My life skills in Daming Liver

Chapter 596 Summary of the Battle of Suiyang

Chen Yiqin looked at the desk full of documents and was so bored that he could hardly eat.


His son Chen Yubi walked into the study carrying food. Chen Yiqin was finally willing to add some porridge and broth. After finishing eating, Chen Yiqin sighed and said:

"The Ming Dynasty is going to die!"

These days, Chen Yiqin wrote to the Ming court almost every day, asking the court to support Henan.

In order to ask for support, Chen Yiqin endured the humiliation and endured the heavy burden. However, the final attitude of both the Ming court and Shaanxi was to ask for military supplies if they did not have them. The most they could do was to provide some military supplies.

But when Chen Yiqin got hold of these military supplies, he found that they were all outdated blunderbuss and old Franco cannons, and the gunpowder was also damp black powder.

The price of food in Kaifeng has skyrocketed, dignitaries are everywhere fleeing, and there is an endless stream of convoys heading north.

These are the tycoons of Henan, the corrupt officials, the tyrants who oppress the people, and the military leaders who rob the people of their lives. These people are afraid that the New Army from the Southeast will come over and liquidate them, so they sell their property and flee northward.

But the normal squires and people in Henan were very calm, and some places were even secretly ready to "welcome the King."

When things got to this point, Chen Yiqin lowered his head and asked the Ming court and Shaanxi for reinforcements, because the whole of Henan had no will to fight at all.

"Father, how about I go to Shaanxi personally and ask my father-in-law to send troops to Henan? Guanzhong and Henan are both integrated. If Henan is lost, Shaanxi cannot be saved."

Chen Yiqin shook his head and said: "Guo Pu had already replied to his father last time, saying that banditry was rampant in northern Shaanxi. He was leading the army to suppress the bandits there and could not send any soldiers to support us."

Chen Yubi lowered his head. The suppression of bandits was not as important as the war in Henan. This was because Guo Pu did not want to send troops to Henan.

Chen Yiqin sighed and said:

"Everyone in the Ming Dynasty is frightened by the firepower from the southeast. In fact, they don't know that now is the best time to counterattack Suiyang."

"The ammunition the Southeast thieves invested in Suiyang in a few days is equivalent to the output of our Henan Artillery Factory in two years. I don't believe that the Southeast thieves can replenish such a large amount of ammunition immediately. Even if it can be produced, it must be able to Transport it to the front line!"

"If you use the Southeast bandit's fighting style, why don't you attack Suiyang immediately? Isn't it because of insufficient ammunition and waiting for supplies from the rear?"

Chen Yubi nodded quickly. Although Chen Lin, the commander of the Southeast Army, was a cautious person, he still did not advance on a large scale despite such a great advantage. It is very likely that the ammunition in the Southeast was not enough as his father said.

"The Southeast bandits rely too much on artillery to fight, and are not as brave as our soldiers. Moreover, the Suiyang artillery battle almost destroyed all the city defenses in Suiyang. At this time, we gather our troops to attack Suiyang. As long as we can defeat the Southeast bandits' victorious strategy Myth, then my Ming Dynasty will still have a chance."

Chen Yiqin said sadly: "Now Ming Dynasty has no chance!"

After Chen Yiqin finished speaking, his son Chen Yubi remained silent.

On the Suiyang front line, as Chen Yiqin said, in the Battle of Suiyang, all the ammunition that Xuzhou had accumulated for two years was used up.

Chen Lin had never thought that fighting would be so expensive, and the Battle of Suiyang he commanded was the battle that consumed the most artillery shells in Southeast Asia in a single battle. The entire five positions of Suiyang were plowed. , and the Suiyang city wall was completely destroyed.

After capturing Xia Suiyang, Chen Lin did not dare to neglect, and did not even dare to enter Suiyang City. Instead, he repaired fortifications outside Suiyang City, fearing a counterattack by the Ming army.

However, the Ming army's courage had obviously been broken, and the new Ming army had not come to support, which allowed Chen Lin to relax.

However, the problem of insufficient ammunition has not been solved. The arsenal in Nanjing is working overtime to produce. Even if the artillery and shells are produced, Suiyang will not be able to come for a while.

Chen Lin still misses the railway in Xuzhou. If railways could be laid across the country, this battle would be much easier to fight.

But this is just a thought. Just building the Xuzhou Railway has cost Southeast Asia so much manpower and material resources. If the railway is to be laid across the country, I am afraid that I will not see such a scene before I die.

Now that Chen Lin's army was unable to advance due to lack of ammunition, it could only hold a combat summary meeting and send the tactical summary of the Suiyang Battle to Nanjing.

Li Yangong took the report and made his own summary of the battle to the brigade staff:

"In this Battle of Suiyang, the artillery of our Ding'an Regiment also exposed many problems."

"The coordination of infantry and artillery was inconsistent. One hour after firing, one-fifth of the artillery overheated due to improper artillery operation. They had to cool down before firing, and three artillery nearly exploded."

"This is caused by our insufficient number of actual gun training and being too nervous on the battlefield."

Chen Lin rubbed her head. The frontline artillery shells were so short, and there was not enough actual artillery training.

Li Yangong continued: "Based on the prisoners' records, we also analyzed the new artillery."

"The new artillery shells used this time first ignited the fuse of the artillery shell, and then fired it from the artillery. The artillery shells filled with explosives would explode on the ground or in the air, causing huge damage to the soldiers in the enemy trenches."

"Although the number of new artillery shells was small, it caused huge damage to the Ming army. It also made the Ming army change color when they heard the sound of our artillery, which damaged the morale of the enemy army."

"However, the new fuse shells also have the following problems."

"There are more dumb bombs. The sparks of these shells are extinguished while flying and the shells fail to explode, so the lethality is not as good as solid shells."

"According to our investigation, this kind of artillery shell explodes when it is about to hit the ground, and it has the greatest lethality. The artillery shell explodes in mid-air, and the flying shrapnel can cause effective damage, which is much more powerful than the explosion when it falls on the ground."

"And the fuses of our shells are too long, so most of the shells explode after they hit the ground, and their power is much smaller."

Chen Lin nodded immediately and recorded all these contents. The Ministry of Industry attaches great importance to feedback on new weapons, because the people who use these weapons are frontline commanders, and they know best whether the weapons are useful or not.

Li Yangong continued: "Our artillery is too bulky, and my subordinates suggested that we classify the artillery according to its weight and leave the heavier artillery on the position, instead of mechanically classifying it according to its caliber."

"Some of the small-caliber artillery in our army are old and heavy. They were greatly hindered in this artillery battle that required maneuvering. The artillery moved forward not with the fastest artillery, but with the fastest artillery. Depends on which gun is moving the slowest."

"The heavy artillery stays in the rear, and the light artillery moves with the infantry. This is a reasonable organization method."

Chen Lin nodded repeatedly and said, "Go on!"

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