timing books could also guide agricultural production. The popularity of this book was entirely because it was so important.

How many soldiers does your Pope have? Do you dare to ban the burning of books written and published by Eastern rulers?

Even though this book also talks about heliocentrism, you can't ban this important book just because of this problem, right?

In fact, even a devout believer like Philip II didn't care whether it was heliocentric or geocentric. The increasingly conservative Vatican actually issued such a crazy order. Philip II could only pretend that the letter had not been received.

Other monarchs in Europe also received the same letter, and their choice was the same as Philip II. It was impossible to ban the books of the Eastern philosopher king, and no one wanted to lose Eastern commodities.

As for Copernicus's book, it has not been published anyway, so I can just show it to the Holy See for a casual look.

Su Ze also didn't expect that an introductory book on celestial bodies he wrote for his country would be widely disseminated in the European continent, becoming a recognized timing standard throughout the continent, and accelerating the spread of the "Heliocentric Theory."

The Holy See was very angry about this, but there are indeed many problems with the European calendar today. In the history before Su Ze's time travel, when the next Pope Gregorius took office in 1582, the Pope implemented the Gregorian calendar, which became Later Gregorian calendar.

Pius V was very angry and organized the church to start compiling a new calendar in an attempt to prove the error of the Eastern calendar and thereby overturn the heliocentric part of the book.

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